Does Eddie Murphy Have To Support His Child With Scary Spice? 1

About: Entertainers

Eddie Murphy and Melanie Brown

Melanie Brown, better known as Scary Spice of the popular girl group the Spice Girls, recently alleged that actor/comedian/singer (yes, singer) Eddie Murphy was the father of her new born daughter. Eddie Murphy vehemently denied that he fathered Melanie’s child. Ultimately, however, blood test results determined that Eddie Murphy was in fact the father.

What Does This Mean For Eddie Murphy?

Even though the couple were never married, according to California law, Eddie Murphy will be obligated to pay child support. He also has custody and visitation rights, but according to recent reports has chosen not to exercise his visitation rights.

Since Brown Recently Married Does Murphy Still Have To Pay Child Support?

In California, new spouse income will not be considered in determining child support, so Ms. Brown’s marriage to producer Stephen Belafonte will likely not affect the amount of child support Mr. Murphy must pay. So, even though the Brown/Belefonte household income will likely increase, that has little impact on any child support calculations that affect Eddie Murphy.

However, if Ms. Brown’s new husband wants to adopt the child as his own (stepparent adoption) and Mr. Murphy relinquishes his custodial rights, Mr. Murphy will no longer be obligated to pay child support and will also lose all visitation rights.
