In its broadest interpretation, the term “guardian” is used to refer to parents, whether biological or adoptive or other legal custodians of children. However, there are actually several different types of guardianship, some of which can be awarded while the parental rights remain in tact.
A Guardian Ad Litem for example, refers to a person (typically an attorney) who is charged with representing the child’s best interest during a legal proceeding. The attorney is separate from any counsel representing the other parties so that there is no conflict of interest. The Guardian Ad Litem’s authority ends when the legal proceedings are over.
A Guardian of the Estate (or Conservator) is a person designated by the court to oversee the child’s financial matters. This person may be the parent or primary guardian or it may be an unbiased third party such as an accountant or attorney. The Guardian of the Estate is responsible for making sure that the child’s money and/or property is properly managed. This is commonly found in the case of child celebrities where the child makes considerably more than the parents and/or the parents’ management of the assets have come into question.
The Guardian of the Estate’s authority lasts until the court deems it is no longer necessary.
A Guardian of the Person would be responsbile for handling everything outside of the child’s property and finances. This person would be responsible for making decisions about medical care, education and other factors and events that would effect the child’s life. In the example of a child celebrity as used above, the Guardian of the Person might be the parents while an accountant might be given the title of Guardian of the Estate.
Plenary Guardianship is perhaps the closest legal definition for the rights and responsibilities that are naturally assumed with parenthood. A Plenary Guardian oversees both the “person” as well as the “estate” meaning that they make just about all the decisions on the child’s behalf. The only limitation to this type of guardianship would be a condition that was stipulated by the court.
An Emergency Guardian is just what it sounds like – a person who is awarded guardianship in an emergency situation. This might be a foster parent, an attorney, a relative or other adult who is given the responsibility of caring and supervising the child until a long-term guardian can be appointed. This type of guardian is typically called in when the child’s immediate welfare is at stake, such as when parental abuse is suspected.
An Interim Guardian is a temporary guardian designated by the courts until a permanent or replacement guardian can be found. A good example of an interim guardian would be a foster parent.
A Limited Guardian is one who is given authority over a specific aspect of the child’s life but nothing else. An example of this type of guardianship would be where the parents oppose certain medical proceedings and/or testing but the court decides the procedures would be in the child’s best interest. In this case, they might designate a physician to be a Limited Guardian with respect to the child’s medical care. The parents still maintain all other forms of guardianship but in this instance, the Limited Guardian would have the final say on matters relating to medical treatment.
These different types of guardianship can be mixed and matched to suit the specific needs of the child in question. In addition, two people can share one or more types of guardianship for a child. In this instance, the parties would be known as “co-guardians“.
A 13 year old has two divorced parents with joint custody. Can the mother legally assign guardianship to her brother and sister-in-law because she is metally ill and cannot handle the day to day responsibilities but still wants to remain an active parent?? Just a side note: her father is a jobless, alcoholic/perscription drug addict who, at 48. still lives with his mother and brothers.
In Ohio both natural parents have to consent, UNLESS your court or social services finds a parent unfit, or unwilling to care for their child. With guardinaship here in Ohio, basically the guardian is in charge of the visits. The guardian can choose to have a libereal vistation with the parents, an agreed upon visitation schedule, or at a miniumum follow a standard vistation; like the ones for divorced parents in your state. The guardian can also terminate a visit if they feel the child is in danger, a parent is high on drugs, drunk, etc.
Just because the child my be in the custody of a guardian it does NOT release the parents from financially supoorting the child nor does it release the parents from communicating with them either
so if we have legal guardianship of a child and want to pursue adoption how would that work
We live in CA and I have a very related question. We have had custody of C since his birth over two years ago, and have been his legal guardians since he was 2 weeks old. His mother consents to adoption and I think we could easily get the absentee father’s rights terminated via CA Probate Code 1516.5. The county is paying us monthly for his support which would end if we adopt him, but we can’t afford the $5,000 plus in adoption fees so wouldn’t it save the county money in the long run just to waive the fees and not have to continue paying us over $400 a month the next 16 years. So my question is where can legal guardians get legal and or financial assistance with pursuing adoption? It’s dumb if we can’t adopt just cause we can’t afford to pay the county $5,000 to let them to stop paying us $446 a month for the next 16 years.
Are you relate to the child? Sometimes certain states allows a relative by birth (even in the event of divorces or death) to file directly in their court. Contact your local court and ask how you can file. Also, have you ever heard of Adoption Subsidy Title IV-E? It is both a federal and state ran program. IF you can get the adoption subsidy, they will reimburse 100% of all of your out of pocket expenses related to the adoption, atleast they did 13 years ago. Just google it and read, read, read, sometimes you can actually download your states subsidy program (pdf file). Also, in addition to the reimbursement you will also recieve a monthly check for subsidy for the child until they turn 18 or 21 if their is a an impairment. I honeslty do not know all the rules, since they have changed over the years. Once you are in, you are in, and your family income is not “a means for test” so do not include it in any of your paperwork they ask you to fill out, where it ask your financial info, write “not a means”. You can contact your county social services afdotion department and ask them about the adoption subsidy. Ask them to mail you a packet and the documents you need to fill out to file BEFORE you apply to adopt. They will, like all counties do, try to give you the run around and ask questions. Give them simple short sweet direct.answers. The Title IV-E Adoption Subsidy will also keep medical coverage over the children being adopted until they are 18, there are also other “programs” within the program itself. The program from what I understand was set up to get children out of foster care, etc to give children a permanent home.
when you have legal guardianship of a child and you move to another state if the judge sends you a letter stating the case is closed and you need to apply for guardianship in the state your in now does it mean you are no longer guardian
my parents(my kid’s grandparents) just filed an emergency gaurdianship of my 3 girls. i found out on an accident on-line. her reason for this is she found something to hold over me after years of looking for something to have my kids in her custody. What r my rights and what r theirs? I appreciate any advice, I’m desperate to be with my kids. I havn’t seen my girls in almost a month. Thank you for your time
Lisa Wytcherley
lisa you know why they did it. not to hold anything over you. because they had no other choice.
Lisa, your MOM had no right to do what she did, I went thru something similiar and I know exactly HOW you feel
I was just granted primary guardianship of my two kids and I was woundering what it ment….? Can she come and take the kids whenever she wants or dose it all have to go through me first??
Can my sister in law who is 18 get guardianship of her younger brothers 13 and 16. Their mother kicked both boys out. They are living with their sister who is living with her boyfriend. My father in law passed 2 years ago and the mother receives social security benefits for both boys. She told her daughter that she will not release any of the checks to her or the boys. They all live in Pennsylvania. She wants her brothers to live with her legally.
Using somebody else’s social security benefits is fraud, and a federal crime, although the mom will probably not get prosecuted. The daughter should notify the social security office that the boys are living with her and that she wants to be the payee for their SS benefits. She will need to prove in some way that they are living there, but she may not need to have guardianship.
The sister should go to the county courthouse to get help filing for guardianship. If the mom kicked them out it should not be too hard to prove that she’s an unfit parent.
I live in Mississippi and I have a two year old son. His father is alive and have a court order to pay child support we are not married. I was wondering could I fix it so that my mother get legal guardianship of my son if I become unable to see to him or if I die before he become legal of age.
If you’ve had two children physically for two years, they’ve lived with you, in the state you lived (Seattle Wa.) you’ve been solely responsible for the children’s clothes, food, shelter, health and schooling, with no help from either father of the children, with the mother of the children being deceased. How do you obtain guardianship? Before the children came to me, no one had established guardianship of the children. And no one still has legal guardianship or custody of the children. The relationship to the children would be great aunt and the grandmother was who brought them to me, asking for help.
My situation is similar but in my case, dead beat parents. Neither one of them wants to raise their children. The father is too cheap to lift a finger and mother is young and stupid. So my family, the girls grandparents, aunts and uncle have been raising them for the last 4 yrs. What can we do to get premenant custody of them?
Please read what I replied to Veronica since your situation is pretty much the same. Good Luck!
If it were me I’d contact my local court house. Just ask them how to obtain guardianship. I did a google search “Seattle Washington where do I file for guardianship” and the links came up for you to download the paper work, or you can go into your courthouse and get a packet, get an extra one “just in case” . Here in Ohio I not only prepared the documents I also filed them myself, with no lawyer. The only fee I had to pay was the guardianship fee, and no I do not have a college degree in anything. I have had guardianships over 2 children. The first one was over 15 years ago, and we adopted her. Just recently this year we obtained guardianship of another child. We also plan on adopting him. With a guardianship a parent can crawl out of the woodwork 10 years later and legally get them back back dissolving your guardianship through court. My court social worker recently told me about a family that had guardianship of a baby girl since the child was only 3 weeks old. The mother came forwars after 13 1/2 years and decided she wanted her child back. The worker informed me even though neither biological parent ever visited, communicated, or supported the child in any way sahep or form for all that time the guardians were forced to reunite the child and mother, and the mother was ultimately given custody back of the child, stripping the guardianship. It was BECAUSE the guradians did not adopt the little girl. In Ohio, with consent of the parents adoption can be filed after a child has lived in your home for 6 months. WithOUT consent the child has to live with you for a year. Look up your state adoption laws! Again, her in Ohio consent is NOT needed if the biological parent does not communicate or support their child for one full year from the time of LEGAL placement; which means from the time you obtain guardianship/custody, etc. Power of Attorney is not a legal placement. Most states offer kinship care which is can help for financial help. Hopefully this helps you.
In addition, BEFORE you file for adoption you should check out the (Federal and State) Adoption Subsidy Title IV-E. Your personal income does not matter, don’t include it. Even if you don’t want the subsidy, you can always put it in a bank account for the children for when they reach adulthood, a college fund, etc. It is an awesome program and great for when you need that help.
If I have guardianship, does that mean I also have custody? I live in Arizona.
yes, but parental rights and responsibilities are not totally gone. Meaning they can still visit and communicate and it’s still their financially supoort their child. If they don’t do it for a year (my state laws, yours should be simular) than you can adopt the child terminating any chance of them getting their child back
Ive been divorced for several years I have two children who are not my exes kids and they stayed at his house for 9 months because I was homeless. Now I have a home but my kids want to stay with him. What if anything can he do to keep my kids. Plse contact me ASAP. Thanks
what type of gaurdianship would i be using to have my older daughter have gaudianship to her sister. she is enrolling in a school district and as parents we do not reside in the district, therefore she is ineligibily to participate in the sports program for 180 days.
I have a 15 year old brother and my father is a widower. I’m 23 and want to have enough legal right to enroll him in school and make important decisions without needing my father to be there. I’m not trying to get full custody but I want to be able to help my dad when he can’t be around. any ideas?
Are there any laws that state my parents can have limited guardianship of my two children for school purposes only and attend school from their address, but still reside with me?
I know of NO school district that will allow that. School districts get there funding from people (tax payers) that live within their district. Other wise everyone would do this. I would have been the first in line too! Instead, you either have to send your children to school within the school district in which you live, a private school, or move into the district you want your child to attend. If you already live within the school district but want your children to attend a school other than what you have been assigned, call the school district and ask for a transer. For example, I live in the “x” school ditrict of Ohio. My child is assigned to school “y” but I want her to attend school “a” because it’s a better school. All I had to do was request an inner district transfer.
I live in Alabama and I wanted to know a little about getting guardianship of a two year old with out going to court. I keep her all ready! I need guardianship to send her to school and if anything happens to her while in my hands.Could I have a paper wrote up in front of a notary and would that be legal to do what I am asking?
no such thing that I am aware of. You must go to court for a guardianship, You may be thinking of some type of Power of attorney, which are only recognized in an emergency situation for medical care. I actually had pwer of attorney of a child this year and thats how I discovered I had to have an actual guardianship. In order to enroll her in school the childs parents must do that, unless you gain legal guardianship through a court. Are the parents of the child involved in the childs life? If so, they need to follow through with their responsibilities and if not apply for a guardianship
Similar situation to Ellen- My 15 y/o and I have been blessed with a great father and companion. He has helped with raising her since she was 11 y/o and for the first time she knows how it feels to have a father. Her biological paternal donor has not been in her life since she was 1 1/2 y/o- He does not have a legal job and does drugs. We would both like to have my boyfriend be a guardian- we cannot locate her biological father- he has joint legal custody- IN case anything should happen to me, she wants to be with her dad (my boyfriend)- can I do this?
boyfriends can’t be legal guardians. As a matter of fact until you are married he has no legal standing any where that I know of. If you are married he can adopt her. In Ohio you would not need consent of the father since he basically walked away from her. 1 year of no contact, no support. Hope this helps
I have a friend who wants me to take and raise her baby to be born in febuary we need to get guardianship the father and mother both agreed to sign whatever needs to be sign. They just dont want to give up their prental rights so what do I do.
Call your local court and find out, or look it up online. Google your city name and state, where to file guardianship. Most likely you’ll be able to downlaod the paperwork needed from your courts website. Guardianship does not strip them of their rights, but it also does not strip them of their financial responsibility either. If they chose to do either for a year after you obtain guardianship you most likely can adopt the child without their consent.
In addition, I wanted to say my court social worker recently told me about a family that had guardianship of a baby girl since the child was only 3 weeks old. The mother came forwars after 13 1/2 years and decided she wanted her child back. The worker informed me even though neither biological parent ever visited, communicated, or supported the child in any way shape or form for all that time the guardians were forced to reunite the child and mother, and the mother was ultimately given custody back of the child, stripping the guardianship. It was BECAUSE the guradians did not adopt the little girl. SO please protect yourself and the baby!!!!
I’m guardian of four kids n right now i don’t get that much income.the mother and father were put on child support but only one is paying child support for his three kids which is not enough and the mother is not paying anything because she refuse to get a job because she knows she has to pay and the oldest child is not the son of my brother so he does not not recieve any support and because he is not any relative to me i can not get any other support for him how can i get support for him from his mom and for the other three kids
I’d like to obtain legal guardianship of my 14-year-old brother (I’m 39). His mother and our father will consent. We live in different states–should I file in the state I live in, or in my brother’s (and his parent’s) state? Also, is it helpful to have him live with me before I file for guardianship? I am just afraid of pulling him out of school before he is eligible to attend school in my town. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
If a 17 year old child lives in Kansas, and his father works in a different state, and comes back to Kansas every weekend, the child having a divorced mother who lives even further away, and stays with his father on the weekends. Can he legally stay with his aunt and uncle (not a guardian)during the weekdays while his father is away? As well as maintain a education, and keep his father as the 1st contact line on the schools records?
I am a 20 year old mother tha was cohersed into signing over my daughter which was 3 mths at the time and is now 1 year old i have been back and fourth to court since feb and have been assigned a guardian ad litem who has acted in th guardians favor i have been compliant to all things that judge has asked me to do and before i could go to cort to present my case the guardian ad litem has asked to b removed from my case and has also been granted and not to mention the gurdian has made serveral calls ad text mesages tha i have police reports on about giving me money to stop the case and let her adopt my daughter i do noteel that the courts have mdafull backgrond on the guardian for her to keep my daughter and i my questions a what are some things that i can do to get my daughter back
This question is going to be short and to the point. Children and youth already interviewed my son. Do their rights since my parental rights have not been in question or terminated trump their rights to go to the school and pull him out of class into a room without me there and question him by himself? I already asked a DA this question and he said that as long as I am the parent that I have the right to be there and that children and youth do not have the right to question him without me being there or an attorney can someone please tell me if there is anything on the books about this because the principle was told different by his boss.
Okay, So i’m 17 and everything in my life right now is just seeming a little bit fishy. my dad (as ii know) as custdoy of me only, but him and ii never got along so he sent me to live with my mother, then my mother hit me and kicked me out (she was always abusive) so ii came to live with an old step-sister, technically she isnt anymore because my dad and her mom are divorced. so my dad gave me permission to live with her the said they went to the Majastraights (spelling) office and he signed her over “in loco parentis” of me. so now she is my guardian. I thought for in loco parentis you accutally had to go threw court to have it done?? im tyrin ti find out if this in loco paretnis is real and if she accutally does have control over me
if i gave my sister a 6 month temporary guardianship of my daughter (not court ordered). We filed through the courts just in case something was to happen to my daughter and for some reason i could not be present, my sister would have authority in making necessary decisions for my daughter if needed. Also if something was to happen to me she may seek emergency financial assistance for my daughter. when we filed we had a lady helping us fill out the forms, it was to my understanding that i would NOT be giving up any of my rights to my daughter. i understood that i would still have full soul custody of my child. my daughter and i moved from arizona to california and resided at my sisters daughter and i came back arizona for my 2 month check up with my doctor after having my daughter and to visit with family and friends. we were going to stay for 2 weeks and then head back to california where we lived with my sister. well i decided to stay 3-4 days longer. 2 days before i was dead set on leaving to head back home (in california) my sister showed up at the residents where my daughter and i were staying during our visit with a police officer and the demanded that i hand over my daughter to my sister or else i would be arrested and charged with kidnapping. they gave me 10 minutes to pack my daughters stuff and say goodbye to her. my sister told me that i could not come back to live with her and that she had put an order of protection against me so if i was to show up at her residence i would be arrested. can she legally do that? it was to my understanding that she did not have any rights over me let alone have the right to take my daughter from me. she wasnt awarded any type of custody of my baby. because she had a legal document that said temp guardian on it the officer said i had to hand over my daughter. he wouldnt even read the documents. i was forced to give my daughter to my sister who obviously wanted my daughter for herself took my baby and left me stranded and homeless. i havent been able to see my daughter since she was 2 months old she is now 18 months. is there anyone who can help me get my daughter back? i just dont know what to do.
My son right now has temporary full physical and legal custody, the mother and him never were married, the mother has visitation only right now. I am the grand parent who raised the child and the mother was never there only at times. for the fact that the mother had to sign everything and was not around 90% of the time my son filed for custody. Can he at this time give me the grand parent temporary guardianship so he can go out of town to work?
I am a step mother to my boyfriends two kids and their mother recently had another baby (not my boyfriends) that lives with us 5 out of 7 days a week. The baby’s father is not in the picture and does not provide support, what if any recourse do we have to gain guardianship of the baby? The mother does not have a place to live, transportation or any stability. We live in the state of Washington. Also, the mother currently has not visitation or parental rights two the other two kids, its been this way for over a year and was put in place by a court approved parenting plan- do I have any chance of gaining guardianship/custody of the two kids?
my daughter has no job and has not followed the requirerments to keep health care coverage of my 4 year old granddaughter going….my husband and I financially take care of our granddaughter…and daughter who is 20 years old. can we get some financial help from the state of rhode island for doing so. and can we also file for medical coverage through the state for our granddaughter. is there away to get temporary custody of our granddaughter without taking parental rights away from our daughter. all this until our daughter is better settled in her life to take responsibility.
I live in wisconsin. A very good friend who is in Jail for 9 months and wants me to have temporary placement of her 2 year old daughter. I want it to be legal so when she get out some one besides me make the decide when I give the child back. So I guess my question is how do I do this all?
im 13 years old iv been in foster care 3 times because my mom has either not been able to care for me or she is on probation and not allowed to see me or my borthers and sisters. they are 18 and 19 but right now my new gaurdians who id much rather “reside” with are fighting in court to keep me from my mother and i completely back them on that but my mom wont give up. the court says i will go back if her home is suitable and if she no longer drinks because of her alcoholism but she did not take me to a doctor once in my life since i was born now that i am with my new gaurdians we found out i have A.D.D , asthma, low testosterone (guess my uncle had same problem not sure what it means?) and my mom never once thought of testing me for these and within 2 months i had all them tested and confirmed. my gaurdians home is much more stable and id rather be with them so am i going to be forced into liveing with her again or do i have a choice to live with current gaurdians because the living condition is much better. HELP ME OUT HERE.
My daughter’s father is deceased. I have been raising her with my partner for some time now and I would like him to be her legal guardian. We live together as a family in Wisconsin. I am looking for answers on how we can give him legal authority over her (in general, not just in the case of if something happens to me) that does not affect my parental rights. She recieves SSI due to the death of her father, which is applied toward our living expenses and also toward her college fund, so adoption is not an answer because from what I understand, she will lose all of her benefits if he legally adopts her. Can you tell me what our options are?
My oldest sister has a 6 year old daughter. She is incapable of taking care of her child financially, physically and mentally. I would like to obtain guardianship of my niece. Please provide information on what I would need to do if she does not consent to me having guardianship.
I am divorced and have two kids. There is a court order that their father not have overnights with the kids due to his alcoholism. Can I assign a legal guardian to raise them if I die before they are 18?
Grandparents were given temp guardianship of the child 6 years ago. 5 and half years ago mom returned and child was returned to mom, How is that guardinship dissolved or terminated?
I am in litigation with my ex wife for guardianship of my special needs son. I offered an adequate plan even agreeing for her to be the guardian but that is not good enough for her as she wants to control my weekends, alienate my son from my wife of 5 years and make me do all driving and be allowed to just chnge the visitation at will. Will the court allow this to happen? I am running out of money after 10,000.00 and my attorney is threatening to withdraw…..I have no way to pay until July~ Will the court just grant my ex what she wants or will they look at both offers and see the control she is trying to get over me???
