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. Editorial Guidelines:
- You may include two hyperlinks: one non-promotional link in the body of the article; one self-promotional link in the last paragraph of the article (the last paragraph of the article is where you can mention your name, credentials, and link to your website)
- Must be an original article that you wrote (must not be an article that you stole from public domain or that you bought)
- Must be informative and share your unique expertise. Include tips, strategies, techniques, case-studies, analysis, opinions and commentary in your articles.
- Must not be promotional, like an advertisement, sales letter, or blatantly self-hyping
- Must utilize proper English, spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization and sentence structure.
- Must not contain: pornography/adult material, hate or violence-oriented, suggest racial intolerance, advocate against any individual or group, have insulting, obscene, degrading tone, or contain profanity.
- Must not include a reply to a personal email, letter or other correspondence.
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- Visible to thousands of visitors looking for family law information every month
- Builds credibility for your own brand or expertise
- By including a link to your own website at the bottom of the article you improve your own site’s search engine optimization (SEO)