While there are numerous ways to test paternity, many testing laboratories now market a new non-invasive pre-natal paternity test that can be performed as early as 13 weeks into the pregnancy.
This new fetal cell DNA test uses the mother’s blood to isolate the DNA of the fetus and then compares it to the alleged father’s DNA collected from a buccal swab, hair sample or even forensic samples such as a toothbrush, water bottle or chewing gum – no blood sample is required for the would-be Dad . As of the writing of this article, the test runs about $1000 – more if you have multiple paternal samples to be compared – and results can usually be obtained within a couple of weeks.
In theory, this new testing process is a great alternative to the invasive pre-natal tests: CVS and amniocentesis. However, there are some questions regarding the accuracy of this type of test and as a result, some laboratories have declined to offer it until further studies can be done.
Currently, this test is not endorsed by AABB-accredited laboratories and because the father’s sample is not validated, the test would likely not be admissible in a paternity suit.
WARNING- this type of test is unreliable!!! there are many companys and “labs” that offer the non invasive prenatal dna test that claim it is 99.9percent accurate. Unfortunatly my boyfriend and i fell for this amd forked out well over a thousand dollars to do this test because there was one other possibility of paternaty for my daughter. we wanted to know while i was still pregnant so we preformed the test (which EXCLUDED my boyfriend as the father). We were heartbroken. to his credit he said he wanted to step in and be the father, we tried this but the stress was too grat and we split up. I told my whole family (and his) that my child was not his. I then took the ONLY other canidate to court for child support. The dna results at the accredited lab showed that this man was also EXCLUDED. i wasnt with anyone else. DNA PLUS is a SCAM that has cost me time money heartbreak and embarassment. Imagine the look on my boyfriends face when i had to explain to him that after much research i found out that DNA PLUS lied to us. the accuracy of the non invasive dna test is LESS than 75%. He walked out on his daughter thinking she was not his and missed vital parts of her development that we can never get back. This destroyed our relationship and hurt scores of our family members.
WE WERE LUCKY>>> imagin how many women went and had abortions or gave up children for adoption based on these bogus results from DNA PLUS????? Imagin how many fathers have children they think arent there children? think about how many lives this has screwed up? And why? All so some heartless man could get rich quick. He should not be able to get away with this. My boyfriend and i are re testing (which WILL be positive). after that Im going to sue the lab. If anyone else has been victimized by DNA PLUS (based in southern california) please come forward. put asside your embarrassment. I feel stupid for falling for this. I also feel like DNA PLUS directly lies about the accuracy of this test and IT NEEDS TO END NOW, befor they hurt more people. I know there are more of you out there…please come forward (o2trippy@aim.com is my email)…we can stop this scam before it hurts anyone else. What this “lab” did to us is INEXCUSABLE and UNFORGIVABLE. we have to end this now , no matter how embarrassing your situation may be you need to realize whatever mistakes we made regarding the paternaty of our children pale in comparison to what DNA PLUS did to us. Help me fight this, we have a better chance if we stand together. I KNOW Im not the only one who was hurt by this….PLEASE help me stop it from hurting others. please
Did you test boyfriend #1 for paternity?? e
I am in the process of having the non invasive prenatal testing done. My babies alleged father is actually the one who came forward with wanting to do this test. It is a very complicated situation because we live literally across the whole united states from one another. He is the only one testing because he is the only one who needs to be tested. I am so curious to see what they will come back with. I read about this scam after he already paid for everything. Which sucks. I know he wanted to find out the answer for sure because he wants to start participating and now we just have to wait longer because I can’t do any other kind of testing being I am already 26 weeks!! I swear I can’t believe the scams out there. These people must be sick in their head to do this to people. Peoples hearts and minds and not to mention $$ that could have gone towards raising the child instead of literally flushing it down the toilet!! Ill let you know the outcome…..
@greeneyes27, I hope the test works for you. Please do come back and let us know, though. There are a lot of people in your position (me included) that would love to know whether these types of tests are getting reliable results. Thank you.
The test results came back almost 5 weeks later!! A long wait. As I suspected they came back excluding my babies dad. The report was the fakest looking s$@t I have ever seen. The ethnicities were labeled incorrectly for both of us. There was no reference to my DNA Alleles which should have been included in the report. So for all I know they could have very well been comparing my DNA to his which I hope we ate not a match!! That would be creepy. I found a number to the new York laboratory investigators. I spoke with a man there who has been investigating this company for years and is just waiting for someone from new York to make a complaint so he can shut down this fly by night operation. When I called them after the testing they evaded all my questions and said I should test again with them after the babies born. According to the investigator they don’t even test the DNA and they just pick letters and supposed DNA markers out of their hat and paste it into there bullshit report. SO in conclusion don’t waste your money save it for your baby!! Good luck;) say a prayer to God Ge has been the one who has given me the necessary peace to make it through tgi pregnancy:)
Did you find out yet?? I was thinking about starting the process next week but the comments/scams scare me to death!