If one parent has sole legal and psychical custody of their children, can this parent sign over temporary custody to a grandparent while this said parent goes out of state for a few months to stay at an inpatient rehab? Is the non-custodial parent able to use the notarized temporary guardianship papers against the custodial parent to obtain legal and psychical custody of the children?
I have a friend who has custody of his children and his ex wife has parental rights only. The 15 year old wants to go to school in NC and live there with friends of the father. His mother is wanting to stop this. Can the father give temporary custody to friends in NC legally or can mother prevent this?
We (husband & I) have permanent guardianship over our two grandchildren (we live in georgia). The grandkid’s parents are divorced and we are wanting to know what the parents would have to do to get custody of the kids?
I am divorced from my children’s father and have sole legal custody. My boyfriend and I are moving out of New York state to Alabama with my two kids. I was wondering what the benefit to making him a legal guardian of my two kids would be.
There is a family in Nashua, NH that brought a 16 year old girl from Montana to stay with them (the girl was a friend of their daughter’s).
They have had her since April and they do not have guardianship yet. She is not in school, because they do not have guardianship and in NH you must be the parent or guardian to register the child for school. Are they breaking the law? Should this be reported to local authorities?
My parents need to have some sort of legal guardianship to get my children on their health insurance. Does that mean I lose custody in order to do that? Or will I be able to keep full custody?
I am a 23yr old mother of 2 by separate fathers who has been diagnosed with frontal lobe seizures after a 5yr abusive relationship with the father of my youngest. I currently have full legal/physical custody of my youngest and am about to undergo a pretty scary surgery for these seizures. He currently has visitations every other weekend with her I would like to ensure that my father gets guardianship of the child and visitation with my ex remains the same. Can a living will provide this for me?
I live in Maine.
My now husband and I have co-guardianship of my niece… but I wish to divorce him.
What steps do I take to remove him from the guardianship, and would I fill out the divorce forms “with children” or “without”
There are no other children involved.
I live in canton ohio I have 2 kids my kids are in foster care I’m still fighting for my kids the worker want the foster parents to adopted my kids my kids are suffering in foster care I would like for anyone in contact me I need help saving my kids from being put for adoption / sale I would like for anyone to e-mail me I need help asap
Okay so here it goes. My best friend who is a guy slept with another of my friends and they ended up having a baby boy and named me godmother. For about a month after the baby was born the mother was fine and helped out etcetc. But then she started going out and partying a few nights a week. For a while we just let it slide and then my best friend went off to college on scholarship in August leaving his baby with her in an apartment that me and him were both paying for, for the two of them. After he moved T(the mother) started going out more and more and it came to the point where she not only was partying every night but she was bringing the parties back to the apartment with her, when the baby was still there. One night I went over to check on them after receiving a phone call from the neighbors complaining about the noise and when I got there, I walked into the babies room and found some random people having drunk sex on the carpet with the baby still in the room. I started yelling and kicked everyone out–even to the point where the cop that lived across the hall had to come help me. When everyone was out I started yelling at her telling her what a disgrace of a mother she is to her baby. I gave her a week to clean up her act and then left after calming the baby down. For the next week I watched her carefully and was dissapointed to find out that she didnt take my warning into account so as soon as the week was up I called my best friend and got his permission before I went to the apartment and packed up all of the baby’s things and her stuff and told the landlord who is a friend of mine to go ahead and rent the apartment out. I put her stuff in storage and moved the baby in with me. That was just about 3 months ago and I have been taking care of the baby ever since, financially and emotionally. Last week we went to court and J(the dad) was awarded full custody and I was awarded guardianship of my godson who is almost 8 months old. Currently T is in Italy supposedly “working” and she is going to be there for the next few months but is threatening to charge me with kidnapping, the courts say that it isnt going to hold up because I had permission from J to take the baby but I cant help but worry about it. I am 18 and want to adopt my godson– I have permission from his father but do i need permission from the mother even though I am his legal guardian? Is there anyway to ensure that she cannot take him away from me an put him back into a bad situation? The baby lives with me because his dad lives in the dorms at his college and though he helps I support most of the finances. Any ideas?
The mother of my brother’s children passed away early October 2011 and he was co-parenting with the Mother. She was an excessive alcoholic and possibly was doing drugs. My brother called that half sister’s step-grandmother while the ambulance came so the kids would not have to see their mother like this. She ended up dying. Now, the step-sisters and their step-grandmother will not release the children to my brother. He has tried to go over with the police and they will not get the children. These people are trying to strip my brother of his parental rights just to be spiteful. So much hate and evil it is terrible. I was their family caregiver for a year, but I believe my brother should still have a chance. Now, they are trying to get temporary guardianship and just trying to undermine the father and his side of the family. Can they do this even when my brother tried to go and get his children. He is very intimidated by these people and the police will not go in and get the children…..HELP!
I am having trouble finding the answer to my question through online research so I turn to this website for advice. My younger brother recently got into a altercation with his dad and step mom who called the cops on him and had him taken to the youth crisis center. He was already on probation so he violated. The step mom called me and said if you want him go get him because he is not coming back here! My brother is 15 years old, I couldn’t just let him stay there so I went and picked him up and they gave me temporary custody of him. He now lives with me and is on home detention at my home. They still have legal ties to him but do not want to help me financially. I am a 22 year old, who only has a part time job. I am trying to get back into school so I can better our lives. Now if the dad still has legal ties to him is there any way legally I can get him to help with some of his son’s financial needs.
i have a daughter thats 2 she was born in missouri and i was living with her dads mom and i gave temporary gaurdianship because i was forced in to it her dad would have took her and if i didnt i was told edie would kick me out and keep my daughter knowing i had no where to go due to moving to mo from indiana. that happen anyway and they wont talk to me or let me have any contact with my girl and its been almost a year i have a job my own house and everything what do i do to get her back now that im back home to indiana by the way the paper work was done in court in missouri
My mom has been in and out of jail forever, ive always taken my little brothers who are 6 and 3 yrs old. My mom will probably be going back to prison soon and im wondering what steps i would have to take in the state of washington to have guardianship and would i be able to recieve money for them? because i am only 21 yrs old i work full time and go to school but i also have a one yr old of my own and could never afford two more kids. please let me know any advice thank you
My sister has 8 kids, and two of which are twins. She is always leaving them to drink and party or to go out with random guys. I take care of her 1 year old daughter all the time and I want to adopt her. I don’t have to get money for it, I could take care of her myself, so my question is. How do I go about adopting her? I care about her more then anything and she is stuck to me by the hip. I mean, she follows me everywhere and I really love taking care of her. Could you hepl me please?
I have a question
My daughter-in-law is living in a nursing home ,my grandson lives with daughter-in-laws father (which he & his new wife has custody of child)my son is still married to daughter-in-law but her father (child’s grandfather wants my son to divorce her
what would the grandfather & step- grandmother of child gain if my son divorces the child’s mother while living in nursing home?
just a note : daughter-in-laws father & step- mother has full responsibility over her to
I live in Wisconsin and I have had legal quardianship of my 15 year old grand-niece since she was ten months old. In all these years, her mother has only seen her once, about ten years ago. My husband and I would like to adopt her so that she will be entitled to our benefits, should anything happen to us. Would an adoption be easier since we have been raising her all this time or would we still have to go through all of the same protocol as if she were being placed with us for the first time? I have tried asking these questions to a family law group, but their response was that since we already had guardianship, adoption wasn’t really necessary. We feel that it is important so that she can be legally equal to our other children.
What can we do and where do we start?
My ex husband just passed away and we had three minor children together, he left the life insurance to them. How do I go about getting guardianship over them and the estate being there is no family left on his side but a sister who doesnt have the ability to help raise them? I was wondering if they will make the biological mother of the children go and get bonded and all of that even if I have been the primary custody holder? I live in Virginia and have no clue if this will be a costly thing to do or if they will just give me the rights? The insurance company said they will send me the money in a check as soon as they get the papers. Will I have to do all the accounting and stuff or being I am not employed and going to school will this be able to be used as well as SSI to maybe purchase a house? I am confused as to what happens with a situation like this can you help me out?
Okay, My husband & i live in Ohio. He was not in contact with my 4 year old step daughter because the family kept him from her. He was 15 when she was born && he was unable to see her until he was 18 because he was in Foster Care. Once he got out he seen her once. Then this past October we filed for Full Custody. In December we got awarded Emergency Custody & we have court in Feb. for full custody. Well in December once we went to pick her up, my stepdaughters Great Aunt notified us that she had guardianship. So we were unable to take her. They did let us visit her & she got super close to me. & started opening up to my husband. The aunt said she wouldnt fight us when it came up to terminating her guardianship now she is..! We got to court in a week and a half. Do you think the court will terminate the guardianship? Do they do it that day?! I need help! 🙂
My daughter and her boyfriend, my grandaughter’s parents, have recently split up. He didn’t have anything to do with my daughter when she was pregnant and living with me until a few months later when paternity was proven, they got back together a few months after that. I moved to Florida and my daughter wants to come back home. She signed guradianship over to his parents for 3 years. What does that mean and can her and my grandaughter move back here?
well thiis is what it is my girl freind after 9 years had little girl with her she is 7 now went to see her dad in new mexico and said she was comeing back she called me and said iam not comeing back with now i dont know what to do thats my little girl she took away from me its hurting me bad i dont have job and shes with so so called friend of mine had another babby i need help can some onr help me iam going nuts fast deppresstion is hurting me
My boyfriend is 22 year old who’s trying to attend college. He’s never met his father and his mother doesn’t want to give her information to him in order for him to obtain financial aid. My mom wants to be his legal guardian so he can get financial aid. My question is – what type of guardianship should she apply for and how in the state of Georgia?
My ex is a drug addict, (I tried for years to work with her and help her but she just kept going back to it despite promises not to), and she left a long time ago. She came back unexpectedly, after completely giving up all of her rights to me as father, and I was worried about her finding my son so I gave temporary guardianship to my sister who had moved to keep him safe so she wouldn’t try to contact him since the last time she did contact him, she told him that she was going to die and he would never see her again. He was emotionally devastated for weeks. Well, my sister had guardianship of my son for 60 days to be on the safe side. I came to see him every single night and tucked him in and paid for all of his needs. My problem is that my sister is now refusing to give my son back to me and it’s been 65 days. I’m getting very upset. Without involving the authorities, what do I say to my sister that will help me? I don’t know how to handle this without losing my temper. I want my son back home with me now.
I am currently divorced from my husband and have never been able to get along. We have 1 son together and we also adopted another son together. The adopted child had several issues and we recieved an adoption subsidy to help support him. Now myex husband has the adopted child and I have our natural born child in which i recieve child support for him. My exhusband receives the adoption subsidy now and is also asking me to pay child support. Is he entitled to recieve support form me in addition to the subsidy??
I currently have custody of a non related 13 ye old. When he was 11 his mother handed over temporary guardianship of him to my fiance and myself. She failed to maintain any contact with him or us for the first six months and we took her to court for custody of him. It took two hearings and nine months for a ruling in court. The guardianship was signed and notarized in S.C. and custody was decided In Tn. Where we live. The mother had been in trouble and incarcerated many years prior to this and had signed guardianship over to her grandmother while she was in jail. She recently was sentenced to four years for unlawful neglect of a child and today I was informed that her cousin is intending to take me to court over custody claiming she did not have rights to sign over guardianship in the first place. Its been almost two years that he has been in my home and in that time her family has always had a way to reach him and has neglected to do so. By their choice. Do they have grounds to fight the guardianship that was handed to me by the mother and what state would have jurisdiction?
Okay my sister in law and her husband got locked up 5 years ago and the grandparents kept their child who was at the time 18 months old. They never had custody or guardianship over the child. my sister in law spent three years in jail but then got out and moved in with her dad and her step mother, who are the ones who had her child. The father has been in prison everysince. 2 years later my sister in law gets locked back up and has signed over temporary guardianship of her five year old daughter to me and my husband, who is her brother. Now her reasoning behind this is because her father the childs grandfather who currently has the five year old is an alcoholic. A functioning alcoholic. HE goes to work everyday but everyminute he stays at home he is drunk. My question is if both mother and father sign the temporary guardianship papers and they get filed with the courts will we be able to get her. Or can the grandparents contest what the father and mother have signed over to us.
I have had my god grand baby living with me because this girl who is her guardian abused her, the thing about this is her bio mother is also in the picture they both have visitation twice a month but the state of Maryland is trying to make me the foster mother. The question I have since the courts gave me limited guardianship do I have to right to ask for full guardianship or will they try to give her to one of the women who are not doing what the courts ask them to do. They have never given me any money for the child and neither one of the women has done anything for the child in over a year. The state of Maryland said that in order to get any help like money for the child I have to give up my limited guardianship, I love this child and want her to stay with me I feel if she goes back they well I know the guardian not the bio mother wants to sexual abuse this child again , do I have any rights since the child has been with me for a year without any help from both parents or the State of Maryland.
I live in NV with my parents, my daughter and nephew. My parents adopted my nephew since my sister(his mother) passed away and my brother-in-law(his father) deported to Mexico. He’s now 10-years-old and wants to live with his father in Mexico. Is there a law that an US citizen child wanting to live with their biological parent who was deported to another country?
I have a 4 year old grandson who I have in my custody but not legally(his mom just let me keep him since he was about 2weeks old). I don’t get no benefits for him at all because his mom was a minor when she had him and therefore her mother gets all his benefits at her address(finacially and medically). What I want to know is how can I get him in school from my address without having any guardianship at all over him. By the way his mom is 19 years old now and she wants me to put him in school from my address so I can be able to take him to and from school everyday myself. Is there a way I can get guardianship without taking full custody if there is no sign of abuse or neglect…..Somebody Please Answer This For Me ASAP….I desperately need to know because I want him to be able to start pre-k this school semester that’s coming up
We live in Memphis Tn. by the way so if anybody know the laws there on this issue please feel free to comment back to me on here or in my personal email with is….THANKS IN ADVANCE
My husband’s ex wife passed away in December. He already had full custody of his two boys. I want to know if I get legal guardianship of the boys will the state take them away if God forbid my husband passes away. I’ve talked to one lawyer who said the paper is useless if something happens to my husband. I live in Alabama, does anyone know if this is true.
my sister in laws is from mexico she has 2 kids she is hear in the united states she said she will never go back the other day she wrote me a letter telling me she no longer want her kids she is going to start a new life and she gave me a letter saying that i could have the kids the kids are 5 years old and live in mexico is there a way i can bring theme to the united states
My sister who has adopted my 3 nephews has decided she no longer wants to raise the oldest of the three. She actually dropped him off at a shelter & told them she wanted to leave him there at which time they also I formed her she would be relinquishing her rights and that they would have to notify child protective services. Long story short the shelter notified myself and I of course picked him up and have had him with me 2 months. She is unwilling to pay any fees to a lawyer to make it official. I myself have no money to pay a lawyer since I have my own family. She is still willing to give him up but how can I do this with little or no money? Can someone do this on their own? How would I know what forms I need?
My mom/dad took temp custody of my daughters in 2000 in the wrong county. it never went before the judge in our county. She died last year. My daughters are in my Dad’s care but my sister acts like they are hers. Does she have any legal rights to them. I was NOT in agreement to any of this arrangement
What are the Arkansas Law on guardianship awarded to a grandma (in a 10 yr Lebian relationship with the lover living in the home with the grandmother) because the mother was 16yrs old and didnt understand she had to do more than NOT SIGH the petition that was given to her. The child was never taken away from this 16 yr old mother who has raised this son until he was 7 yrs old then the grandmother dont like the correction the mother now 23 and her husband 30 uses towards this 7 yr old grandson. So she comes and removes the grandson and threatens the mother to not come to her house for she will call the law on her. This mother has proof she has raised her son his entire life. Does she not have visitation with out the grandmother present? Can this mother get the guardianship from this grandmother desolved?
I have a question. My boyfriends parents have co guardianship of his son. The court clerk said that means my boyfriend has no rights to his son. So does that mean hes still required by law to pay child support? I live in nevada
I currently live in the state of Washington (have been for almost two 2 years), but am not yet considered a resident of the state (still IL resident). I would like to have my brother (14yrs old) live with me next year; he lives in Illinois. Are there any legal proceedings I should know about or need to follow? Or is it necessary to adopt him to be able to enroll him in school, etc.?
If I am trying to obtain guardianship of my minor biological sister and I live in Michigan, she lives in Texas with a cousin who has power of attorney and our bio mother has custody in New Mexico, what state do we have to pursue obtaining guardianship in?
My minor biological sisters cousin has power of attorney over her, where she resides in Texas. Our biological “mother” still technically has custody of her and resides in New Mexico. I live in Michigan and although I did not grow up with my sister because I was adopted due to our biological mothers obsessive drug use, I am her blood sister and need to know which state we have to pursue custody/guardianship in. She will be 14 in January and that is the legal age of custody consent in Texas, but I’m not sure how all that works as far as her choosing where she wants to live and we may end up in a court battle with our “mother”.
Im seventeen i live in arizona and my foster parents told me tonight that they want me out and my boyfriends parents are willing to take me in but are not lisenced foster parents. I will be 18 in 6 months. Are my boyfriends parents allowed to be my placement?
Amanda, you will need to contact your CPS case manager and/or attorney. They can request a background check and homestudy to be done and see if the court approves it. I hope that you are working with your local independent living agency. If not, look at this website: Since you are over the age of 16 in foster care, you already qualify for the following after age 18: Transitional Independent Living Program (TILP), Education and Training Voucher (ETV) funds for college, and Pell Grants free money for college. Should you be in CPS custody until age 18, you will be eligible for Independent Living Subsidy, AHCCCS (medical coverage) and Re-Entry, should you want to return to care after leaving until age 21. Let me know if you have any questions. And remember to be your own advocate!
My mother would like me to sign guardianship so my son can stay in the same school since we moved to a different school district. If I do this will I lose his ssd benefits which is his father child support? Will his father also have to sign something? The principal is saying we have to do this cuz he lives with my mom on the weekdays and stays with me weekends and summer and any breaks. Will he still be able to get state insurance or will my parents have to add him on theirs? Thank you!
I gave my mom temporary guardianship of my daughter about a year ago. I have since got my life straight and now she is using that to keep my daughter from me. Is that legal? I want my daughter to live with me. What should I do?
My girlfriend who is also the mother of my son and is pregnant again is on a on a gaurdianship with her father and grandmother my question is are they allowed to make her stay in another town when she wants to be with me she is 22 years old and we live in wyoming
My husband has had custody of his son since Jan 2009. His ex lives in Georgia and we live in Indiana. In Feb 2012 the child went to stay with his grandparents for a “change of scenery” due to him being a but in my house. In March we went to court for Temp Guardianship for the grandparents until school was out and the judge threw it out because it was not filed properly and everything reverted back to the prior order. The judge said the child can stay with grandparents of both parents agreed and no abandonment charges could be filed. Now the mother has come here and taken the child and all of his belongings to Georgia without telling us anything and no one will answer a phone call or text. The police wont help because it is a civil matter. What should we do? PLEASE HELP!!!
My girlfriend has three kids and im really thinking about marring her. The 5 year old’s dad is in jail and has been for 4 years. The 1 and 3 year old dad comes around whenever he wants. He helps out rarely. I’ve been taking care of her and the kids for the last year and half with her moms help. My question is When I marry her will I have legal guardianship over them and can there fathers just come and get them whenever he feels like being bothered with them? We live in Louisiana
Ok so I’m going threw a court procedure on termanating a gardianship for my son with my sons paternal aunt now she’s had him sence he was 7 weeks old due to voulentary gardianship now if the courts give me my son back she wants to go for court ordered visitation can she do that
My husband and I just recently started having problems with our daughter. She is 20 years old and mentally disabled (she has the mind of a 12- 13 year old). Our problem is she recently she met this boy on facebook who lives 30 miles from us and he has been threatning us and telling our daughter what to do. He is also verbally abusive towards our daughter but tells her he loves. She believes everything he says but she won’t listen to us when we tell her what he is doing is wrong. We never had the money to get guardianship of her. Now, he (the boyfriend) told us he will take our daughter away from us and we will never see her again and there is nothing we can do about it. HELP! What can we do we feel for our daughter’s safety.
If two men become legal guardians of a child, and they separate, does the non-custodial guardian have to pay child support in Massachusetts?
I have a son who lives in Ohio, he is not married but his girlfriend just had a baby. I asked him to get a paternity test to make sure this is his son. Meanwhile the girlfriend delivered the child and she admitted at admission that she had used drugs and tests would show she was not clean. Both have had issues with addiction, they both want to turn their lives around and be a family. At this time their son has been placed in foster care. I agree that they both need to prove that they can take care of the child but while the state is taking care of the child what about the fragile emotions of the parents? If the state decides not to give the child back can they give me and my husband custody, we live out of state. I do not want to see the child taken away from his family, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. We do not have any legal or drug issues.
