Income and Tax Calculator: Figure your and your spouse’s income after alimony, support, and taxes. Ask “what if” about tax decisions involving alimony, support, claiming exemptions, paying the mortgage, paying child care, and more.
Property Division Calculator: Figure a property division you can live with. You enter a proposed settlement for each spouse’s home, cars, cash, pension, mortgage, and other debts. Then see how close you are to your desired overall percentage split.
“Alimony Buyout” Calculator: See what one-time “alimony buyout” will cover a proposed series of alimony payments. Monthly Payment Calculator. See what monthly alimony payment has a value equal to a proposed “alimony buyout” property settlement.
Sale of Home Calculator: Estimate how much money each party will keep after a sale of your home, assuming favorable tax treatment.
Alimony Recapture Calculator: See whether your proposed alimony payments will have to be “recaptured” and reported as income under the tax rules.