Bill Murray’s Wife Files For Divorce 0

About: Entertainers

Bill anf JenniferActor/comedian Bill Murray’s wife of almost 11 years has filed for divorce in South Carolina. Jennifer Butler Murray’s divorce petition alleges that she and the couple’s four children moved to Sullivan’s Island, near Charleston, in 2006 because of Murray’s adultery, marijuana and alcohol addictions, abusive behavior, sex addiction and frequent abandonment. Butler Murray seeks a divorce on the grounds of adultery, physical cruelty, habitual addiction to drugs and a one year separation.

The Murrays have four children, ranging in age from 7 to 15 (the oldest three children were born prior to the date of marriage). Butler Murray is seeking sole custody with reasonable visitation granted to Murray if he behaves appropriately and does not involve the children in the divorce litigation.

She also seeks several preliminary orders including a restraining order to keep Murray away from her home, to keep Murray from exposing their children to any of his paramours or people who use or possess drugs, to keep Murray from denigrating her in front of the children and to keep Murray from threatening her or the children via telephone, voice mail or text message.

The divorce petition also indicates that the couple has a prenuptial agreement. Butler Murray has asked the court to find that agreement valid and to handle the division of the couple’s finances according to the agreement. If that occurs, Butler Murray stands to receive a $7 million lump sum payment upon the finalization of divorce.

source: Charleston Post and Courier