The state should provide a DNA test, but this depends on if your son signed the birth certificate or not. You can request an “Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC)” for the child to be placed with you. This takes several months and requires a home study, background check, etc by the state you are residing in. Given the young age of the child, they will not likely look at doing this unless reunification is not going to happen. The state should be providing services to the parents to make the behaivoral changes needed, which may include counseling. The best thing to do is contact the case manager and provide them your information and keep in contact with them as an interested party.
I receive Social Security for my daughter who is under the age of 18 and is still in school, If someone has a limited power of atorney over her, wil i still receive the social Security for her each month?
If the paternal grandfather has guardianship and has a wife that is NOT blood related, can she fight for custody against paternal father if paternal grandfather passes away? What are the odds of paternal father getting his son back after paternal grandfather passes? The wife of paternal grandfather has always tried to stand in the way of father son relationship with child. Won’t allow paternal father to take child anywhere. There is no drug history or criminal record involved. This would be based in Delaware.
I live in Santa Rosa California , I have raised my niece since she was three months old I had legal guardianship of her . She now is a adult ,she was in a very abusive relationship which also involved drugs. She has three children , I raised her as my daughter when she was pregnant the first time she lived at home and the baby, the father was around they did move out but were reported to child protect agency ,I always had the child . a second child , third drugs were involved I had the children in my home child protective agency was involved , the dad did what he was to do to keep his children , but when he got custody he stripped the children away from an would not allow us to see them I called C P A all parties had a meeting an they put the children back in care with my husband an I from sunday thru wednesday my daughter has been clean for seven months every time he sees her he does everything to knock her down that man has controlled her at very young age and still does he does not want her to have the children he does everything to make it very hard for her , she beleives what he says he tells her she’ll never get them back, the oldest child confides in me and repeats what his dad says . I have been a stable grandparent for these children I have taken them to every dr. appt. dental appt parent conference , fieldtrips, class parties awards days , stayed home at times when there too sick, I have also been involved in ther pre school an events ,I have been more of a stable parent for the children than the parents , so now the father is UPSET WITH ME , because the oldest is having issues an is hitting his mom talking back etc , The dad suggested both see a counselor when they did they suggested the child see one on one when that happened he did not like that and I know why , so now I am at fault ,so now CPA is no longer involved he has ripped the children away again, and they do not know why , This is not in the best interest of the children as I feel It’s personal on his part because I CONFRONTED HIM with why does he want put down their mom in front of them I HAD ENOUGH do I HAVE A GOOD CHANCE OF GETTING ANY TYPE OF GUARDIANSHIP ? OR IN BEHALF OF MY DAUGHTER IAM THE BIOLOGICAL GREAT AUNT TO THE CHILDREN THEY CALL ME GRANDMA I LOVE THEM, AND MISS THEM DEARLY AND ONLY HAVE THEIR BEST INTEREST AT HEART.
I live in california and was wondering if i can get gardenship of my cousins daughter. she passed away and my grandmother had coustady of her. my cousin and his exwife was caring for her while my grandmother was in the hospital. then she passed away and my cousins exwife filed gardensip papers in her name only and she isnt related by that time she was married to my cousin and now she is keeping the chield from are family and i would like to take gardenship also none of my the family was notifed that she was filling fot gardenship please help me any info is much appreciated.
Hello, my name is Erica, and I am trying to see what steps I need to take to get custody of my niece (6) and my nephew (3 months). My sister is, plain and simple, an unfit mother. Her home is never clean (trash everywhere, uneaten food left on plates sitting in the sink for months at a time, mold growing in places, etc.), she verbally and sometimes physically abuses my niece (telling her that she is “retarded” and an “idiot” because she was diagnosed as mildly Autistic and smacking/hitting her when she isn’t 100% perfect), and she does not care for her baby (my mother–who is physically and emotionally incapable after a fatal automobile accident last October) does everything from feed him to changing his diaper to even putting Orajel on his gums. My sister uses her social security disability to go out and get tattoos and go drinking with her multiple lovers. She doesn’t ever prepare meals for my niece, instead she buys her McDonald’s or spaghetti from a pizza place every day. Her daughter went two weeks without a bath, and the baby has only has 3 since he’s been home. She also lets her stay up all night then miss school the next day because she lets her play on the internet for that long. She does not put her to bed. As a matter of fact, she doesn’t even have an actual bed to sleep on (it’s an inflatable air mattress). Her home is infested with bugs that bite both the children and our mother, but my sister does nothing to try to exterminate. She doesn’t get bitten, so she doesn’t care. She shoves a bottle in her baby’s mouth and puts him on the couch (unsupervised). What if he were to choke? She is a ridiculously bad mother. My niece’s teachers have taken me aside and told me that, if I ever wanted to file for custody, they would stand behind me. I live in Indiana, and I am not sure of the laws here. Help me, please. I need some advice. I really don’t want to tear up my family, but I have sit idle for too long hoping things will get better when, in reality, they’re getting worse day by day.
I am married and had a baby boy of 2 years, his father earning is low and he do not fulfill our requirement as per legal need, and my parents given me all expenditures regarding my child, my house rent and food necessities etc, i got job in UAE, can i make my parents, my baby legal guardian as he also works in UAE, so he could able to apply my baby residence VISA over there, because my husband does not want to give me divorce as i need? i have no other option please help me..
My name is Julia and my question is I was battling drugs around the time I had my oldest daughter who I left at 3 months old in the middle of the night without telling the grandparents I was whom me and the father stayed with. She s now 6 and a half years old now. I had her younger sister two years later which I lost to the social services at one month of age and the grandma adopted her because I went to prison, she is now 4 and a half years old. Ive been clean and sober and off parole for two years now. I never pursued getting custody of my oldest back because I never wanted to seperate my two daughters but just the other day the grandma threatened that she will take me to court and I will lose because of my past. Do I still have legal rights to my daughter and do you see me getting custody of her back becaus of my past?
In the state of Tennessee, who has more legal rights of guardianship to minor child, a grandparent or great aunt?
I am currently unemployed, but looking. I am living with my parents at the moment and have 2 young children. We were told that they could be put on my mother’s insurance as long as she was providing 3/4 (or something like that) of their living expenses, but needed some kind of guardianship. What kind would that be and would that take away my parental rights in choosing schooling,etc?
I had a baby from birth intel she was 51/2month her birthmom sign me power of attorney and revoked so her cousin can I adopt her,when I was promised to be able to adopt her after 6months, my lawyer said we can interving on the adoption what are my chances of getting the child back? or is there any chances
My cousins daughter signed full guardianship of her child to my husband and O. We really want to adopt the child. How difficult will the state make this? The mother and father both know and recognize this would be in the childs best interest. I am in alabama.
My nephew and his girlfriend have physical custody of her little brother who is 16…they can’t get in contact with their father who lives in Florida, we’re in Cleveland, or get in contact with his mother. So how can they get him in school? They have all his documents but the school says she needs some form of custody but how can she get that when she can’t find his parents and in the meantime is he supposed 2 just sit around being a dummy?
My kids have lived with my mom since they were born (2006) and I given her power of attornry same time, I still take care of them ans see them can cps still get involved
If a granparent has custody of a 13 yr old and the mother only has 1 visitation per month is there a way the child can live with an aunt and uncle with out going to court if the grandparent signs something saying the child can live with aunt even if the mother does not agree?
Oh and the father passed away so it is just the mother who disagrees with the chikd living with aunt because she wants the child but the courts have told her she will never have custody of the child only once a month visits
Ok i’m 17 and nobody has custody of me since last year and I need help
My question is.. I have had my daughters child sense birth she comes and goes. Now we have placed him in pre school and she took off again i showed them a letter of temp gaurdian ship but they say its not detailed enough and they dont want her coming back on them.. we live in PA and im on disability so i cant afford to fill papers in court. my daughter wants me to write up custody papers and she will sign and get them noterized, how can i find a free form and is this legal… she really wants nothing to do with him… i have called several lawyers and they want atleast 50 dollars to talk with me, and we live in a very small town hrs away from city life…. thanks for your time
I’m 15 I live my mom we argue a lot but my sister there do nothing seriously goes wrong . But is moving out soon. Can I move with her and make her my guardian. If so how ? Do O have to do legal stuff and paper work and I do it without my mom permission ?
what documents are needed for a guardian(grandmother)(my ex wife) of my grandchildren to place the children with me (grandfather) . she went to court and was awarded full guardianship, but due to her health issues it would be better for the children to live with me. The original guardianship was done in clark county nevada. i will be living in nye county nevada. she still resides in clark county nv there will be an a accident settlement for the minors to be protected as wellnnok lily
My daughter asked us to pick up her newborn baby bc she was “afraid she would do something bad”. Right after we picked up the baby our daughter got a dog, decided to move in with some addicts and has been drinking and partying ever since. We want to file for Legal guardianship if we can not convince her to sign over guardianship voluntarily. The kicker to all this is she suffers from psychiatric problems and is starting to show signs of paranoia schizophrenia. She barely lifted a finger to take care of the baby when the baby was with her and now she acts like she is mother of the year. The dad is not in he picture bc in Arkansas if not married he really has limited rights anyways. But even if, he isn’t in picture.
My nephew is 12 years old and his parents share joint custody but his dad has primary care custody however the father pretty much kicked him out said he couldn’t handle him anymore. He refuses to live with mom due to her husband having a drinking issue and in the past has been abusive to the mother who is my sister. My nephew is wanting to live with me and his dad said he will sign his rights over to me so what do we have to do ? we live in north carolina
Take to courthouse a file for you fear for his safety
The question in particular that I need answered is this. Does the legal parent lose parental rights when necessity dictates that a guardianship be imposed for a child’s well being because a legal parent cannot parent a child because of incarceration? And if the legal parent was a proven good parent before incarceration how difficult should it be to return the guardianship to court to have it overturned and have the child returned to the care of the custodial parent?
Our 17 year old daughter was adopted and gotten kick out by her adopted parents on Nov. 11, 2012.She told us that the parents are abusive verbally and physically. She will be 18 on March 14 th. is there any way we can regain custody or have joint custody until she is 18? We in Montoursville, Pa. and would like to help her but we legally are not to see her or know where she is; the adopted mother said last year after contacting our oldest son on his 18 th. birthday on 12/14; that it was o.k. as long as they knew what was going on. Concerned biological parents.This case happen over 11 years ago. We lost them in the higher courts of Harrisburg,Pa.
i ve had my grandson since his dad threw him out 66 days ago do i have any rights
My 3 month old granddaughter was removed from my unmarried daughter and is a ward of the state, living in a foster care home in Nevada. My husband & I live in Virginia and would like to became the child’s legal guardians. My daughter agrees with that this would be best for her daughter and is willing to sign the papers. Can I get legal guardianship even though I do not live in the state where the child was born & is currently living?
This is moreless my question but I’m in Texas and state of Oregon has my grand children my daughter said she would sign them over can I get them and what do I do ?
hi, my name is Jake. I am 16 years old, and recently my biological dad has got custody of me. I dont want too live with him. Hes never been there at all. The house is unfit and disgusting. They wont let me call, see or visit my brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles. Im not aloud to contact my family in any sort of way.There is drugs being used and sold there too. I want my aunt to get custody of me, i have lived with her my whole life. My real father wont sign custody over though… What do i do?!? Please help.
Hey, you are of age normally of who you should decide who you prefer living with, contact a guardian at at litem in your local courts they can help you good luck also involve cys when you get the chance they rather keep you with family than in state care good luck too you sou.ds like you know the path that you do not want in life god bless and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
She’s my niece and her mom knew that she got molested and didn’t want reported that’s why she’s wanting to move in with me
Im 16 trying to get my drivers license and am woundering if my 18 year old sister can sign my legal papers for that
I have a son that is twenty-three years old i was appointed his guardian in 2006 due to incompetency he got into some trouble at one of my relatives house the court placed him in a group home without even hearing or even involving me in anything they made that decision but now they want me to sign over my rights and guardianship look please i ask you this is my son i cant imagine asking anyone to do that they also put him in that group home for life did not ask me my input or anything they said he needs supervision 24 hours a day something i could have gave him. i am always open to all assistance for my son and so is my house i really need a lawyer
Hey I have a similar case. When I was 18 yo I had a beautiful blonde hair, blue eyed baby girl. I had her and I went drug crazy. However I have never received a Felony. I am 32yo now, I am raising one child that is 4 all by myself he is my heart and soul, I love both of my children with all of my heart and soul. I am no longer on the streets on drugs or anything of that nature. When I was 18 my aunt and uncle seen that I was going down hill pretty quick so they had immediately asked me to sign over custodial rights. And I cried for days I didnt want to, I did not read in fine print, I had no clue what I was signing. No clue at all. Come to find out, the only reason my aunt and uncle wanted to get custody of her is to get money each month. My uncle draws a Social Security Check, and so they knew she would be getting half of that each month. Well My aunt has had the same job since when she was 16 so yeah that looks great on her, ya know, my uncle retired and down and out because he is now so strung out on Hydrocodones. My aunt realizes that but dare would she ever admit it. My daughter ran away last weekend from my aunt and uncles house. She has court this am. I am going to court, some reason they do not want me there ? MY past is my past. I Have seen mothers that have got felonies, been charged with Meth, and still get there children back after years of proof of being straight and on a straight road. I know they will bash me in court, but I will be there to defend myself. And I will be there for my daughter…
Serena my situation was just about the same as yours I am 33 years old now and I was locked up 5 days after I had my daughter. I spent a whole year behind bars. I got out and I was working relapsed and then got sober again. I went back to court to get my daughter twice. The second round I knew what I had to do you have to gather evidence to discredit the people taking care of your daughter. You also have to have your self all the way together and pray pray and pray some more. Dont give up do some research to find out what would it take to have a change of custody. I won custody back without a lawyer.
I have legal guardianship in the state of MD of my niece’s four year old little girl. We’ve had her for almost two years now. Well, the father is not on the birth certificate and thus his signature was not required to receive guardianship. The mother signed all the paperwork, willingly. The whole plan was to give the little girl a stable home environment in which to live and thrive while her mother got her GED, a job, a reliable form of transportation, and a stable home. The mother has done none of that in the time we’ve had her. The father and his new wife and her kids have since come into the picture as of last August and has formed a great relationship and bond with the little girl. My family and I are considering a move out of state this summer and while we would adopt and take her with us, neither parent wants that. So, my question is, since the father is now in better condition to take custody of his daughter, what does he need to do in order to take guardianship from myself and my husband and get custody himself?
My best friend has two children who an ex girlfriend of his has legal guardianship of. The childrens mother is in prison in Colorado for drug charges and he is finishing up a sentence in Oklahoma in DOC and it was not for drugs or a violent charge. What rights does he have when it comes to his children and obtaining custody of them? The woman who has guardianship refuses to allow him any contact with his children and he has documented proof of it. He wrote his children the entire time he has been in DOC until the woman called and had a stop put to it. In the paperwork he has from the guardianship it specifically states he has an interest in custody and visitiation to both of his children. There has bnever been any case of abuse of neglect concerning the children on his part. He would like to know where he stands when he gets out in a couple of months.
Hi my brother and sister in law are about to go to jail they want to sign all rights over to me for their 2 kids (age 2 and age 2months) over to me. i have limited of time due to they are turning themselves in on monday. they dont want their kids to go to cps and i really need to know wh to at i can do help. what do i do? how do.they right the letter? what do they write in it? does it have to get notarized to be legal. plz lmk asap im really worried what might happen to my niece and nephew. thank you
Contact your local circuit court and ask for the person who handles guardianship and adoptions. They can get you the paperwork you need. It usually takes at least 30 days to be finalized though. Explain the situation, they may be able to put a rush on it.
I’m 24 years old and my sister is 19 she is in college and i have supported her for the last 3 years but now that she is in college she is still having to track down our mother who is not in the picture for financial info to fill for financial aid is there a way for me to be named her legal guardian or something to that sort so she can just use my info. or is there a way for her to only have to account for herself?
Dst33 I have a very similar issue – were you ever able to find an answer – if so please share
She is an adult now she can put her big girl panties on now and go get them grants for school and use the money you get for all your school needs first then use the rest to get a car if needed and a place to call your own even if you need a roommate or two you are a big girl now prove it to all now is the time for you to decide what you wanna be
i want to take my son back from my uncle.i gave my son to my uncle from birth due to my struggles at the time.well its been four years and i have lived with them recently for a month and a half and have moved on my uncles daughyer is practically raising my son and is not doing a good job.nothing id legal,i am still his mother on the birth certificate.can i just take my son back without going to court?
If I have guardianship of my godchild and his mother is still getting food stamps and cash for him how do I go about getting it for him
Can a parent take their child to get bloodwork if they are not the custodial parent without the consent of the custodial parent? I believe my child would test positive for drugs due to being breastfed by an addict. What are my rights as a father? I have proof but it seems like I can’t do anything. Please help. I live in Ohio
My son is 18 and is trying to get a residency waiver to attend a local university. In order to get this waiver he would have to have his Grandmother be his legal guardian as her residence is within the 30 miles of the school. He has already move in there but how do I go about getting this guardianship as he is 18?
My husband and I are trying to get custody of our sister in law who is 14 and (our niece) her baby who is 2 months. The mother wants this to happen but her grandmother recently got custody of them both. What do i need to do to get custody of them both? In Arkansas
Guardianship in Okla. was denied and visitation was not granted to my daughters grandma two years ago but for my daughter I allowed her to visit at the least every other weekend because her grandparents lived some 80 miles away. Last year we lost our home and everything we owned (which of course grandma did not try to help us keep even though her son has never paid child support, she would rather spend $2000 on attys to fight for guardianship then spend $2000 on taxes so her grandaughter doesnt lose her home) but of course my daughter was welcomed to stay at her grandmas since we were homeless. For almost a year now I have been denied any type of visitation with my daughter out of her grandmas “fear of me running off with her so she wont let me visit her without signing the guardianship papers” the couple of times I have seen my daughter they surround us the whole time I spend with her. I am really fed up with trying to be civil for my daughters sake and the separation has been tormenting me for too long. I want to just take her back and with the legal battle of trying to get our house back I would rather not have to go to court for my daughter too when my guardianship is still in place and they are not acting in the best interest of my girl. I miss her and I worry what they are telling her to explain why she cant go anywhere with her mama.
I was wondering can i adopt my god daughter she is 1 and a half i had her for 7 months.Her mom is unfit and on drugs and she is not willing to support her. She have 5 kids and gave them all away. I went to court and file for Legal guardianship but the mom came to court and told judge she wanna her baby back. She told the judge she was on drugs but she want her baby back to go to detox, The judge said he cant take baby out of a stable house to put her in a detox. He said she dont got a problem you the one with the problem. The judge appointed the baby a lawyer to determines the baby best interest. The mom didnt contact the attonery until 2 days before court. They contined until November they have to do an investgation on mom. The attonery told me mother cant lose her parents rights, she have to be willing to sign her parents right over so i can adopt her. The attoney said if i m no longer want the legal guardianship i have to call dcfs to pick the baby up because mom is not stable to care for the child..
My situation is tricky. My sister and brother in law do not take care of their son. So much so that 6 years ago both our mom and the paternal grandmother went and got guardianship of him. Our mom does the financial aspects seeing how I can’t not find full time work. I do everything else for the boy. I take him to appointments, deal with school things(except in cases where my mom has to sign something). I want to adopt him and be the one responsible for him. My mom and the paternal grandmother already agree with doing it. We all live in Delaware what are the things I would have to do to get him? Thank you
In order to adpot him his parents will have to be willing sign over there parent rights. By being the legal guardian you dont have all rights as the parent do.I m in the same sisuation with my god daughter
Hi, I’m 17 and me and my mom didn’t get along so I decided I didn’t want to live with her no more.the court had given my aunt custody of me.Just a little extra info my mom is much financially stable.and credit is good.unlike my aunt.anyways my mom and I get along great now.we talk and she’s allowing me to come back,Finnish my senior year.I really miss her and my younger brother and sister who live mother is sick she has a lung disease.but is doing wonderful .I need to know what I can do to come aunt has agreed to let me go back if the court says yes.I need to know how long it will take.I start school soon,and I wanna start at the school I was go in to before my aunt took me way to Cleveland at.John F. Kennedy. I also want to know if they’ll let me stay with my mom while they are trying to figure get me back on her custody
my 7year old sons dad passed away and i now have our son my sons grandmother who is the mother of my sons father wants to me sign over guardian ship of my son to my sons uncle and his wife is their any way they can get custody if i don’t sign the papers?
