Welcome to the MyFamilyLaw Celebrity Divorce Blog! 0

The MyFamilyLaw Celebrity Divorce Blog was the first feature of the MyFamilyLaw.com website to go “live” in 2007. The purpose of the MyFamilyLaw Celebrity Divorce Blog is to use celebrity divorce and family law cases as familiar scenarios about which we can explain the underlying legal issues. The MyFamilyLaw Celebrity Divorce Blog’s purpose is not to make light of celebrity divorce, custody or other family law issues (there are plenty of print and web sources that do that). Even CNN and CourtTV frequently gloss over important facts in celebrity divorce cases.

MyFamilyLaw’s writers are actual lawyers, some of whom have had extensive experience with high net worth, high profile, and even celebrity divorces. And while we will never write about a case we are working on we can guarantee a unique perspective on the cases we’re observing in the media and in our own neighborhoods. So, read on…and feel free to tell us what you think!
