Arkansas Public Departments and Services 5

In: Arkansas

Family Law Links and Resources for the State of Arkansas

Arkansas State Government Family Resources

Arkansas Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA):

CASA is a program where trained court appointed volunteers represent the best interest of an abused or neglected child for whom a placement is being determined by the juvenile court. A CASA volunteer acts as a fact finder of the child’s best interest, providing a judge with valuable information on the child to help the court make a sound decision about the child’s future.

Arkansas Commission on Child Abuse, Rape and Domestic Violence

Arkansas Department of Health

Arkansas Legislative Code and Statute Search

Arkansas Judiciary (Courts)

  • Child Support Guidelies: The Arkansas Child Support Guidelines gives information on Administrative Orders, Support Charts & Affidavits
  • Juvenile Division: The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) Juvenile Division is involved in many projects relating to children and families. Ongoing projects include drafting rules, forms, and sample orders; providing continuing legal education opportunities, training and technical assistance; coordinating grants to improve court practices; and providing ongoing funding and support to local CASA volunteer programs and attorneys to represent the best interests of children in abuse and neglect cases.
  • Circuit Courts: Circuit courts are general jurisdiction trial courts. Effective January 1, 2002, circuit courts shall consist of five subject matter divisions: criminal, civil, probate, domestic relations, and juvenile
  • Circuit Clerk Directory: The Circuit Clerks are responsible for records on land (deeds, liens (State and Federal), mortgage, real estate, material men’s liens, surveys, plats) as well as Juvenile, military discharge, felony cases filed, civil lawsuits filed, domestic relations, protective orders, divorces, child support cases, collecting child support and UCC (uniform Commercial Code) financial statements. These courts also hear petitions to be recognized as a pauper.

Arkansas Bar Association


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