Can an emergency guardian make decisions abut your child’s school if you have already enrolled the child in a private school that offers a full scholarship?
im 17 and adopted i want to know on my birthday may 13th cann i move out without any legal problems and can i get copiesof my social security card without a problem
yes you can move out but I don’t understand the haste. Yes you can get your ss card but it could be difficult unless you have a copy of your birth certificate/adoption paperwork. You have to have proof of identity when going to the Social Security Administration for a copy of your ss card.
Good luck!
My boyfriend lives with his Aunt and Uncle, and he ran away because of the abuse going on there, but the cops and DHR aren’t doing much because they don’t believe him because out of his younger brother and sister he is the only one that wants to leave. He wants to move in with his older sister who is 24 now. They all live in Alabama
im 17 an i lived with my grandma for 17 years whell some friends got custody of me (gardien ship) and they treat me horriable is there any way my grandma can get gardien ship back of me. you cant be amancipated in the state i live in
Number one u r 17 why do u need a babysitter your almost an adult and second I think you are old enough to be on your own they are not your parents and your mema is still of sound mind if so it should be easy to just say she thought she was doing the right thing. But now knows she was wrong and wants you back even a woman giving her baby up for adoption has 30 days to change her mind if she wants to just saying
so my parents are seperated and both have custody of my and my sister. neither of them can support us so my dad wants to sign custody to a family friend but my mom isnt going for it. we live with my dad and my mom does NOTHING for us. would she be able to stop my dad from going through with it?
I don’t think so if you can prove her unfit and get her rights taken from her
Close to a year ago i made some bad choices, never went to jail, but during thT time my mom and step dad got temporary guardianship over my son, a few months later they got divorced. Someone told me thst their guardianship is voidu now. Is this true? And secondly ive been in the same house with my son for over 7 months, providing care for him everyday just like. a patrent should, but im not allowed to take him anywhere without permission…do i have any rights to my son now?
you can go to court and file a motion to relinquish the guardianship order.
I am trying to find out how I can give rights to a friend to raise my special needs daughter. She is with them currently and she is happy there they have a special needs child as well.
Been in court last 10 years never been charged with n e thing child was placed with grandparents on a temp guardianship order I live in Wyoming court in Colorado in Dec to dismiss order have tryed this many times how do I get a attorney that works in both states I don’t have much money work two jobs as is ???mind you this just a temporary order been in court 10 years ?? Help please
Hi my girlfriend passed away and we have a 4 year old he is intiled to get some money from an insurance com. That said I need to get guardianship .of he estate the court is saying I need to open a propate case wat do I do
My husband has guardian ship over his cousins boys one is 18 and one is 12 , last week my husband asked for a divorce, it has been a devastating event for all of us, I love these boys like they were mine and the youngest one wants to come with me, my husband is fine with that, how do I go or where do I go to get legal rights over him, I can’t turn my back on him he has been through so much in his life already
Hi. My mom is in prison and My uncl has custody of my two baby sisters. He mistrats one of them really bad but he has history of physically abusing his own daughter. He doesn’t provide thwm with much food or clothing. What can i do to start getting the process going.
Hi. My uncle has custody of my two baby sisters. And he mistreats one of them. He has history of physically abusing his own daughter. He doesn’t provide them with much food or clothin. I was wondering what can i do to get custody of them both.
im 17 years old, im currently living with a friends family, for four months now? after a certian time frame can they become my legal guardian without my mothers say? and how do we go about doing so? please help! thanks!
hello i have a question to a problem i have found myself in. my daughter and her son, my grandson. mom is abusive and was charged with it. she just took the plea d=for that abuse. she still has child. i am his grandmother and i was the one who called the police to report it so my daughter refuses to let me see him. he was in my life everyday until that day. i am filing papers to gain guardianship in colorado. she is not stable never has been, she dont work and the childs dad is not around. but i did find him and he is now helping me in question is can i do this and what are the odds good or bad that i can see my grandson again.. thanks
I have a question I recently moved out of my school district but my daughter wants to stay at that school. Now my parents live in that school district and she goes to my parents house a lot but my mom and do not have the bestest of relationships and she wants me to give her some type of guardianship so my daughter can still go to that school but I refuse to give her any rights to my daughter. Wanted to know what can I do or is there something that would only give her a say in my daughter schooling that’s it.
do not do it. If you do have a good relationship, why does she need that. If it is a true loving family, I don’t think that is needed. Only you know the details, but it just sounds odd. I hope you don’t take my answer wrong, but I would wonder why you cannot just pay a $300 per year, which is what it is in our school district, or whatever, and be on with it. This is not about parental rights. But if you do that, she will own much more than you ever intended.
I still am not under the guardianship of my grandparents and have lived with them for three years. My mom has all rights to me but my grandparents are allowed to sign things for school and such. If you just deal with the bigger things i.e. Enrollment each year, health insurance, etc. it should work out fine without guardianship being given to your mom. But do allow her to put your daughter on her income taxes because she’s paying for your kid to live with her,
Does anyone know of any laws that say step sisters can get temp custody of step brothers (related by marriage). I would like to try and get custody of my step brother because his father is in jail and my mom is having hard time with the state keeping him, but I have a more stable environment for the time being until they can get there things together. Please if anyone knows anything let me know Thanks.
I have had my grandson for five years now and his mother lives in a different state my son incarcerated. She has never provided for him in any way, other than coming to visit twice, and phone calls. My grandson is 8. Can she take him from me?
Hi, I am 18 and I am currently living with my 16 year old sister at my grandparents home because my mother (custodial parent) has allowed her abusive husband to move back into the house with her. We don’t want to be there as the environment is not a good one. Is there a way with out involving DHS that my grandparents could be made our foster parents? Would it behoove me to get emancipated for college financial aid purposes, as I will not be going back to live with her – ever?
i have 2 nieces and 1 nephew, which they belong to my brother, and his sister in law has gaurdianship. of them. My mom (which is thier grandmother ) and I want to have visiting rights and be able to pick them up . but she is giving us a hard time. what can I do to??
your mother can file for grandparents rights against the sister in law. if awarded the court will give her (and yourself) visitation etc….
My sons grandmother who is his guardian told the school not to give me any of his school information. Isn’t that my educational right
My kids father and i asked my father if he could care for our two kids for three months tops so we could get out of living in a hotel and he agreed. Next thing i know is he filling guardianship on them and i was told that this was only to help him for daycare and medical reasons. Well that was about a week he has had them , so the court gave him temp. Guardianship. My dad made me look as though i was never a good mother and the court gave me 7 things to complete in a year to get them back well it’s been almost a year and my dad is not allow my kids to visit us on the weekends and has put me through Hell I’ve asked him for things about my kids what’s going on with them recently he has told me that he has changed their last name to my x husbands name. Is that even legal and my kids cry on returning back to him they want to stay with us we git our apartment within two months of him having them ..I’ve also seen bruises on them i really don’t think my dad has been hurting them but maybe the school or daycare they attending. My oldest is four and is a little slower then the other children and doesn’t speak clearly but is always trying to tell us something. My other child is two . My father says the reason they can’t stay the weekends any more is because my four year old wont behave on the following Monday’s please help ..i feel as though he iS trying to say im unfit when he sees that they don’t wanna be with him … i have everything they need and more. I wont them back .
My Sister and her family are moving to Chicago my niece will stay with me until school is out. What legal paperwork do we need for me to make decisions like Medical, School and if there is an ER?
My grandsons friend who is 15 was taken from his home by CPS and lives with his grandmother in another school district. He still wants to go to school in his current school district. Does the current school district have to transport him to and from his current school district. this is in michigan
Hello. I need advice asap. I am 20 years old and live in chicago,il. My mother and father recently got arrested again and this time will be away for a long time. They both are also drug addicts. Cps has been involved with my family before in fact I think there is still an open case regarding my youngest brother age 2. I want to know if possible the quickest way to get custody/guardianship of my two younger siblings ages 2 and 7. I am currently employed full time and I am already taking care of them as far as having a roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear and shoes on their feet. I also have a daughter of my own age 2. I am providing for them all as a parent should, but I just don’t have custody of them. How can I do so asap? Thank you, any advice will help.
I just want to say that you are amazing- to step ep like that and take care of not only your own daughter but your siblings-wow! That says a lot about you and you should be really proud of yourself -i really commend you…thats awesome. Njot too many people your age would do that so i just wanted to tell yoyu how awesome you are -and that your sisters and brothers and daughter are going to appreciate you so much once they get older and realize-thats HUGE what you are doing and I just read your post and wanted to tell you how great that is and how proud I am : ) Keep it up Kid and everything will work out
: )
I am not a lawyer but I think you should gather documents. Get proof of employment and even a letter of reference from your employer saying that you are in good standing . You should have neighbors and friends write letters of reference to say you are an upstanding citizen, have good character and that should you need help with children, that they are there to assist as babysitters…., bring up to date utility bills, credit card statements…anything to show the responsibility you assume in running your household. Go to court and submit these to the judge. Ask him for custody of the children.
my wife and I have temporary custody of my adopted step daughter’s 2 kids. My wife wants to adopt them, but recently has expressed she she doesn ‘t have feelings for me anymore. If we were to divorce after i adopt the grand kids would I have to pay child support for them? We live in Il.
Hey, I live in FL and My husband and I are 20 yrs old. and we want to find a way we can help a 15 year old non relative. Her parents are divorced and she lives with her mom and step-dad, but they are moving to Texas and She does not want to go. Although I’ve always noticed her moms way of parenting is very lazy, she does provide a roof over her head. Her mother refuses to drive/pick up her daughter anywhere but is not concerned about her daughters school, friends, her whereabouts, when/if her daughters has eaten, who she is with or where she is sleeping over or hanging out and what time her daughter will come home, etc. The 15 year old is like a sister to me, I feel for her. She is smart and wants to stay in school and even become a cop someday, I’ve known her for over 8 years. We would like to known how we can get temp. custody or guardianship of her so she can legally come live with us at our home atleast until she graduates high school….. is there anything we could do?? We both work and can provide her with a home, food, take care of her, give her the love,attention and rules that she needs; make sure she does well in school and she’ll have her own room and whatever she may need.
Hi my name is Morgan and i am a dependent daughter of the military. My step dad is wanting to get gaurdianship of my 1month old on so that he is covered under his insurance with the military. I was wondering how to get that done? And how it will affect the father of my son?
I live in California (moved here from Michigan 6 months ago) We are moving back in less than 6 months but my son wants to go back sooner. We signed a power of attorney to a family friend but we are having problems with the school district accepting it for enrollment. Guardianship is not an option. Do we have any other options?
my step daughter is a heroine addict and as recently had a child who is going through withdrawal symptoms we have been asked to be the childs legal guardians we was told my a socail worker that one of us should give up there full time job.all the benefits go to the mother , but where do I stand now I have no job. thankyou s bloomer
That baby will only go through withdraws for like 3-6months depending on how heavy the use was but the baby may have some retardation like a slower learner but I would not give up on this baby it didn’t ask to be born this way so if I was u I would explain everything to my boss and just ask for a leave of absence til the baby gets thru the withdraws so you can leave with a sitter and not be worried
i have a friend who is 33 years old and her sister has guardinship of her. my friend wants to move out of state away from her sister/brother in law. can she legally just leave their home?
My grandmother is 88 yrs old and has 3 daughters they don’t care about her their just taking her money bedbug are all in her house. My grandmother wants to stay with me but my aunts are not hearing that. I need help what the first thing I need to do? please help a heart broken grand-daughter.
My niece is 16 yrs old and wants to live with me (her aunt). Living in North Carolina how do I start the process of legal guardianship?
I have been appointed by the court guardian of my mother. My sister who is under investigation by Adult Protective Services for financially exploiting my mother is her POA. I was advised by the court to dissolve my mother’s current POA . Can I just file a notarized letter dissolving POA with the register of deeds? I can’t find a standard form. Does anybody know?
Hey ma name is robert n k lived wit ma sister ma whole life ma mom is alive but shes disabled ma dad is locked up n ma sister doesnt hav e ough money for us both how would she be able to get funds frm the government for me
I have quardianship over my niw 17yo nephew. His Mom and Dad Both abandonded him basically and a early aqe.. Since I can remember he has been with my mom n dad, me, my brother, ect. From pillow to post his whole life almost. I have ALWAYS been there for my nephew because I know how it feels to want someone to truely love you. I am his moms younger sister and I have a qood job, apartment and I take care of my 6yo daughter by myself.. My nephew has been through so much in his young life. Not having the proper GUIDANCE AND UPBRINGING. Lead to him doing thinqs he would later regret. So to sum it up it was either he qo ward of court and be thrown from group home to group home, or thrown to the streets to die young and become a statistic like all the other young men who hanq on the corner selling drugs and getting killed.
So I stepped up to the plate and took action so that he wouldn’t have to suffer no more… and since then he has chanqed alot… its a work in proqress but its gonna qet better… I was qranted Guardianship because of who I am and how I carry myself and take care of my daughter plus having a job and apt helped too. They base it off the interaction of the childs parents involvment and the wellbeing of the child. so if the parent jus aint fit and never show the judge and ppl of the system that they are not concerned then uhh def will qet granted guardianship. thats how I qot mines… thanks siis for giving my nephew the life he truely deserved.!?!?!?
My brother has asked me to stand up in court if he or the baby’s mom don’t get custody back and say that I am willing to adopt my niece. Then said after case is closed to just give her back to them. I don’t see how this is okay. How to I help without doing wrong
hi i have my friends 2 kids they are 13 and 15 and they have lived with me for over a year. we support them in all ways and recieve no support from their parents. they want to stay here but their mother keeps threting to take them back. what should or could we do??
My name is Destiny I will be 14 next month in April & I live in Texas. I’ve lived with my grandparents since I was 9 months but my grandparents never got legal guardianship over me they never went through court or any of that they kinda just took over after my mom started being out in the streets & have tooken care of me ever since. My dads out of the picture & mom is locked up right now but should be getting out sometime in July next year & plans to get her life right to take care of me, until then I want my sister who’s 18 to get temporary legal guardianship over me, she, my mom, & my grandparents agreed because my grandparents are getting old & have a lot on there plate right now & my sister doesn’t mind. Anyways my sister is fit to be my guardian I would have everything I need but my question is how can we do this if my mom is locked up? what would we have to go through? It would mean a lot if somebody can answer this for me! Thanksss
This is a testimony that I will tell to every one to hear. I have been married four 4years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2years until I met a post where this man DR OLOKUM have helped someone and I decided to give him a try to help me bring my lover back home and believe me I just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48hours as he have told me, I saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why I am happy to make every one of you in similar to met with this man and have your lover back to your self. His
I am a single mother who has custody of my two children and I have to go to jail because of false report made by someone . I need to allow my mother to care for them while im away and make sure financially and medically they are taken care of but I cant seem to find any website with advice on the type of letter I must leave please help
Im 16 in the state of Georgia, living with a mother and her girlfriend who have both been physically and mentally abusive over the past six years to me. I feel thaf it is in my best interest if I am removed from her care. My question is what steps do I need to take in order to be removed from her home and placed into the care of a close family friend that is more than willing to take me in and have complete responsibility for me. Is this possible without parental consent?
need help bad im 48 and i have to kids ive raised and they are grown. now my sister goes to jail for 4 yrs and 9 months,so i got gardianship of my 2 nieces who are 8 .but when i went to the dfc for help they say i make to much money for help… i dont thank thats right i didnt break the law and just didnt want them to go to the state. so they wont give me foodstamps because my income which ant to uch and now they dont want to help with childcare. and i cant aford to pay it… does anyone no anyone that can help me . ive worked real hard to get were i am and dont understand the they want me to turn them over to the state which i wood never, quite my job. or what im so frustsrated. i love them and we need HELP
Hello I have a 11 yr old boy that I gave up rights to when he was around two due to the stress and drama as well as the lack of being able to see him. This was not completely the fault of my ex and her husband but after 8 years of silence I now have a good relationship with them and my son now flies back and forth between texas and colorado for a few visits a year. It seems that he may in the future ask to come live with me my new wife and 9 yr old lil girl. He was adopted and had his last name changed. What legal issues and important topics should I make sure that we have discussed and such to make sure this is a easy transition for everyone as well as protecting myself?
I have a 18yr old girl that lives with me and i have power of attorney she has a brother that is 7yr old and he lives with his mother she is refusing to let them see eachother is there anything we can do we need help thanks
I have been raising my 2 nephews for the past 1 1/2 yrs. Thier mother signed an agreement and notarized the letter of when she would get her kids back. She recently was going to face 3.5 yrs in prison and was going to sign over my nephews to her mother. Once I found that out, I right away wrote to my nephews Father that is prison . He sent me a notarized lettet giving me temp custody then soon after that he sent me a letter stating on behalf of the state of az he gives me temp custody. Is this valid? if so what is my next step? My older nephew is worried he will have to go with his grand mother. Please help I dont have much time before they come get them
Hi my husbands nephew begged us to take in their three girls from CPS this was suppost have been temporary we feel that we were traped with the girls attorney we signed papers that state we were permanent conservator ship we gave up our rights on the girls we were only suppost to have had them for only six months we found out we were keeping them forever how was this possible we gave up our rigts because I operate a license daycare and can not fulfill the girls need and their parents were always threating and harassing us too much pressure. now CPS wants to have go to court and wants us to pay child support I don’t under stand they need to go after their parents what are our rights?
I’ve had my grandson since he was 9,He is now 14,He recently went back to live with his mom for 2 months,He wants to come back and live with me because of her abusive boyfriend,What can i do,She’s not letting him leave,We are in the midst of a huge disagreement,I need help,I live in Indiana
My siblings found out our oldest sister left a Trust I an
life Ins in my name a 48yrs old married mother of two Navy Officers and one Social Worker. Three days after her death. Was granted Administrator and Guardian over me. Can I sue. They sold her HOME. I am not sure polwhat all
Hi there.
I am on disability. I have a sister who has been deemed mentally unstable and her 8 yr old daughter has been removed from her home and may be put into my home and care.
I am on disability as a single person. Do I claim my niece as my dependant once she is in my home?
How will this effect my disability?
I am moving out of state, and would likt to take my grandson with me. I have both parents approval. How do I go about it legally?
All you need is a notorized letter or go to court house and get guardianship papers over him so you can legally make all decisions for him if something bad should happen or he just gets sick
How can I stop being a guardian/custodial to someone who is perfectly competent now. I do not want it anymore. Help! No one knows what to do!
Hi I need advice I’m trying to get custody of my nieces and nephew in Forster home but the ocs said that they check my boyfriend record his a felony but that was 7 years ago…is there any way I can still the court for this cause me and my boyfriend loves the kids we have a stable home for them and they been staying with me most of the time what can I do….
Thanks in advance
my daughter passed away and her husband remarried. They have children together. Can I (mother of deceased ) legally file for any type of guardianship or joint custody/
I sure as Hell would try my best to get any thing with them first
Ok so my step daughter got removed from our home temporary and my husband thought letting her go stay with his god mother and now this lady is telling my step daughter she doesn’t have to go home she can stay there. This is a first case that my husband got his daughter removed from the home. My stepdaughter saying things she wouldn’t every say. Like she don’t have to come home and she going to start school there with her god mother. The reason is why my step daughter got removed temporary from home was because my husband spanked her on her butt for lieing and being bad and she went to school and said he whooped her with a belt that was a big lie and the teacher called children services. So we went to court a week ago and the god mother has temporary custody till next month. So My husband could not get a hold of his mother that day they took my step daughter so can my husband go to court and ask for his daughter be in custody with his mother and not his god mother. This god mother is brain washing my 5 year old daughter and my husband has three hours three times a day to see her and this lady makes a excuse today is not a good idea. The courts say he has rights to see her supervised. Will my husband every get his daughter back. Oh and he already in parenting classes so he doing all what the court is telling him to do
Can u please tell me everything will be ok and my step daughter will be back in our home
Hello, I want to get custody or guardianship of my 12yr old niece. She was being raised by my mother who passed away in February this year now my sister is not in a stable place and doesn’t have a job.
