Kelis and Nas Divorcing 0

Singer Kelis filed for divorce this week from her rapper husband Nas (né Nasir Jones). Kelis (whose last name is Rogers) is seven months pregnant with the couple’s first child.

The couple met in 2002 and was married in January, 2005 – or so everyone thought. The divorce petition states that the date of marriage was July 28, 2003, a year and a half before the couple’s publicized wedding ceremony. So far, I’ve seen no explanation for the discrepancy but the date of marriage will be extremely important to the distribution of marital assets.

Kelis asks for spousal support, child support and joint custody of the unborn child in her petition. She is represented by divorce lawyer to the stars, Laura Wasser. The recession doesn’t seem to be affecting Wasser’s business much – she is currently representing actress Kate Walsh, Mel Gibson’s wife Robyn Gibson and music producer Jimmy Iovine among others. She previously represented Britney Spears, Johnny Knoxville, Angelina Jolie, Stevie Wonder and Pamela Anderson’s ex Rick Salomon.

It is unlikely that the divorce will be finalized before the birth of the baby (due date is listed in the petition as July 21, 2009) but even if it were, a court could not establish custody or support orders prior to the birth. With substantial assets (no word on a prenup yet), I don’t see this divorce moving extraordinarily quickly anyway.
