Kate Walsh Divorce Gets Nasty 0

Why is it that the short marriages so often create the nastiest divorces? Television actress Kate Walsh and her movie exec husband Alex Young were married for just over one year. No kids. Seemingly not much to fight about, right? Wrong.

Looks like Young is not going down without a fight. Married in September, 2007, the couple split in November, 2008. The divorce petition was filed in December. There was one minor clue at the time of the filing that things might take a turn for the worse. Young claimed the date of separation was November 22. Walsh disagreed and indicated that the actual date was “yet to be determined.”

Although often inconsequential, the date of separation could be a pretty big deal depending on the exact date on which large amounts of income were paid.

More recently, the former couple’s accounting firm filed a motion with the divorce court to have Young’s dissolution attorneys restrained from harassing it with further document requests. The firm represented both parties until shortly after the divorce was filed. In its motion, the firm claimed that it turned over all information pertaining to the couple’s finances to Young’s lawyers but objected to the broad language used in the requests. For example, it claimed that certain requests could be read to include documents protected by an attorney-client privilege.

The accountants claim that they gave over 3,000 pages of docs to Young but were subjected to repeated and calculated harassment by the lawyers anyway.

Walsh’s attorney Laura Wasser has now requested that the judge set a trial date. Such a request usually indicates that no headway is being made in meaningful settlement negotiations. Often, a trial date will jump start the process a bit. Young’s attorneys argue that there is no way to try the case very soon without full financial information.

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