Her father just got 6 yrs in prison and my sister has warrants for her arrest. My sister and my niece w wants her to come live with my family. We have a concern that if she don’t like the rules here she will run away or have her mom come get her anytime. They live in Oklahoma. Me and my family live in Texas. What is the process for this to take place. I also would like to know if there is any government help that we could get for her. We can provide for her but it would be a help so we wouldn’t have to struggle with some health and dental insurance and clothing and things she might need. How do we proceed with this. Thanks Carla
My sister was evicted from her home and her three kids are now living with our step mom but my oldest neice is have trouble being picked on in school so my sister called me and said she was thinking about letting her move with me when we move to florida in the next few months but t I need to know how I would go about getting legal custody of her. I told my sister that she would would have to sign some papers signing my neice over me but I just know how to go about it in NYS
Help I live in Pa my ex husband and his new wife live in Fl my ex and i have been divorced sin 08 he got everything the children live with him and we share parenral respinibilities he thru me out on the streets for two years thats how he got my girls. I moved here tp Pa in 210 have gotten my lufe together remarried to a wonderful man last year. My problem is that my ex has not let me see or talj to my girls in 4 years the house they are luvung in is in foreclosure set to go up for sale in August. Ive contacted legal aid down there they are no help.I was told that filung for custody would take months to years! I My girlsagesb12:and 13 dont have that kind of time.Ive asked my parents about becoming legal guardians for them while all this ccudtody stuff is going on my parents live up here inbPa as well .Help i dont know how to do all this i cant afford an attorney can anyone help I DESPERATE TO HELP MY GIRLS THEY NEED TO GET AWAY FROM MY EX I DONT TRUST HIM HE WAS VERY ABUSIVE TO ME AND I REGUSE TO LET MY GIRLS LUVE ON THE STREETS PLEASE HELP
I am 29 years old and married. My husband and I both have full time jobs. He has lived with us for over a year pretty much just going to see his mom, my sister, on weekends since she either doesn’t have food, electricity, water or is on drugs. She is also 38 years old and has a live in boyfriend who is 17. She goes off the tried and I can’t get in touch with her for days at a time. Makes erratic decisions and my nephew, when he stays the night with her on school nights, if he makes it to school is dirty and his bus driver tells me it looks like there is no electricity and he said he couldn’t go to the bathroom because he doesn’t have a toilet. We have paid for everything for him this year at school. I need to know if it is possible to t least get temporary custody until my sister is more stable. His father lives hours away and never tries to contact him and only sees him when someone else will drive my nephew to him. He does not pay child support of any kind. Helps with no expenses. What are my options? Please help. My nephew is only 6 years old and cannot speak for himself.
I have a 16 yr old daughter with whom was making bad decisions and also doing drugs. I have tried to work out living arrangements with her with family and friends to get her on the right path. In the midst of doing this, we found out she is almost 2 months pregnant. She currently lives with her boyfriend and his parents. I have had full physical custody of my daughter her whole life as her real dad wasnt ever in the picture. The boyfriends mom feels like since my daughter is living with her, she wants me to sign a POA for her to make decisions for my daughter. I appreciate all their help as they have chosen to let her live with them but I dont want to come across wrong because I dont want to give up any rights for my daughter to her. The mom has already talked to the kids about this POA and im suppose to talk to the parents tonight about this whole situation. What kind of POA should I give her as i know theres alot to choose from? Any advice or help would be wonderful!!
My nieces have been taking care of their family’s daughter since she’s been 8months old and they want to take her back what grounds do they have to stand
My 85 year old mother has lived in a house with our mentally abusive younger sister for several years. We removed my mother at my mothers request . My mother gave a niece POA and guardianship. Our abusive sister is taking it to probate court to fight this assignment. She also says that my mother is incapacitated ( not incompetent)and could not sign this . My mother has been paying all bills at the home for all these years and this is a total monetary issue . How can we present to the probate judge on court day that it was necessary for my niece to retain this guardianship and that this is our mothers decision?
Hello, I’m 18 and my sister loves with her mom an they do drugs together all the time. When I go pick up my 3 year old nephew and 8 month old niece, they’re always high. My sister got put in jail for drugs and other things. I went to get temporary custody of them because her mom can’t talk care of them either. My sisters mom got her mom to go get my sister so sign custody over to them. Can I still fight them in court? They’re not fit at all. The great grandmother had a heartattack a few weeks ago and then the grandmother doesn’t have a job and gets high all the time and let a grown man hit my nephew. Please help. Courts June 24
I am in need of some help. My husband’s daughter has 2 to 3 kids and I want to bring the kids to the U.S.A. . His daughter and the kids live in Mexico . I would like to bring the kids to the U.S.A. How can I go about this?
me and my husband have been separated for four years and all of a sudden his sister wants to have guardianship over him will she win or will i win
If I gave my mother temporary guarddinaship only because I needed help when working and she had to take them to another state. can i just cancle that and take them back any time?
mental health want to give me guardianship over my siser,they even asked me for my social security,now they want to a telephone conference, i would like to know what questions will they be asking me ?
How can i get temporary custody of my niece without her going through the system
I need help i live in Texas & have been thinking about trying to take full custody of my nephew who’s not even 1yr old yet due to serious neglect. Both parents are legally married. I don’t know how to go about the process or I’d i can even do anything. Could your post this anonymously or message me back i would really really appreciate it.thank you so much.
Hello,I don’t know what to do, I have had my grand daughter for 3, Her mother and father was visiting a couple times a week.And prviding her with diapers only. But now they are gone.I can’t get any help with her at all. What can I do?
Our daughter was adopted and is now an adult. She and her husband have custody of her 16-year old biological brother. My son-in-law is being stationed overseas and the military tells them they will not approve the brother to go with them due to ‘not being in their care for 5-years’. So, he will be staying with us until they can work through the appeals. What type of guardianship do we need in order to enroll him in school?
do u guys know if a person over the age of 65 can get custody of a child in the state of Oklahoma? i really need ur advice please
I have a 52 y.o. autistic sister who lives with my parents in another state. They are her legal guardians. Two years ago when I visited them we went to see an attorney and he suggested I be made co-guardian why my parents are still alive. Now 2 years later things are progressing but very slowly due to my parents lack of trying to get the proper info b/c now they are working on having a special needs trust drawn up & I would be the trustee. I was told by he secretary that since I live out of state that & not a resident of where they reside that I would have to reapply for guardianship if I were to move her to the state I live. Not sure if this is true. Does anyone know what is the real truth about this?
Hello, I have a question I just recently married a man we have been together for 4 yrs we have a daughter together and I have 2 other girls from another marriage. Now I have exclusive custody of the 2 but, I want to get my ex husands rights removed so my recent husand can adopt them. My ex is in and out of prision, hes not a very nice guy, when hes not in prision he don’t try to see his kids. I love his mom and would never take the girls away from her, but feel that my ex isn’t a good influence for he girls. What should I do?
Hello I’m wondering is it illegal for someone other than a parent or guardian to sign as though they are and if so how do I go about pressing charges and what is the charge
Call the cops and press identy theft charges on whoever did but they are slow so stay calm
My wife and I are both US citizens we will receive legal custody of my niece in Mexico by a Judge approving the agreement of my sister giving me custody of my niece while the adoption process goes on. My sister will deliver my niece to our home with her tourist visa so she lives with us as he cannot take care of care, she cannot afford it and she is not a fit mother. Can I go to a US Court in my town to adopt my niece and avoid the high costs of an international adoption that I cannot afford?
I am a grandmother of two now and a third by the 5th of August the fist was 8weeks early the second was4weeks early and we only have four more weeks to go with this one so I’m just waiting to get a shit ton of false labor rides to k-zoo but oh well ya do what ya gotta do my nice is due in three weeks we have a lot of stress here I have been so stressed I was in my bed for over two weeks I could live in My room forever and not come out sometimes,but I have my two wonderful grandchildren that need the one on one with someone so myself and my husband and they are my world and then cooper will be here real soon and so will my nice emmaliegh so I continue to keep trying to push myself until I can’t fight anymore I’m not a quiter by nature so I don’t wanna start now
I just found out that my 12 year old daughter is moving in with my ex-wife’s parents. I’ve fought for the last 6 years to get custody of all of my children from her. My oldest son lives with me now, as he is old enough to have his opinion heard in court. My ex refuses to let my daughter come live here with me, though she has apparently allowed her to live with her parents on the sly as a way to continue to draw child support but not have to care for her. Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad she’s out of that house. But she wants to be here, and will be taken care of and loved here. What are my legal rights in this matter? My knee-jerk reaction is to drive there right now and pick her up from her grandmother’s. However, that drive involves crossing state lines, and I’ve been advised to refrain. Please help.
I am 16 years old. My father is a horrible man. And my mom has recently become just as terrible too. I want to live with my grandparents. But my mom won’t sign any paperwork or anything to grant me permission . How can I get court permission to leave? I have one year until I’m 18 and I’ve got to get out of this house because living here is destroying me.
My brother was recently encarcarated and his wife is getting treatment for drug use. I have my nephew and they are both willing to give me temporary custody. They resided in Philadelphia and I live in nj. How can I do this?
Hi, I live in Delaware. Ten months ago my husband left me & our son for a drug addict. I have filed for child support and asked for a divorce but as it stands right now, there is no custody/visitation, we are still married and he hasn’t been served. He gets to see his son but only at his mothers, as I don’t want my son around a drug addict. He has fought, lied and demanded to have our son come to his house. I have proof she is a drug addict, my question is, am I allowed to keep my child from going there? As I said, I do not deny him seeing his son at all, he sees him every other weekend at his mothers. Really would appreciate any info regarding situations like this. Thank you.
In 2006 I was very ill with cancer. A friend took me in. Since I didn’t think I would survive I allowed her to deposit my social security checks directly to her account. Well I am still here and I have to wonder where the money went. She deposited over 30,000 to her account, and claimed me on income tax for 3 years. She has a 35 year old son living in her basement with his girl-friend. For the first 2 years I was here all he did was watch TV. She has another son that purchased a home he couldn’t afford. When he lost his job she gave him all of her savings totaling 60,000 dollars. He will not pay it back. When I asked her about my money she said she gave it to him. I have brought into this home over 100,000 dollars and have nothing to show for it. I though I don’t want to see her go to jail I can’t live like this. What can I do?
Hello, Im am 29 and i have a friend that shares a 9 month old little girl with my cousin who is always incarcerated. My friend is on thin ice herself under probation. I love their daughter to death, and i do what i can, when i can for her just because she was dealt a crappy hand. I want to know what kind of guardianship should i seek just incase something happens to my friend, for instance if she has to go back to jail. Then that would mean both of the babys parents will be incarcerated. how can i prevent her daughter which is also my 2nd cousin from going into foster. I need to have documentation so that i may move into a bigger place, were she will have a room waiting should anything happen. I have her all the time anyway, my friend works alot. I dont want to try and terminate my friends rights i just want to ensure that baby is in good hands if any issues should arise, and that i can move in and get her without any issues. My friend has no family willing to help, and i am the only relative that my cousin that is incarcerated still speaks to. she is awawre that we need to get something in writing but we dont know what kind of document that needs to be. Any suggestions.
My soon to be husband and exgirlfriend share custudy of his 13 yr old ( her bio mom passed away) so his ex has legal gardianship that the child nor her dad want her to have. Can I legally adopt her? Would that override her gardianship?
My niece was born while my sister was in prison. She was placed with my mom. Who has had her full time for the last 4 years. My sister now wants to come in and try and take her bc her boyfriend won’t get a job and she thinks if she had her she can get on welfare. I don’t think she has any rights to take her, and have told my mom to get full custody of her, but my dad has to be there and he works out of the country.
I need help my grandpa passed away in 2005 and he left my dad his land got it notary I saw the documents that my grandpa left my dad but neither of them took it to the court house then my dad passed away in 2009 and ever since then we can’t find the papers to the house and we asked the person who did the notary if she had any copies of the papers and she said no I was just wondering If there was anything I could do
Im 14 years old and my mother and father are unfit to raise me. My father physically and mentally abuses me, doesnt have a house or job. He has Plenty of reports for abuse on him. My mother is an alcholic doesnt have a home is bouncing back in forth between homes, doesnt have a job or anything. My 25 year old brother and his wife want to get custody of me, my brother owns his own company and house, they are very fit to raise me…can they get custody of me if my parents dont agree?? and how long would it take? I plan on going and talking in court myself.
I am raising my grandchildren in Virginia under a Power of Attorney for Minor Children. My daughter is a single mom, and never married. My husband and I, along with some support from my daughter provide for all of the children’s needs. We relocated here from Florida in March. Our POA allows me to register them for school, consent to all medical treatment, emergency and no emergency. My question is: Can the “self proclaimed father” come here and take them from us? Please help, I am so worried !
My boyfriendhas power of atorney of his 30yr old daughters money matters but he no longer handlers her money, She said to me he is responcible for taking her in and caring for her if she becomes homeless . This becomes and issue because she is bypolor and schitzo , and often steals from him is it true that he is required to help her and give her shelter?
Im married and in the military. My bestfriend child is born out of wedlock and do not know her baby father.. She got wild over seas at some party and My bestfriend came bck to the states, 8weeks later found out she was pregnant. She wants me to take Custody of her son. What forms and how do I go about that in the state of North Carolina..
Hi my fiance is 24 and his younger sister is 15 and we would like to bring her to north Dakota. Her grandma has temporary custody and she says its okay and so does her case worker with caps. Is there any way to enroll her in school with out having guardian ship but it is her blood relative older brother. Is it possible? Her father said he can’t afford to take care of her he would rather put her in a home instead. Thoughts anyone? Please help
hello, i need some help asap
so i am 21 yrs old my daughter was taken away from my fiance and myself 2 years ago due to false information from johnshopkins hospital.
well dss of maryland decided to give guardian ship of my daughter to my parents but now that everything has been dropped they are ready to give her back to me and her father. i just wanted to know if anyone knew if there was a peaceful way that we could get custody back without having to go back to court?
please any advice helps
My sister passed away in 2008. Our mother was given guardianship of her 18 month old daughter. My mother has health issues among other problems and my sisters daughter was placed in foster care. We (my other sister and myself) are trying to get her placed with one of us, but now her absentee father wants to come back in and taker her. Can he do that after all these years? is there anything we can do stop him? any advice is appreciated, thank you in advance.
Hello I need some advice? My niece live with her auntie who took custody of her when her dad died. My niece auntie gets social security for her from when her dad passed away. Now that the auntie is no longer able to care for the child ,who do I contact about finding out who’s receiving the child social security money. The auntie has been sick for awhile so I need to know who can I contact about this situation so that this child can be move in a home so she can be cared for in a proper way.
The social security administration is who you contact. The money is the child’s so the child can be taken care so the money goes were the child.
Hello. I have a big problem on my hand. In my eyes. when I was a baby my biological parents gave me to my great aunt. A lot of drama behind that story now I’m twenty and trying to apply for college grants. My great aunt has never had legal custody over me even though she is my mother in my head. I was never claimed homeless or self dependent. But now I have a full time job and want to start taking classes but sense I have no idea about my birth parents and my mom was never my legal guardian I don’t know what t o put on the forum it says I’m a dependent which I am of my great aunt but not legally. Any advice?
ok just a quick question I’m 20 and my brothers are 14 and 16 both want to move with me ( their father is a drunken rude crazy person..) and mother is not in good ways either would it be legal for them to move with me. I don’t see they’re father putting up a fight for them
My daughter got married at 18 to her husband who is 18 and they live in seperate states. She has decided to move back to Chicago to be with her dad and I until she finishes school due to the mentally abusive nature of their relataionship. They have a child who was born in April of this year and he needs medical care. I would like to become his guardian so that he can get regular doctor visits, but her husband is not in aggrement because he wants my daughter to come back to Florida where he lives. He was not paying for medical expenses in Fl, nor does he pay for support now. The baby was only 3months when she left so that was not an issue yet. He is a college student also and is not working. Can she assign some sort of guardianship to me until she gets her own insurance. I don’t want any part of making any decisions concerning the baby. I just want him to have insurance, and since she lives with me and I take care of them both, I need to know if she can make a move without her husband.
I have a friend who gets abused by her dad. My mom & I really want to help her. My mom gave her our number & said if anything happens again call the police, explain to them what happened & tell them you have somewhere to go. Would the police let my mother get custody of her?
Hello, my daughter is on meth and alcohol, and cps has been involved with her since July, 2013. She has a 4 almost 5 year old daughter that she has left with me most of her life. She was on a service plan and I had taken my granddaughter and hadn’t seen my daughter for a few days, we got up and went downtown and window shopped, played at the park, and went to mcds. Then headed for home. My granddaughter asked if she could play out. I live on a street with about 6 houses on it and a playground across the street, next to the woods. I looked outside and saw her friends there so I told her to go and ask if they could play on the trampoline in our backyard. they said they could so I let her go. I had all the doors and windows open, it was hot, middle of summer, I sat in the living room and could hear the kids talking and laughing. After about 15 mins I didn’t hear them and looked out, they were gone. I walked across the street to the playground and this kid (11) was in fromt of her , I asked what was going on. He was wiping his hands on his stomach, saying I didn’t do nothin. My granddaughter was in a round tunnel that he was blocking with her pants down to her thighs but her panties were still up, She said he wouldn’t let me out unless I pulled my pants down. I grabbed her and went to the kids grandparents house where he was staying. A 14 yr old kid answered and said he was the oldest one there. I called the police and the VPSO came then the OCS and the State Troopers. I called my daughter and she came out and was drunk. Everyone stayed there and waited for the grand parents and parents to come home. I thought they would do something to the kid. Instead they took my dranddaugher, she is staying with my son now , bjt the sad thing is now they are calling me negligent and wont let me see her without a chaperone. My daughter is an alcloholic and can’t stay focused enough to get her back. Is there any way I can have her put in a rehab. I am working on clearing my name. I cant help her unless Im cleared of being negligent. Oh and that boy, nothing happened to him he is still over there and tried to do that to another little girl.
hey i need some info about this, so here i go…
i am 18yr and i want to get married to a 16 yr(her parents agree) but i need to know if we get married a i officially her legal guardian? what are the benefits we could have? i really need to know before doing something we could regret…. PLEASE HELP
My husband and I have legal guardianship of our 5 year grand-daughter. The DCF case that awarded us guardianship was heard in FL and FL courts retain jurisdiction over the matter.
We currently live in NJ (mom does too) but we want to retire to our Florida home within the next 6 months. Is there anything the mom can do to stop us from moving?
Hey I have a question…. k i have full custody of my 2 teenage kids. Had since 2006. Now my 14 1/2 yr old daughter at the time got in trouble at home. So I took away her phone. Just to find out she was going out with an 18 yr old boy. N hes an emo n cuts n burns himself. So she has been cutting too. So my first reaction is to beat this kid up badly. But dont want to ruin my bond with daughter. We had an Awesome bond. Anyway I got my sister involved against my daughters wishes.. so we pull her out of school n put her n home school. Oh ya plus this kid sent her txt saying he was going to come over to my house slice my throat n kidnapped my son n daughter. This is wat he txt my daughter more then one occasion. So I went an made a police report. Now I let my daughter stay at my sister’s for a couple of days cuz im a single dad n I work long hours alot. N she needed to b supervised my sister said. Well on the 3rd day I went to pick her up n she wanted to stay there for while n my sister started making up excuses like she had to be actually living there to use the address for her homeschool. Which wasn’t true. So I said no n thats not happening. We went home n I would drop her off every morning on way to work. Then the drama starts. My daughter stole the boys jacket that I took from her, out of my closet which I had waiting to give to detectives but she disobeyed n got my sister to return it to the school so he wouldn’t b upset. But she had it for 3 months already. Well after doing that I got mad at my sis for undermining me. Well after work u go to pick up daughter n nobody is at sisters house n nobody is responding to my calls or msgs. Im mad. Then like an hour later I get a call from other sister saying daughter is crying n having a really bad fit cuz she don’t want to go home. Ask me y. I said I have no clue cuz I don’t hut my kids I do grounding or take away like privileges like the phone. Anyways my sister who daughter is with call cps to see wat rights daughter had to not go home. N they said if nothing is going on that won’t put her in harm or anything against the law tgen she has to go home. Which she dis. Now I got cps. He came over next day asked if I had car ins. I said I was jyst switching over to one down the street instead of states away. N he asked do I drink beer n I said yes. N asked y her door wasn’t on the hinges n I said cuz she gets mad n trays to slam door n there’s things n the way anyways she broke it n I haven’t been able to buy a new door yet but I’ve been several times tried to fixes the hinges. So that started the drama now cps kniws bout her cutting n I had not medical ins at the Time. Well needless to say my daughter was angry cuz she didn’t get to live with aunt. So she becomes totally unbearable. Screaming at me her BOyfriend now came over n broke my car window one day. Meanwhile my su s n daughter r making excuses y she dont want to stay at home no more. Like I drink alot of beer all day. Which u s a lie. I drink mayb 2-3 after work. She also went to say that we never got along we always fight n im mean. Which again wasn’t true. All these things are being proven wrong few days later after cps checks it out. They said try to fix the doors or get new ones when cps sat down with me my kids n sisters. We agreed to let her temp. Stay with my sis until I get med ins. So I can get her counseling. Then she would return home once counseling is n play. So ya it took me like 2 months with Obama crap. Any way I got ins. N medical card. N tell her n she wasn’t excited. Oh ya but during tgat 2months she woukd come over several times during week on weekends be there all day. Onmy thing was didn’t stay night. So its been 7 months still trying to work with counseler. But ever time I mention coming home soon she goes in reverse. She won’t talk to me had attitude is rude n disrespectful. Finally I went n got her with sherriff with my custody papers n she came home. She secretly filed papers to ask for aunt to b her guardian. So now she’s been at home for a month things r fine almost like normal. She still git to see her aunt for school everyday . N I found out she needed a mom figure at this time n life. N I understand so I would let her stay at aunts til I got off work. Knowing that me n my sister r NOT getting along at all. So we go to court n they didn’t serve everyone they were supposed to so judge rescheduled date. Then sis asked if she could stay with her til court n he ask where she been n I told him at home. He didn’t even look into case hardly only to ask me a couple of questions about my record. Way back in the day. Then my daughter said she wants to stay with aunt. And he said she has temp guardian til court which is in 2 1/2 weeks. NOW since then I’ve talked to my daughter bout only 6times in a week for like 1-2 minutes at a time. She didn’t visit first weekend n second she was going to n when I go to pick her up she played a game changing everything n now is not staying nite. So from weekends to just thy few hours during Saturday. She says she dont have to cuz she just ask aunt if she has to n aunt Will say if u dont want to then dont. So daughter throws it in my face that sister has temp guardian. Our counseling got worse now my daughter didn’t want to meet together for our family counseling. So she is farther away then ever. What can I do to make sure I dont loose my daughter. By the way my sis family moved in with my dad in tiny house n thar cps case was closed after we sat down n talked.
okay i have a question. its kinda long. im 14, my friends older sister is my legal guardian for school and stuff.. but my mom still has custody of me. she signed papers saying that my friends older sister IS my guardian no matter what. she signs my papers and i have been living with them for a couple of months. but my mom now is trying to get me to move back in with her and says shes going to call the cops if she has to, thing is, i dont want to live with her. she has no job, and doesnt do anything to provide me with the stuff that i need. also, she recently moved in with my aunt and uncle, theyre rude to me and i cant stand being around them. i love her, and i dont want to get her into any trouble. i dont want cps getting involved or anything, but i have everything i need including support and education, in this house. i just want to know what will happen if she calls the cops or if i have any say if i stay here or go with her.
We have had our niece’s for 3 years one time, until the strung out mom got mad and went to school and took them, them in February she asked my wife and I to watch them for a week while she gets off the drugs. They are still here. They are safe, and don’t want to go anywhere but the mother is making threats again, I went to cps/dcs and other child advocate and got turned away by all of them, I need emergency custody and financial help with these 2 girls. II’m doing everything in my power to keep these girls where they are and want to be. I was told since she pulled up in front of my house and dropped the girls off, knowing we would take care of them, that in the states eyes that makes her a good mother. Really???? He talks to them once every couple months, offers no help with them. I just don’t get it, if it’s about the kids, why won’t anyone help us? It’s always, well get an attorney….. I can’t afford an attorney, I’m raising 5 kids, and will do anything I have to do to provide for these kids, there is no reason a 10 and 11 year old girl should have to be scared that there mom is going to come get them. I need help, and can’t find it anywhere. Someone please help!!!!
I was incarcerated at age 16 and served a little over 5 years.While away my son’s mother was found guilty of neglecting him.The person who has him says she has custody and refuses me visitation.I was not originally listed as the father on the birth certificate and was given no decision making or the situation. I was not told of him not being with his mother until after my release. I want to get custody of my son and wanted to know the laws, etc. that will help me go about this. The support order is not retroactive, but current please help located in North Carolina.
hello, so im 15 years old and we are from ny and recently moved to michigan. where i live now i don’t like it, the schools are bad the area i live in is bad, my parents want me to move in with my aunt back in ny what do we need for that. My parents rented an apartment for a year and they plan on returning when the year is up but they don’t want me to continue to go to this school. Is their something where my aunt and my uncle could become my legal guardians and be responsible for me? but when my parents move back to ny i would go back with them so i can’t be anything permit just for a year or so?
If you have guardianship of the person. What are the parents rights for visitation and contact with the child?
I need advice I love on my own with my 19 month old son. My grandmother is still my guardian I am 16 can she take custody of my son without me being aware of it because she is my guardian? Please help
my friend signed over temporary guarding ship to her sister for 3 month now shes not wanting to give her back is she legally aloud to do that? or does my friend have to get a attorney and go thru court to get her back?
can the state take my autistic grandson from temperory guardians and place hinm ion a home with his dad living and having custody?
My mother wants to adopt 2 of my children to get SSI benifits to help out more because she helps out alot and we all are having financial issues. I dont want to because of many reasons, if she gets sicker in a few years I wouldnt be able to get them, and i want to try and get disability myself to help them, i am unsure of what else is possible. We live in virginia. My boys love being at my moms but enjoy being with me too. I want to do all i can to do better despite my health and finance lack of. Please tell me there is another option, or lead me in the right direction. Thank you
i h ave a grandson that has just turned 19, he is very autistic, his mother is decesed, but his father has custody, we his father and i gave his baby sitter and her husband temperary guardianship. no court papers, now the state wants to step in and put thischild in a home and manage his finanices, can my son take h is ch ild and care for him?
i am 26 my mother has guardianship over me bc they say i cant manage my own money and make correct decisions. i moved out and am staying with my girlfriend and her mother. can my mom call the cops??probate says the guardianship is limited to making sure i have my necessities and a good place to live. can someone please help me with this
Hello, I need advise on getting guradianship over my sister that live in a group home for mental health
disabilities that in Texas. I once lived there but now live in Colorado Springs, Co
Hello, If any can help it would be highly appreciated. The situation is a Married couple with 3 children had some legal problems the Husband/Father went to jail for 6 months. During this period the wife/mother became unstable and voluntarily signed custody/guardianship over to his mother/grandparent. He is now out and they would like their 3 children back ,however the grandmother is now arguing she is not willing to release the children back and they will have to take her to court.
(She has no valid legal grounds to refuse returning the kids,,she’s a control freak/stinker)
My question is,,,If the Father was in jail and his wife signed over he did not. So technically his rights should automatically trump the grandparent,,, Hypothetically he could waltz up and take his kids back they are his and he never signed anything or no? I’m sure it is risky and this may be complicated but they are so desperate for their children.
Thank you in advance for any advice!
Hi my name is jessica my dad has custody of my sisters kids and Im the kids aunt and my dad well not let my sister’s kids see me or spend eney time with me or eney of the other family what can I do
Hi, my husband and I are going to be moving out of state (NY) to Michigan this spring/summer (2015). Our daughter is going to be 17 this december and is a Jr. in high school. We’ve agreed to let her continue to live with her grandmother and finish her senior year next year. Because she’s still a minor we are willing to assign guardianship to her grandmother both so she can have local health insurance since any insurance I get at a job in michigan won’t really work in NY. And so she’s able to do anything the school would require from a parent. We don’t really have money for courts and lawyers, what might be the best way to go about this?
I have guardianship of my 2 grandsons ages 7 & 9 for the past 7 years. It has been brought to my attention that my daughter (the mother) has been taking the oldest when she took them for visits to therapists offices trying to get him diagnosed with ADHD. This has been going on for about 4 yrs. Can I file criminal charges on her?
I have a question and I am not sure who or where to turn to. I have had custody of my sister’s daughter for over 3 years while she was incarcerated. We struggled but managed to make this work. Recently, I was told that I should be receiving money from the state. I was given the run around when I tried taking her from my drug addicted sister and it was the hardest procedure to go through and it was all to protect an infant. I am just wondering if this is true, should I be receiving some assistance from the state??
I am divorced.I am about to go through major surgery and thinking about what will happen to my three children if anything happens to me. Neither my ex husband nor I have legal papersstating who has custody yet they live with me and I receive child support. Can I draw up a will leaving custody ofmy children to a family memberif I should pass away? My ex husband is emotionally abusive and will do horrible damage to their self esteems if left to raise them. Will this will be effective? I don’t think he will contest the will as he doesn’t want the responsibility of caring for three kids. Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
My nephew has been living outside my home for two years i am his legal guardian. Can my nephew apply for health insurance on his own so that he has it
I need help ASAP!!!!!! My 9 year old daughter has lived with me for almost a year and my ex husband wants to take her back cause some how he was able to put her in our divorce decree and she doesn’t want to live with him that is why she is living with me and now that our two children that live with him never want to come over here he wants to try to get her to move back with him and he is not her father what so ever I can also prove that please help
My grandma passed away 8 months ago leaving behind her 50 year old down syndrome son
Years ago my mom and uncle signed as tutors , all the 4 siblings put my brother on me I’m 72 my husband 80 it’s a lot to handle the last 8 months
None of my siblings will help so I can get a break can I take them to court so legally we can share 3 months each
I am 30 years old & have a 13 year old sister that is in need of a stable home. Our father passed away in 2008. Our mother has custody of my sister, she lost her job In June or July of 2014 & they were kicked out of their home in August because it was so nasty & the rent was obviously not being paid. DHS at that point got involved but since mommy dearest moved my sister into our grandmother’s small apartment (assisted living apartment) they did not do anything. DHS & our my grandparents have offered to help mom get a place but she has refused help & will not get a job. I want to file for guardianship of my sister but am afraid she will tell the court she doesn’t want to live with me because that is what our mom has been telling her. My question is if I file & she tells the court she doesn’t want to live with me what happens? I just want her to have a clean & safe home even of it isn’t with me.
Hello I need assistance ASAP I have 4 children one of which is a step son but not really. The children’s father and I are not married but he has lived with us since he was 2 and is now 8. His mother doesn’t have any type of custody of him as at that time she was into drugs and now my children’s father is as well. I have no legal rights to him at all and I need some type of documentation showing that I am his guardian. I printed out a guardianship legal form from this site and I’m hoping I can convince his dad to sign. Is this what I should do legally? Can I do do this? His dad has full custody so I want to make sure that I do not have to invole his mother as that would be devastating for us all. She is more trouble than she is worth. And as it’s turning out so is my children’s father. We have been together for 17 yrs and he is now doing drugs and the house is just not a happy loving care home anymore. I need to leave but I’m in school and with all 4 of them I have no place to go and my biggest concern at this point is my stepson and can I take him with me if I can leave t some point? We own a home but it’s all in children’s fathers name and he is the only one that is working (if you wanna call it that) and I have NO PLACE AT ALL for the kids and I to go. So again I guess what I’m asking is the Guardianship Form I printed from here is that legal in a court of law?
I’m so desperate At this point and I can’t allow the kids and I to endure his instantly and the drug use (not in the home but will be out for 3-4-5 days come home just out of his mind, seeing things txt are not there due to sleep depervation…, the list goes on and on)
Any help is greatly accepted
There’s this 16 year old girl, who’s parents are completely taking advantage of her and have abandoned her. She has a child, they made her drop out of school. The live off of the system and have both kids on food stamps and have the kids fending for themselves. I would like to adopt the girl, allow her to keep her child, help her go back to school and maybe get her into college.
I have grandchild who is 12…..she lost her father when she was 3 do to an accident. Her mother remarried and all they do is drink and party…I live in Texas and was wanting to know the law about if she can come live with me.
If my son’s ex girlfriend gives us guardianship (right now we have it through DFS) will DFS close her case? She is currently pregnant and they are threaten to take her new child away. So if the case gets closed because she signs guardianship to us they will have to leave her and her unborn child alone unless she messes up again right? We live in Missouri.
Hello I need advice my son got a girl pregnect she lived with me for the first 6 months she was pregnect than my son went to jail for violating probation the girl moved out got hooked on meth the baby is in Defax custody at this time can she give me temporary custody ofvthe child until she gets everything done with the court to get the child back I don’t want my grand child in state custody he will be better off at my house
I have joint custody of my granddaughter with her mother. We have been in court 12 times since 2007, 4 different judges. She had always lived primarily with me and gone to school in a suburb of Philadelphia. In 2013, the judge allowed the mother to have granddaughter live with her and attend Philadelphia Public Schools. She is a special ed student. He made the change due to the fact there are 3 younger siblings different dads. Mother has been in contempt of every court order. The judges reasoning was “she was angry and if child went to school there she may change behavior. There were many conditions attached. My granddaughter was entering high at the time. Mother was supposed to provide tutoring over the summer, sign her up for softball team, follow all recommendations in IEP, obtain whatever is necessary for educational success. My granddaughter has a Specific Learning Disability and ADD/ADHD combined type, medication was determined to be needed by 2 certified school psychologists , a Pediatric Specialist and a Board Certified Psychiatrist. She is presently 15. None of this has been done. I was in contact with her school all last year, until I inquired about her IEP. I wanted her annually meeting to be arranged. Was led to believe her IEP from her former school was being followed. Well after the 3rd time that I asked for a meeting, I was informed her mother removed her from special ed,and that I can’t contact the school anymore about my granddaughter. To make this short, no one from the school would communicate with me any further and I filed a complaint with the state, and the district was found to have denied her a FAPE., and she received an award for compensatory education. She is bake in special education still fighting to get her all she needs, can’t get the money awarded for compensatory ed from the district now. This has been going on for a year and a half. Had a new hearing scheduled to have her returned her and go to school here, but it was postponed ….mother was having a c-section a few days before , which she neglected to mention to the family master at the conference when the date was set. Her fifth child, third section. It was scheduled and not an emergency. She is totally disrespectful of everything and everyone, including the court. Will I be able to have my granddaughter returned her based on mothers total contempt of the order, and have responsible for legal costs I have incurred due to her actions and in-actions?
In 2008 when my husband and I met, he had. 2yr old daughter out of wedlock, everyone I awhile my husband n I were told by several people that his daughter wasn’t his, instead she could belong to a friend of his. We never really put much thought into the allegations, as the mother, was known to lie and play the game of…”She’s your daughter, but when she would get mad, their daughter belonged to someone else”
Today the little girl is 8 years old now, and is resembling the guy she claimed to be the father, their eyes, shape of face, even has similar dental issues, the older she gets the more she looks like this other guy, I’ve recently been told that my husband is not the father, according to her mothers mother, it’s been a couple years now that the paternity was questioned and I’m not sure what to say to my husband, simply because it hasn’t been talked about since, I don’t want to break his heart by bringing it all up again with more information, or do I stand aside quietly and let it go and say nothing!
my husband and I have legal custody of a child who is not our relative – if we divorce what happens we both want to keep him. we live in ohio
my best friend is pregnant in prison and wants me to take her baby till she gets out how do i do that
My sister has tempory custdy of my two children. Van i go get them an bring them home or would that be against the law
I have legal custody through the courts. Mom has been absent in minor child’s life for past 2 months. The year prior had very little contact with the minor child. What can I do now she wants to see him
I’ve lived with my grandmother for nearly ten years now and my parents have had very little to do with me except for trying to discipline me because of my boyfriend. He’s over 18 and im 17 so they’re trying to get restraining orders. But my grandmother said she never signed any papers. Do they have any rights to do that? I mean, after ten years?
To begin with,my sister Karen is hospitalized and she turned her Beautiful son Eric To two women. They gladly accepted Eric , reason being: The Money, they treat him horrible ,her sons’ emotionally abuse him. Not to mention what he has told us and what we’ve seen”putting a rope around him so he wouldn’t run. He just wanted to be w/ me I am his Blood Aunt. The two that have guardianship, they only are doing it for the money, like said before. They mentally & physically abuse him. Did I mention my nephew is mentally challenged? This is one reason I’m so extremely concerned about his welfare. Trust me if he had a choice he would love to be with me, they wont even let me see him, they changed the phone# so I can’t call him. I don’t know how to do this. I just know I want my Nephew Eric safe, I believe that would be w/me in my home .Thank -You
helo i need some advice to do with my child under a special guardian ship order at her nans im not happy with contact and the nan has split up mine and my daughters bond wht should i do
I am out here to spread this good news to the entire world on how I got my ex love back. I was going crazy when my love left me for another girl last month, But when I meet a friend that introduce me to DR Olawole the great messenger to the whole world who God has given him the grace to help people in their relationships, I narrated my problem to DR Olawole about how my ex love left me and also how I needed to get a job in a very big company. He only said to me that i have come to the right place were I will be getting my heart desire without any side effect. He told me what i need to do, After it was been done, In the next 2 days, My love called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me before now and also in the next one week after my love called me to be pleading for forgiveness, I was called for an interview in my desired company were i needed to work as the managing director.. I am so happy and overwhelmed that I have to tell this to the entire world to contact DR Olawole at the following email address and get all your problem solve.. No problem is too big for him to solve. Contact him direct on: And get your problems solve like me….. ONCE AGAIN HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS: I will not stop sharing his name because he done a very great job for me now my mind is full of happiness.
I am a father of 2 Beautiful girls and had been married 20 years this year. April 2013 till now i have had 3 surgeries on my spine, which made me lose my job of 20 years. My Unemployment ran out in May 2014 so my wife started supporting us because i can’t work and am in the Disability process. Well, I caught her cheating on me in October 2014 (which makes the 5th time). Well, on November 20, 2014 I caught her over the guys house at 12:00am and she took off for a week and came back and then walked out and abandon my girls and I the day after Thanksgiving 2014. I’m the caregiver of my girls. I went and got Government Aid so i can feed my girls because they mean the world to me and i haven’t got my Disability yet. Can’t I get a letter or something saying that I am the caregiver of my girls without their “MOTHER” having to sign it?
I don’t want to take her rights away from her though.
Ok my aunt is having a baby and asked me and my husband to take care of him when born i live in another state how would i get guadinship of him.
Hello I’ve practically been raising and taking care of my godchild all her life she’s now been in my home almost a year and her parents have not given me any help or support for her. She doesn’t want to be with her parents. What do I do
Hi my wife and I have plenary guardianship of our 6yr old granddaughter that has lived with us most of her live. Now the mother wants her to come live with her and new boyfriend that she has lived with for 6 months.when we told her that she could stay with 4 days a week but had to stay in her same school and she would have to take to them days she got very mad and said no and wants to take us to court. Should we be worried she only gets her one day a week now
I need some help. My sister is 19 she has custody of my neice her and her baby’s dad are going trough a rough patch and there has been a lot of fighting and my sister keeping the baby from him. He isnt in a position to get full custody of my neice as the place he is bout to move isn’t going to be the best environment for the baby, and the people my sister are hàning around pop a lot of pills and tis is where my sister will be living with my 8 month old neice and I’m worried about her safety. My sister has a bad attitude problem and she is okay with her baby being in this pistion. My parents and I have been talking recently about trying to gain temporary guardianship of my neice. We just do t know how to go about it. I’m 24 and my boyfriend is 29 and I have 3 kids from a previous relationship that are with me full time. We both have full time jobs and are very capable of taking on the extra resposibilty. As well as my parents on taking her they have e room just like us. We have tried helpingmy sister get her life under con trol but so far nothing has worked. I want to make sure my neice is well taken care of and not being put in a compromising position. Any advice would sure be helpful
We live in indiana if that helps
I have a 15 year old grand daughter (disabled/autistic) who has lived with me for the past 7 years. Her Mother/my daughter passed away last year while in my home also. Her father moved out 7 years ago because he was gay. Do I need to consult an attorney for guardianship? He pays no support.
Hello. My sister died this past February. She leaves behind two girls aged 2 & 4. She was living with the father but they never married. Now that she has passed, he has taken them and is not allowing myself of my parents to see them even though we live in the same city. They were never legitimized as his kids, is there anything we can do to either fight for visitation or get untidy of them?
I am 16, my mom and dad have joint custody of me, but I haven’t gone to my dads in over a year. He lives in Wisconsin, my mother and I live in Minnesota, my mom kicked me out 5 months ago, but just yesterday told me I have to go live with my dad. I am well taken care of, and i don’t get along with either of my parents. Is there a way around this? I am doing so much better than i ever have. And i feel it would be in my best interest to stay where I’m at.
I have guardianship over my 24 yr old daughter due to the fact the she recently had a traumatic brain injury, she has two children. My question is because I have guardianship over my daughter do I also have guardianship over her children?
I have been out of touch with my father due to my work for a period of time and knowing he was in bad health.I found out by phone from a mutual aquantince that he had been put in a nursing home and died there.I went to my fathers funeral and met up with this person.He told me he had to sell my fathers home and possessions to pay off my fathers debts.I know this to be untrue.I have been made the administrater of my fathers estate by the courts but dont know how to proceed further.I also found out this person is listed as my fathers stepson on the death certificate.
Hi my ex is unfit to be a mother… neither one of us has full custody of our two children.. but she decided to skip town with my children how can I get custody of them.
Im a 19 year old mother. My mom has guardianship of my oldest daughter who is 4. And I really need help on what I need to do to terminate her rights. I was 15 when I had her and really didn’t know exactly what happened. I never went to court I just need help please please please.
Good evening my name is Kia and I am from Michigan currently living in Texas. I have a 15 yr old daughter who will be 16 next mth. She wants to go back to Michigan to finish her last two yrs of high school with my niece. I have completed a Power of Attorney which is sufficient for school and government assistance such as medicaid and Snap but my sister receives section 8 housing. My question is, with all parties consenting, is the power of attorney sufficient for section 8 as well?
I have had my grand children for 5 years now one is disable. After there mom was made to pay child support and had to start work be cause the man she lives with won’t take care and help pay her payment. He pays his and never sees his kids or get them. Is there anything I can do to protect the children. It would be very hard on them. They will not have there own space and the youngest don’t know I am not her mom she has bee with me 5 years need legal help.
Please help !!
I have taken care of my grandson for the past 3&1/2 out of 4 years of his life. My daughter and I made an agreement between the two of us that I would take care of him until she was on her feet. I did get it notarized. Ok, she barely ever called to see how he was doing, whenever I would ask her to watch him, she always had an excuse. She recently moved to st.louis. Was not even concerned about taking her son. that was in April, in May ,same year, she tried to kill herself. June rolled around and he had not talked to her son in over a month. I went to st.louis to visit my dad. She called the cops on me for kidnapping. I had to give her my grandson, now to this day, she will not let me talk to him or see him. I have never kept her from seeing her son. I tried to involve her as much as possible. I have all evidence of the no phone calls, all the excuses she would give me when I would ask her to watch him, etc..
I want to know y does our agreement that was notarized, Won’t stand up in court ? I’m very upset about the whole ordeal. And I will not stop trying to get him back until the day I die !
I live in Missouri. A as far as I’m concerned, they need laws where the child’s feelings matter. It’s not that I don’t want her to have him, it’s how she went about doing it. I think if I was a 4 yr old that got yanked out of the only place I knew as home, without any clothes, without any toys, I think that is traumatizing. If she woul of said ,hey mom, I’m ready to take my son back, I would have said ok let start out by him staying the weekend with u so he can get used to his soon to be new home.
Bottom line is this, a notarized paper don’t mean shit ! Missouri needs better guidelines on how the child actually feels, I mean after all , it is all about the child .
Any advise for what to do now ? I have cried my eyes out for almost 2 weeks now cuz I miss him . I am very heartbroken. So how do I move forth on this situation? I want visitation rights. Please help me.
My. Ex wife’s dI raised her daughters. Illegitimate daughter because she did not want to take care of her. At that timeI lived in the Dominican Republic . Noe that I am devivoced from my wife I still support the education of that child. I would like to bring her to the U S to further her education. She is 11 years. Old what can I do?
i truly need help any suggestions. I’ve been living in our school district since my kids started school my house burned down about 3 years ago so I was living with someone still in the district now she has moved out of state and I had to move out of the school district but my kids still want to stay in their school district the school in this district that I am staying at now is terrible I want them to stay in their original district too my son is is now 16 a junior and my daughter is 13 in 8th grade what can I do to keep them in their school district?
I was given Temporary Guardianship of my granddaughter after of month of her birth. I have had her for the past 9 months my daughter has not been her because she was arrested. SHe is not home and wants to take her places that are not safe and travel the roads with no license with her. I stopped her and she has now threatened me to get a lawyer but I am just protecting my granddaugher that I have been raising since birth. My daughter is 18.
I live in nj and my sister passed away last year . My brother in law has found a girlfriend on Pennsylvania he wants to move there with my 15 year old niece and her 12 year old brothers . The children do not want to move away from me and their family . My brother in law has no family or support system in Pennsylvania. What can we do ? Can the children be forced to go with him ? The woman in Pennsylvania does not want to meet any of us and does not let the kids talk of their mother or grieve
Hi, I live in Virginia and have always maintained a close loving bond with my daughter. The guardian et Lietem and the Court recognized this bond. After I expressed my concerns based on the history with my ex-wife, the added an instruction to the guardian. The instruction stated that the guardian is to “promote xxxx best interest”. I shared her interests in our close bond, and religious and shared time.
The guardian does not follow the expressed wishes of xxxx to spend time with me. This was witnessed by the police. In addition, xxx is not permitted to have private and uninterrupted conversations with her biological father. The guardian places her opinions and wishes ahead of xxxx who is very capable of making her needs known when it comes to her.
The guardian crafted a way to remove me from daughter’s life in a 20 month period when we shared a great loving bond prior to the guardianship. I requested a visitation schedule as part of the agreement but was told that it does not apply in guardianship. All that I warned of happened and this this not my understanding of what guardianship is about. The power of guardianship terminated a father daughter bond and religious affiliations in a 20 month period.
Something is wrong. I went to adult protective services several times and they stated that it is a legal matter outside of their jurisdiction. Actions such as those carried out by the guardian in this case are in my opinion and produce harm that clearly do not believe was the intention of the Court. Specially, given the history and struggle father has always had in being permitted to carry the duties of a father beside financial responsibility.
I feel robbed of the greatest gift life offers and I do not feel that this is what guardianship is about. The cards were stacked against me. There is nothing on my record and pending or prior investigations. I am not understanding. I am gaining an understanding of people are driven into insanity. I believe their is a mental health factor at work and the guardian’s family history is toxic were siblings cease communication and contact. They do not even list their names of whom they do not speak on obituaries. I actually researched.
I am seeking help in the best interest of my on child, my daughter. This is extremely challenging and I am doing my best to maintain a sound mind. Believe, I have many other horrible scars from this one person who seems unstoppable in destroying the lives of others. More like game. Sorry, it gets the best of me daily. Image your whom and your daughters bedroom being if she had been kidnapped or died. I have that type of pain.
A loving father
I have had temporary guardianship of my granddaughter for the past year and a half now. My daughter has had another baby since then. She does not know where I live, and says she is going g to take me back to court to get her daughter back. If she doesn’t know my address and files the paperwork, will I still receive the paperwork that has the court date on it?
My friend is wanting to give me guardianship of her son but she lives in Florida and I live in Virginia what can we do and how can we do it
We have custody of our granddaughters. My 17 year old, does not want to have to visit her father, my son. He and his wife have made it clear that they do not believe she is his daughter. My granddaughter would like a dna test. We love her no matter what. If we had a dna test and it showed she was not related, could this interfere with our custody? We do not want to lose her.
We have custody of our granddaughters. My 17 year old granddaughter does not want to have to go with her father every other weekend and holidays. He and his wife have made it clear that they do not believe she is his biological daughter. My granddaughter wants a dna test. We love her no matter the outcome. If we had a dna test and it showed that she is not related to us, could we lose custody of her. We do not want to lose her.
so my daughter knows this 14 year old kid,who ran away but has not been reported, that was in a group home for reasons not of their accord but their parents just keep messing up everytime they try to get them! I was wondering if there is a way I could take him in and get them back into a better school district and a decent place to live, like my house for example? just don’t know the custody or fostering laws associated with this kind of thing in New York State!
hello is it possible to get custody of a 19 year old? my little brother has ADHD and personality disorder. it is very hard for him. He can’t be by himself. he cant keep a job so he cant pay his rent. i am willing to help him but he has to be my dependent. is this even possible? if not how can i help him so that i am get the army to add him as a dependent? He can’t live on his own his disorders are holding him down. please i need help!
“I took in student of mine who is 18 that the Michigan county I live in has
guardian ship of because his mom gave up her rights. His mom had him
proven to be mentally incompetent by a judge. Can I claim him on my
taxes? “
I’ve recently got out of a 7 year relationship, I’ve helped my ex raise 3 of her children the whole time. I currently take the children a few times a month to stay with me. There mother has made some poor choices recently and I was wondering if there would be any way I could get the kids till she can get back on her feet and take care of them.
I am trying to find a way to get temporary custody of my grand niece & prevent my sister from getting unsupervised visitation with my grand nephew. My nephew’s father just gained custody of him but my sister( the grandmother) is suing on behalf of his half sister for visitation. The children’s mother is in prison and in March 2015 gave my sister temporary custody. On thanksgiving I found out my sister left her current husband for another man who moved in with her and the granddaughter. The granddaughter (8yrs of age) told me that this man was hitting her grandmother. I confronted my sister and she confirmed this but it was never reported. My niece says she has never been hurt but did see the man pull a gun on her grandmother & throw a broom at my nephew. I called CPS, 2 police departments, and a lawyer…all advised there is nothing I can do.
This is not a new situation. My sister lost custody of 2 children to their Fathers. 4 children by 3 fathers. History of moving in and out of living with multiple men. Over 29 years, I am estimating 20 men. My niece was sexually abused and now her daughter has been abused by her mothers boyfriend. My sister was married at the time temporary custody was awarded, however; we now know she was having an affair…accused her husband of abusing the granddaughter (never proved$ left him and moved the affair man in with 2 grandchildren. My grand niece is depressed, scared for her grad mother and wants to live anywhere else.
I watched this happen with my niece and nephew over the last 29 years & did not have the guts to stop it. I will never forgive myself and I cannot let this happen to this generation. Help! I can’t believe there is nothing I can do! If the mother agreed to give her daughter up for adoption to her brother or me…could the grandmother stop it?
Hi I am a 21 year old parent of 3 minors, I gave my mother temporaly gurdianship for my children. We have court in 1 month. Father and I are seperated. I have a home I work part time and I go to school. The judge recommend parenting classes, wich I didn’t complete due to my working schedual. What are the odds I won’t get my children back?
Hi I live in Indiana my mother just gave my brother to me he has aspergers and childhood diabetes she is refusing to sign over custody bc she receives child support for him and Indiana law the guardian gets that and if one parent is paying it then both parents have to. Idk what to do bc I can not prove that she is unfit she screams and yells and she basically told me that she refused to give me the child support money bc she needed it for her car payment. Idk what to do bc my brother doesnt want to live there and i think he is better off with me but i dont want her to just be able to come and take him Help please
i was under cps care because of medical neglect and didnt know what to do so i cooperated with cps and signed over legal guardianship to my aunt my case is closed and has been for sometime i was never informed that id have to have supervised visitation by her guardian now the guardian which is my aunt got mad at one of my other family members and says i cant see my child unless she is there with us supervising can she do that i only work part time and dont have money for an attorney what are my rights and the guardian also mentioned she wanted to adopt my child when she turns 18 but she said she cant unless i sign and agree sodoesthis mean i still have some rights please help me she is my only daughter and only child and myheart is broken i cry everyday i just want my baby back the only reason cps got involved was because she had toldme she was hearing voices soi sent her to the school counselor instead of sending her to a pysch doctor but i honestly thought i was doing right
I have a friend who cares for her deceased sisters son on a regular basis. She handles all of his educational needs but shares responsibilities with the boys father. His father works in an oil field and is gone most of the time, so she does a heck of a lot more than she probably should have to. Now the question is, is there a way that she can be given a power of attorney over the boys educational decisions or some type of temporary or joint guardianship over the boy? His school is now saying that he has learning disabilities that he does not have and are trying to put him into an LD class. My friend feels that this is not necessary and that working with him will help, but the school keeps telling her she has no say so in the matter. Please help
i had my nieces living with me on and off since they were born and we have are own kids but due to me and my other half not having enough space for them to live with us full time and then child welfare got involved so my sister signed temporary guardianship over to my aunt due to my sister having had drug problems and being in and out of jail well my sister just died a month ago and my aunt wont let me see my nieces or really have anything to due with them its not that i want to take them from my aunt i just want to be able to see them and spend time with them can anyone help with a legal way to go about making it were she has to let me see them and let them come stay the weekend with me once in awhile
Hi! My name is Ernest! I’m 38 and my wife and I had been raising our nephew for two years. Then one day his mother came and took him from us. What can I do to get him back? (If I can) If not can I take her to court and sue her for raising her son for two years?
I hàve full custody full placement of my daughter. Her dad was in and out since 1 month old went 2yts without asking or speaking to her until I files a claim to change her name and he found out I have a new fiance in my daughter and my life. I want to move what problmes will this cause if I do
Hello I need advice! I was adopted the day after birth and when I was 15 I had gotten pregnant when I turned 16 my 6 months of my pregnancy my adoptive dad started to threaten me about taking custody of my daughter and after I had her about 2 months he took me to a lawyer and told me what to tell her at first I told the lawyer I don’t want them having custody then he asked me what I told her he kept threatening me about it and finally I couldn’t take his threats so I signed the custody over even thought I didn’t want to he had it planed to take her from me before I was 18 because he knew he could now I’m 18 I’ll be 19 in June please how do I get her back in my custody they are horrible grandparents and they threaten me and never take me serious I don’t trust them with the custody of my daughter
OK my two nieces and their mother live with me and my husband can I get custdey of them if she still lives in the home? Confused and worried in Arizona
Hello, I am 18 years old and my mother gave up custody until I was 18, however I need my parent/guardian to do something legally for me but my biological patents can’t do it. Is it possible for my “temporary guardians” to get guardianship over me even though I am 18. It is for school purposes and my mother can’t be involved.
Okay so I’m not Living with my biological parents right now and I’m 17 and living with a friend of my parents. He doesn’t have a job and is a retired veteran who gets a check like every month, and just lives off that. Should I legally be getting any kind of cash? because this bastard that I live with expects me to try and get my ged on my own when I’m two years behind and a job on my own when I don’t have a car and very few ways of transportation. I’m in a very difficult situation right now can anybody help me out?
Hello, I have a question. I’ve lived with my grandma all my life she has custody over me. She is receiving child support from my mom. I am 21 now but my grandma been in the nursing home for 3 years and now but she is still receiving child support money. my mom has the child support card that the money come on, so basically the money they take out her check for child support she get it right back. Should I be the one with the card since its for me?
Hello. I’m almost 18 years old. I have been living with my uncle for over 3 years. I was born in the United States.
I have a question though. My uncle is my guardian. He’s been taking care of me. He has been in the country for over 13years. He has a daughter back in Africa. But cant see her because he just dont have papers. Is it possible in any ways that i can give him papers? Even though he has been present as a mom and a dad should be. I really really want him to be able to have papers and go see her daughter whom never saw her dad. It is so heartbreaking that i can barely say the word. Respond asap please.
I gave my sister custody of my boys 4 years ago years ago 5 months ago she gave them back to me but hasn’t given me custody back so she can take care of them so they are with me I need to get them enrolled in school I don’t know what to do
Much will depend on what type of custody you extended to her… Was it a Temp Custody Order or Permanent Custody? Either one can still be reversed thru the courts. A “Custody” order is not as iron clad as extending “Guardianship” to someone. That being said even allowing a friend or family member Permanent Guardianship of your child/children doesn’t mean it has to be forever. Those words were straight from the mouth of the Judge to our daughter and her husband when we went to court for Guardianship of our Grandchild. If you can’t afford to hire private counsel to handle the case for you, you can do much of it yourself (filing the appropriate documents). If you go to the courthouse that handled the custody agreement and tell the information desk what you are there for , they can get you to the appropriate people. If you run into a problem there, believe it or not DCF can help you get custody of them back. Again depending what type of custody you have her and if a Judge signed off on the agreement , it may be as simple as ” Quashing ” the Custody Order. I’m not sure what state you are in and the laws and processes do vary state to state. Did your sister say why she didn’t transfer custody back to you? If all else fails, you are the Mother of the children and that’s all the school needs to know 😉 Good luck hon
Hello, I recently lost my mom and am taking care of my dad who is handicapped from a stroke. We currently live togeather and i am trying to buy a house for My self, my daughter and my dad, they want proof i have gurdianship of him, What do i do?
I’m trying to establish guardianship for my girlfriend of our 8 year old daughter. I am the birth mother of our daughter, her father is completely out of the picture, was never in the picture aside from being a donor. I’m just trying to establish my girlfriend as a legal mother without us having to get married. Also if anything were to happen to me I would want our daughter to stay in the custody of my girlfriend, instead of going to someone in my family whom we have very little contact with. Please any arrows pointing in the right direction would very much be appreciated. Thank you
2 Moms
I gave a friend temporary gaurdianship of my son till i got on my feet only for medical and school in purposes now that i want to get him she telling me i have to go thru dhs to get him back remind yu we never went thru court. What should i do?
I’m in the military my youngest brother was awarded to the state but my grandfather has guardianship but I want to take full custody of him nd move him outta state with me with my benefit I can provide a roof food cloths and an education for him what do I need to do is there a way my grandfather can sigh over the rite or is it any other ways to come upon this
Hello I have a 16 year old daughter that wants to come live with me. Her dad said it was ok for her come and to get picked up as soon as possible what do I have to do to go pick her up
I just recently moved and my 2 yr old daughter is staying with my parents now they have filed for gaurdianship am I going to lose my rights or can I just hope get her send say she’s staying with me? I don’t want to mess her up but my parents are brainwashing her into thinking I’m not stable enough
My daughter is 29wks pregnant w my grandson. She had her 1st child at 33 weeks. High Risk Dr has advised her that she will be going to have her son up to the next 4 wks. We live in FL. and my daughters last ultrasound reflected that there is fetal damage to her unborn son. She had been on Kloni[in and Cymbalta from her Primary Dr prior to knowledge of being pregnant along with substance abuse of cocaine. If she gives birth in the next few weeks and she or BABY tests positive for substance the state of FL will send in protective custody ( SOCIAL SERVICES) and take her newborn son away. My question is how do I (the Grandmom) prevent this and I state that I will provide a home and take gaurdianship????
Well I’m 13 looking for advice about how i would like to move to Grandparents instead of living with my mom. My mom is totally down for it because, my grandparents live in another state that give better education and she believes that my education her bad. So she is supporting me but she isn’t sure if she would have to give her Guardianship rights away to my grandparents, and if she had to she wouldn’t like to. So would she have to give her rights?
How can I give my sister guardianship of my son that she has already been raising?
Hi. I have a 3 year old son and his father has zero custody. We were never married, but he is on thr birth certificate. If anything were to ever happen to me, would I be able to give custody of my son to other people who are more equipped to raise a child? His biological father has been arrested 6 times and is a 4 time felon.
I need some advice I’ve been raising my niece since birth and now she’s 1 yrs old because my youngest sister age 26 does not know how to be a mom to my niece and she leaves her with me everyday I would like to know how can I have temporary guardianship without having custody of my niece
hi. i need advice. its a long story so i will make it short. i have my 4 cousins due to me not feeling it is safe for them to return home. mother and father are both drug addicts, and have had multiple cps cases open on them. mother lives with brother who is also drug addict and gives the mother drugs. the oldest child told both her mother and grandmother (moms mom) she didnt want to come home (in her words) “im done” is what she said (the 10 yr old). cops were called when mother showed up high to get the kids. she then (with the father of the children) signed a paper to give me temporary custody of the kids before cps was called(the cops seen and heard them sign, which is the only reason they didnt call cps). but grandma freaked out and now mom wants children back. i refuse to allow them to go back. which mom has done nothing to get them back so far. i recently (before this happend) moved to another state. so i have been staying in the state the children live in, so i dont get charged with kid napping for taking them out of state. The father is all for me temporarily having custody because he knows neither one of them are fit to take care of the children and kids dont deserve to see either high on drugs. ive talked to lawyers, cops, cps, just about everyone and anyone i could think of. please if you have any advice, feel free to leave it. by the way i am 23 with a young child of my own.
My brother has a 12 yr old daughter, her mother left when she was 2 so its been just him raising her. But now he is not doing good and clearly can’t raise her financially and emotionally. He says he is going to let me take her but then has no recollection of it. She really wants to come live with me. How would I go about getting custody of her?
Hi, there. I am 22 yrs old and my nephew is 2 months old. His mother, 23, has dropped my nephew off with my aunt asking that she take care of him temporarily while she tries to get on her feet and such. They wrote up an agreement and signed it. My aunt then realized after a week of caring for the child that she is unable to do so. Now my nephew is with my cousin and his mother knows. His mother is my sister. My sister hasn’t been trying at all to get on her feet and stay sober. Before dropping her son off they were just evicted staying in her car which technically isnt hers. She took him around drugs and did them in front of him and to drug addicts houses. She is currrently still homeless and refuses to let me take my nephew in and care for him because i have already involved dfs so she is upset with me. She threatened to take her son back being homeless and with no job and my cousin said she cant care for my nephew. I don’t want full custody but at this point i dont think i have a choice. i will not let my nephew be taken back to that environment nor be neglected by his mother again. How should i go about getting temporary custody or something until his mother proves she is sober and can financially, physically, and emotionally care for him? Ive never been in this situation nor even thought it would come to this but my sister isnt a fit mother right now and I am the only family member willing to step up and take him in. Someone please help! My nephew needs me, the sooner the better. If i just go pick him up from Missouri and bring him back home with me to Colorado would that be considered kidnapping?
I will try and make this as short as possible. Ok in August 2012 my ex sister in law brought her daughter/my niece to me because she was in trouble with social services. I went to court from August 2012 to February 2013 when finally the courts awarded me Permanent custody. Fast forward to November 2016 I hadn’t seen or heard from the bio Mom or Father until I hit hard times and asked the state of Kentucky to assist me in getting child support from the parents. Well now the Dad is taking me to court to get full custody!! He lied to the courts and said he didn’t know that I had custody of his daughter, when back in 2012-2013 both parents was notified of every court date and neither showed up. The Dad only lives 15 minutes away from me so at anytime in the past 4 years I would’ve let him see his daughter if he wanted. So my question is do you think the courts will give him custody? I’ve been in this child’s life since day one, it would really hurt my family if we lose her. Please any advice at all is appreciated.
My niece stated to me that she is unable to care for her 2 year old daughter and would like me and my husband to take over care of her while she finds herself. We are in Virginia, what are our legal options and what paperwork do we need to make this happen? Do we need a lawyer or can we print the form and get it notorized so we can assume custody of my great niece.
I need advice ASAP. IM adopting baby, she was premature, I call NICU telling them my info which was already given to them by the flight crew. Told them I’d be there in afew days. The birth mother wrote statement& we both signed in front of a notary. But for some reason CPS put baby under protective custody, I can visit but have no real say even though birth mom already signed rights over. Why is this happening & can I do something about it? Also we’re native American. Any advice would help.
I need advice asap, I am from Indiana… I have had my niece living with me since November 2014. To spare my niece and my family any issues I elected not to proceed with guardianship thinking that my sister ( her mother) would do the right thing and help support her daughter. But every time I so for assistance it is always the same excuse, I need this money to pay my bills. It is not about the money, but really want to ensure that my niece has the money to do with as needed to care for herself and to get to and from college. The local court tells me to file for guardianship but she will be 18 in a little over 3 months and graduates high school in June. Do I really have a leg to stand on with nothing in writing and her getting ready to turn 18. I think her mom gets child support on her until she graduates college which will be in 2019….
Hello. I have legal gaurdianship of a child bios and child have had no contact in 2+ yrs and the bio has moved outa state without informing me or leaving any contact info. What affect will this have on my ability to adopt her.
I am 16 years old. My parents have never been married. I currently live with my mom. My dad is married and has another child. I would like to live with my dad but I want to know how to get started so I can live with him. He currently lives in a different state than I do.
I have a question… My husbands family has confirmed that a family member (his cousin) is using drugs and preg. with her 4th child. Her mother (the grandmother of children) have full cust. of 1 and temp cust. of 2nd kid and 3rd is still home with mother (who is on drugs)… they all live in Iowa, we live in Ohio… how do we contact local authorities and how do we get cust. of her children? (with out sounding like I’m after her kids, we just want to make sure they are safe.)
My sister lost custody of her 2 year old. The child went to stay with my other sister for 8 months. Now we are adopting the child, who will be 3 next week. The second sister wants to call or video chat every other day. Where should we draw the line. The child rarely talks when she calls. She keeps saying shr wants to let the child know she’s “there for them”.
Hi I have a question my ex lost her rights to my son and I was unable to take guardianship due to being incarceration Her mother has guardianship as of now and is trying to get custody How do i gain custody back of my son?
hello….i have a 17 yr old & a 16 yr old…I finally found the person id love to have as a “god mother” any 1 know how i go about that????
Ok so a few years ago my brother was removed from my mother due to her drug use. My dad and his girlfriend took him in. Flash forward 3 years dad and girlfriend break up! Now she won’t let me talk to my brother at all! I was supposed to be getting him this summer after school let out! I am 24 have 4 children with my fiancé who I have been dating since I was 13! I have a full time job as does my fiancé. Do you think I have a shot at winning custody?
hey im 16 but i really wanna live with my uncle how would i be able to do this if my mom doesnt give me to them do i have to go to court or somthing.
Can and how can i get full guardian ship of my Step Mother that has Dementia? I moved in with her when my father passed so she could remain in her apartment. Her children have little to no time for her except to want control of her $.
I gave my grandmother power of attorney 6 years ago she has refused to return my childern on a regularly basis can i legally take my childern without getting in any kind of trouble
I gave my aunt and uncle temporary guardianship of my daughter, we got it notarized but never went through the courts. I was wondering can I just go and get me daughter back or do I have to go through courts to get her back?
My husbands ex was caught stealing and doing drugs while the children were with her. Because of my husbands prior convictions the court ruled her mother as guardian. Now her mother makes it difficult to see him. Can he appeal and go back to court with a fighting chance? What all would you recommend he do. He loves his cHilda and would never hurt her.
Im 16 and my mom might die. If she dies, she wants me to get custody of my little brother because his dad is unfit. If my mom dies and his dad wants to get custody of my brother would i be able to fight him on that and win.
Hi, I’m married, and my wife’s sister is 15 will be 16 in a few months!! She’s doesn’t want to live with either parents!! Parents are divorced, dad has full custody but mom still has her rights!! Well, she’s been in and out of hospitals due to cutting, and Depression!! He parents put her in the middle of their fights, dad doesn’t take her to her appointments needed for her mental help, not does he take her to her Dr for her check ups due to her allergies to nuts!! He tells his girlfriend to take her and the Dr told her they can’t see her due to the fact that she’s not her guardian!! He tried taking her completely out of school without no one in the house hold to teach her, he don’t have ged or diploma!! He makes her go to a friends house if him n his go wants to spend time together which is almost everyday, she going to be repeating 9 grade again! If the mom wants to take her to her Dr he tells her no that he still do it but he doesn’t. Right now she’s being sent to a metal hospital cause she cut her self so badly she almost hit her artery!! She told me did it cause she’s tired of everything that her parents r doing!! She doesn’t want to live with either, but wants to love in with me and her sister!! Is there anything we can do to get her away from the bad, so she can start over and leave the drama, and everything behind her!! I’m afraid that if she continues to be in that household, one-day we will get a call that she killed herself!! Please and thanks for any thing that might help!! We live in MN!!
my brother-in-law lived in vegas and he was raising his 14 year old daughter with the mother comming in and out of their lives well he passed away and the mother left the 14 year old with her auntie who is unable to take care of her so she called me and her brother to get her we live in texas so we have her here with us how do we go about getting custody of her. the mother of the 14 year old is living on the streets doing drugs and is wanted by the police i want to keep my niece safe with us here that is what her dad would have wanted please help me thanks
I need help please… My sister in law just don’t like each other long story short i caught her cheating on my brother It turns into a heated argument between us. And she kicks me and my daughter out well its my dads house so i said im not taking my daughter on the street now the reason why i was living there is because i was going through a divorce. Well i am still homeless so i gave my brother guardianship until i could get a place to live . They moved and now they wont answer any of my calls. At first only my brother had guardianship then we went to court over my sister in law also having guardianship I was trying to fight it I told the judge if he did that She wouldn’t let me see my daughter and the judge said under know sercumstances are the to keep my daughter from. I am still her mother. They promised and said the would never do such a thing. I dont know what to do my sister said that i shouldn’t file paperwork until i have a place to live. I dont know what to do. I work I have steady pay check with good money. I dont have any drug problems. Or Cps cases. The only problem is a place to live I am able to pay rent I just cant get into a place because of my credit report. I dont have any credit. Or rental history. Please somebody help me I dont know what to do. I need my daughter i cant begin to decribe how much my heart hurts. She just turned 13 and she needs me. I dont want to miss anything. I want to be there for the good times bad times all her times. I dont know what to do if anybody has any advice it would really be appreciated. Thank you
im 14 and want to ask if my grandma has legal custody and im staying with my aunt what rights does my aunt have over me and what rights would my mom have over me
Hello all I need some advice ..I been taking care of my sister’s son for 2years now she Im his guardian she now taking me back to court get him back she hads a mental illness what should I do
Hi I have a question; My nephew who lives in NH will be turning 18 soon. I live in Ma. and am worried because he is depressed and uses substances to feel better. We have sent him to treatment, kicking and screaming but he went…. My concern is once he turns 18 he will become more of a user and end up in jail or worse. He can’t take care of himself…Is there a law where I could become his legal guardian( I know he will be 18) due to his inability to care for himself? Do I need to have him evaluated to see if he meets Mental Health issues?
I need help.
My cousins father just passed away and my aunt has no rights over her. His girlfriend is trying to keep her away from family and friends !!! Can she do this ? Does she have any rights? What’s the best way to go about this ?
My mom has been emotionally and physically abusive. We went to court over a restraining order and the judge signed off because she didn’t want to do paper work. Now my mom said she wants to beat me etc. She said I can go live with my aunt for all she cares but she will not sign over guardianship because she said I can figure everything out my own . I am 17 years old . What can I do please??? Is there anything I can do. I’m hanging on by a string
Hi, My son was 2 when DSS placed him with his paternal grandmother, he was hurt, I was 22 almost 23 and hi father & I had just split up. Long story short she choose to fight to keep him from his father & I. We both had visitation and were involved and did everything DSS asked but by the time we complete everything DSS still sided with grandma and he’s 16 now. She’s overwhelmed and “depends” on my help. I’ve been there doing everything I could to keep him on task. He has ADHD & depression now. He live 30 min from me. I have a home, fiance and a dog. Getting off work at 5pm driving 45 min to an hour there then staying until 9 pm, eating dinner at 1030-11 ever night, in bed at midnight -1 am & back up at 6am got old very quick. I did that from 6th grade to 8th grade, when I stopped. I physically couldn’t take it and his grandma said she would “do better at helping him & insuring he does his homework & study”. He was in high school now. I had to stop holding his hand. 6 weeks left in school an he’s failing Math & science. He failed math the first semester also. He failed science last year and is retaking the class now, and is still failing due to not doing the homework. I made him an appointment with a phycologist who agrees hes suffering from depression and social anxiety. He had a follow up appointment today I could not go to. When I called grandma she was upset and said she didnt like this lady and she drug tested him. Mind you he is on adderall and by law the doctor much and can preform random drug tests. Last summer he told me he was smoking pot with his cousin. I had a LONG talk with him about the consequences he could face. I am happy he tells me everything and confides in me but I also do not condone his behavior. I had the “drug” talk with him but it did no good. I took this to his grandma to let her know to keep a look out, she said “NO way, he has only been hanging out with his cousin and he can’t afford to do such a thing”. His cousin is 19 never graduated high school and has no job. Recently grandma moved cousin & cousins father (her son) in with her & my son. He is now smoking every weekend or so he tells me. Today the doctor drug tested him. i will get the results tomorrow. He has already told me he will fail it. I again bring this to her attention and she continues to deny it. CAN ANYONE PLEASE GIVE ME ADVISE on what to do?? Do I call DSS again? My parents live in Ohio and are willing to take him until he graduates high school. How can they get the courts to help?? I’m seriously at Witt’s end and really need some advice. thanks in advance for any and all comments. Ask any question and I’ll be 100% honest. Thank you for reading …. BTW, we live in North Carolina.
Hello, I need advice.
My son is 3 months old and the father and I are not legally married yet. My parents have been on my back about putting my son on their insurance, but that requires for me and my SO to give my parents the guardianship of our son over to them. I keep telling them no and that my SO and I are able to provide for our child. This is our first child and first grandchild in the family so I don’t understand what my parents intentions are. If my SO and I had more kids, then wouldn’t my parents have to get guardianship of them as well?
I need to know what guardianship really means to the grandparents, what will my SO and I lose if we grant them those rights?
Hello…i need some help…so I’m 16 turning 17 this month. My mother passed away recently from cancer and I’m currently living with my stepfather who is employed and my brother and his wife and baby girl in one house. I have two younger brothers that I love so much. The youngest brother who is 7 is from my stepdad that my mom had with him. Since my mother has passed away I knew that I would be able to live with my real dad but that would also mean I leave behind my baby brother. I love him too much to do that and I know my mom would want me to never leave him. The thing is I can’t live in this house. My older brother yells at my second youngest brother who is 13 and I for no reason most of the time. He has had anger issues since he was our age (my younger brother and i). He always yells at us and says “we don’t pay for sh*t in this house” or whatever, clearly not taking into consideration that we don’t have any source of income…other than SSI money from when my mom passed. But he doesn’t either though tbh he’s unemployed, if anything his girlfriend should be the one saying that stuff to Me, if that was the case I wouldn’t even be upset. Anyway, it may sound like it’s not that bad and that it’s just some yelling and it’s not THAT big of a deal but it is quite hard for me to type up this situation and all the emotions and thoughts that come with every event in this paragraph so please try to understand me…Back to the whole reason I am typing this, my father and/or my older sister who is employed and is doing well with her life imo are willing to let us go back to live with them and I am on the verge of just going back with my younger brother. But like I said I don’t want to leave behind my baby brother. So I was wondering if there is ANY legal actions I can take at all that will allow me to bring my baby brother with me? I know well that there is a very slim chance for me to keep my brother with me because I am so young and that’s my stepdad’s kid but if there is one thing my mom taught me well it’s to never give up and I know there has to be someway. Please help me. A straight up “well that’s just too bad” is fine too at this point idc…
Hello I am a married mom of to lovely children and very happy. Here recently I have had a situation were someone I use to work with has lost her home and job and has no where to go. She also has a son and asked me if I could care for him while they try to figure things out. It has been almost 2 months now and it dose not seem like they are doing anything. in fact i just received a call from her saying she lost her new job because she got in a car accident and doesn’t have a license so they impounded the car and she has to go to court. She also asked me if I would be willing to keep him longer and if I needed her to give me any type of rights or anything. I feel like I should just try to adopt this child. I do not want to involve dcfs this child is 10 and i would hate for him to go to the state it would brake my heart. How would i go about doing this?
I have an 18 year old friend who’s moving out from her house because of an abusive relationship with her mother but she hid all her documents (social security card, passport and birth certificate)
What do you recommend?
Is it possible to get them elsewhere ?
if i feel a nephew is in danger with those that currently have guardianship, can i petition for guardianship?
My uncle lives in the state of Nevada and I live in California. things have gotten really bad at home with my uncle and his son and he asked if I could take him for the next year, put him in school here and watch over him on a day-to-day basis since he works about 80 hours a week. my 16 year old cousin has been skipping school misbehaving and the two of them are in a really toxic relationship at home. This also happened with my now 18 year old cousin when she was 16 and she ended up dropping out of school and leaving hime at 17.
Because he is the only acting parent and he is gone so much he is now acting out.
I am 30 years old married to a 10 year active duty military member, we have great medical insurance and want to put him in school over here where he can be given proper education, as well as having someone at home to make sure he’s showing up to school and privided more discipline. Again this is an agreement my uncle and I came to but we want to know how to do this legally since it’s in two different states.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
My daughter in the event of her death would like to make me guardian of my grandson. Does anyone know of an legal forms for this. We live in the state of Maryland
HELLO, My husband wants to become legally responsible ifir my daughter. Her biological father is willing to sign what ever he need to and has no interest In her at all. My husband has been in her life since she was three she is mow 12. We live in New York and don’t know what we need to file with out getting a lawyer we vmcant afford one.
Hi I am nearly 19 years of age and my 5 and 7 year old siblings have been taken off my mother due to mental health isnanybody aware of what my chances are of being able to care for them myself? I have a 2 bedroom flat and my job offers part time work?
I have a question if my grandmother has custody of me and my mom only has visitation is my mom allowed to hit me or put her hands on me in anyway
Hi, just need to get an idea on what my husband can do after he was forced to give up his 5 year old daughter from the child’s mother sister while dropping her off at daycare. She had a signed notarize letter from the county attorney saying that she had the right to take her for the summer for visitation. This all happened because he refused to let her child’s mother take her to Texas for visitation. So she signed her rights over to her sister and left back to Texas where she resides. The auntie lives here in MN where my husband and step daughter and I live. He’s had his daughter since 2015 after the child’s mother left to Texas with his daughter and then he received a call from CPS down in Texas saying that they had his daughter because the mother was stop and charged with a DUI and she had the child with her. He did everything the court ordered down in Texas and he was able to keep her so they’ve lived here in MN and now just out of the blue the mother appears and does this and the point is that the mother isn’t even with her child for summer visitation
I have a sibling in jail awaiting a sentence, my mother is guardian of his two youngest and if anything happened to her would I have any trouble getting them instead of my oldest sibling and how. My mother health wise isn’t really capable but I help as much as I can. If my siblig doesn’t want me to take them but it’s the best for them can he have it stopped?
hi i’m trenidy, i’m 16 and my parents got a divorce when i was 2 and my dad got full custody do to my mothers actions took. my mom met this guy named josh and he’s great i love him to death, but they’ve never got married but i still consider him my step dad. they are now splitting up and my mom is thinking about moving to texas 12 hours away and is leaving me here in tennessee. i don’t know if she meant it but i basically love with my brother he is 25 has a girlfriend they’ve been together for about 8 years and i love it here i feel like it home and i’m safe and i was just wondering if there was any way possible if he could adopt me? or take me under his custody.
Hi, my name is Jeri. I am a very independent 24 years old, I have my own place and just recently got engaged and am going to school for nursing. I am writing you in need of some major advice on what I should do about my 39 year old sister. She has been addicted to drugs for over 15 years and has 2 children in her care. My nephew is 8 years old and my little niece is 5 years old. I know they both love their mother very much and the oldest would be lost without her. She constantly has people in her home using drugs with the kids there and every time I go to their place the house is a pigsty, there is never no food in the fridge or cupboards. She feeds them nothing but junk food for breakfast, lunch, and supper. Every time I see her she is either higher then a kite where you can’t have a simple conversation with her because she is so scattered brained talking a mile a minute, or she’s coming down off the drugs and is miserable. If she doesn’t have Meth her substitute drug is GHB, this drug makes her blackout she will be sitting there one minute than sleeping the next and it is nearly impossible to wake her up. I am scared that something bad is going to happen to my niece and nephew. I want to know if there is a way i can take them away from her asap.
Hi, my name is Paulina and I need some advice/suggestions.
So I gave custody of my 3 kids to my parents 9 yrs ago i was addicted to drugs.i have been clean off of drugs for 6 yrs now and have been living in my parents 1 brdm apt and paying rent, I have recently started a relationship with a very long time friend and we’ve been dating for more than a year now. So my parents r 69 and 58 yrs old and both handicapped. My mom has copd n dad has gout plus he’s already had a stroke and now talks a little side ways n seems a little different
So my dad is really old fashioned n kind of stubborn proud and stuck in his ways, that it makes it hard to confront the situation. My mom says if I take my kids I’ll b taking they’re home. So my question is and u don’t have to have an answer but even a suggestion suffice. What should I do and what would I need to move out with my kids I already am not with my older 3 kids because my ex husband took them from me when I left him and they want nothing to do with me but I have changed my whole life to b the mom that I need to band should have been ??? Sorry to seem nieve or dumb k thx
I would try and spend as much time with all my kids every chance I could and moving your kids out and you getting a place with the isn’t wrong, your not taking them away from their home. As long as your not living in a hotel or on the streets and moving constantly your only trying to do what’s best for your kids, parent’s, and especially being a loving caring mother. I wouldn’t give up on the older ones but they might need time, a child Will always need their mother sometime in life. In your case just never give up but don’t rush it, they will come around. You sound like a great mom that Just wants to spend a little quality time with her children! Good like and blessings are out there and prayers for you and your family!
Hello all! i am 17 years old and living with my aunt. I moved out of my mothers home due to unsafe conditions. Since my aunt and grandmother are taking care of me with school, car and other parental consented activities, my mother is on welfare and gaining all of my benefits and not giving me any support in any way, how can i transfer my benefits over from my moms account to my Aunt’s since my mom is not taking care of me and my aunt is buying and providing me shelter and food ? any answers to my question will be appreciated 🙂
We recently took gardianship of my mother in law who was deamed by the court that she is disabled nd under to care for herself. Is it legal to leave her home alone for an hour or so in state of Ky. We feel she has not progressed to the point of needing 24 hour care.
I’m fourteen years old and my father died just recently. My parents got divorced when I was about two and my mom has basically been out of the picture since. She was just recently arrested and will most likely be going away for a long time. I would like to stay with a person that is not technically related to me through marriage or through blood. I have grandparents that I do not wish to stay with and would like to find a way to get custody granted to my preferred guardian. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! You
I need a piece of advice and information here. So I am going to get based somewhere away from my son. My son’s father does drugs and has no steady income (my son and I live States away from his father). If I give my mother guardianship of my son while I’m away, will it require The father to give up his rights as the parent first?
I have Joint Custody in Virginia and was wondering if my wife could get co-guardianship of my son? She does everything for him when he is with us and I’m working. The school won’t even talk to her about anything when I’ve put her number down under his contacts. How can I get her some rights for him? Please help because this is tearing her heart out.
Hi. I’ve been living with my sister for almost a month now. In Miami my mother wasn’t always there so I moved to New Jersey with my sister after the death of my uncle in July. My mother is no where to be found since then. I need to register for school but the counselor said I need my mother because she is my legal guardian. My sister and I tried to explain our situation but the counselor wouldn’t hear it. I’m only 17 and this is my last year in High School. What should I do?
I need help ASAP. My sister passed away, her exhusband has 5 of her kids. He is planning on taking them to another state, away from their family. He has a job, but has drug related past with convictions. I do not have a job, but I am going to college online. They have told me that they do not want to go and he is emotionally abusive, which is why my sister had divorced him. He hasn’t let my nieces and nephews grieve, I need help.
My parents want to give me guardianship over my younger sister because she isn’t doing well where she is. In aware of the things that need to be done but I’m not sure if there are always hearings for these types of things. I live about 2000 miles away so I wouldn’t be able make that trip. I need help