The test results came back almost 5 weeks later!! A long wait. As I suspected they came back excluding my babies dad. The report was the fakest looking s$@t I have ever seen. The ethnicities were labeled incorrectly for both of us. There was no reference to my DNA Alleles which should have been included in the report. So for all I know they could have very well been comparing my DNA to his which I hope we ate not a match!! That would be creepy. I found a number to the new York laboratory investigators. I spoke with a man there who has been investigating this company for years and is just waiting for someone from new York to make a complaint so he can shut down this fly by night operation. When I called them after the testing they evaded all my questions and said I should test again with them after the babies born. According to the investigator they don’t even test the DNA and they just pick letters and supposed DNA markers out of their hat and paste it into there bullshit report. SO in conclusion don’t waste your money save it for your baby!! Good luck;) say a prayer to God He has been the one who has given me the necessary peace to make it through this pregnancy:)
what company was this??
@ Rich. The companies name is DNA Plus. I think they have a few other companies under their belt that are similar.
well im officially terrified. i am 15 weeks pregnant i have a fiance because he thinks we are having a child together but i also made a mistake and now there is 1 other possibility . i am embarrassed and his entire family have already started the process of buying us things that i beg them to wait until we at least know the sex to buy me a couple more weeks… i feel guilty and if i tell him all hell will break lose. the other man in question wants to do the paternity testing now in secret and ive been researching the non invasive way and i started coming across all of these reports of scams from dna plus which worries me because i am having a very difficult time finding other websites that dont tell me i need an amnio or cvs to find out. any advice? anywhere else i could go to figure this out? i dont want to find a different website then its really just a scam of dna plus under them as well and most places im finding are all the way in canada which is where i also heard on another scam report of dna plus that dna plus didnt even do the reports their and that they send it out to a lab in canada for the report and thats why it takes so long for results to be returned… i wonder if i sent in a toothbrush from both alleged fathers if either of them would return as a match and then what would i do just be completely screwed out of a grand?
Please do not use this type of test. I currently went through a horrible situation with my ex husband and my boyfriend after taking this test. I took the test with my boyfriend and the results came back saying that he was the father. When my daughter was born I did a court admissible paternity test with my ex husband and the results came back proving that he is in fact the father. Whoever offers this test should be ashamed of themselves! The situation was bad enough as it was but giving false results complicated it even more. I got us in this situation, but the false results just broke hearts even more and made things so much worse. Do not waste your money on the prenatal maternal blood test from any lab, it’s a scam. Just wait until the baby is born!
When the pregnancy was around 12 weeks, I made several inquiries to DNA Plus about their fetal cell prenatal paternity test. Phone calls to a “Dr. Barry” and a “Bruce” seemed overly casual, off-the cuff, and awkwardly timed. E-mail responses were choppy and similarly casual. I should have known by the impersonal way that DNA Plus communicated with customers that this was not a professional operation.
Nevertheless, because the pregnant mother refused to do an invasive CVS or amniocentesis, and because the DNA Plus site claimed that their non-invasive fetal cell prenatal paternity test was reliable, we moved forward with DNA Plus. I made my $200 deposit and paid the remaining balance of $1,049 ten days later.
A red flag went up when my credit card payment needed to be made to “Rebel Productions.” Another red flag went up when I learned that DNA Plus has to make up a story about a “research project” in order to get hospitals to make appointments and draw blood for their customers.
At 14.5 weeks, as scheduled, we went to the hospital for the blood draw. We had the blood sample spun, packaged with my cheek swab and all the paperwork, and shipped off to a lab in Canada in a pre-addressed Fed Ex envelope.
In the three weeks between the test and results, I did some more research on DNA Plus. Turns out that their prenatal paternity test is not accredited by the AABB, the governing body over DNA-based paternity tests, and the results do not stand up in court. I found many unfavorable reviews from DNA Plus customers, some saying that their results were unreliable and others saying that DNA Plus was an outright scam operation. I also learned that the technique of collecting viable fetal cells from maternal blood is theoretical and experimental. The research studies on the DNA Plus web site, when the links work, only seem to confirm this.
The results from DNA Plus stated that I “cannot be excluded as the biological father of the fetus,” which according to their web site, meant there was a 99+% chance I was the father. I contacted DNA Plus, asking them if this in fact meant that there was a 1% chance I was NOT the father. Their reply suggested that the 1% inaccuracy is caused by people mislabeling samples and not from flaws in their scientific technique. My samples and files, according to DNA Plus, were clean and in order. I was the father.
This was an unfavorable result for me, and the next six months would be the most difficult in my life.
The baby was eventually born with a blood type that makes my paternity a genetic impossibility. A subsequent DNA test with the other alleged father confirmed his paternity.
I sent DNA Plus a long letter requesting they refund my money for the inaccurate and likely fraudulent test. They responded with a series of poorly constructed arguments and refused.
I filed a dispute with my credit card company over the charge. After submitting the results showing another man as the father, I successfully had the charge reversed and got my money back. But no amount of money can make up for six months of emotional distress.
DNA Plus is playing an unbelievably selfish, careless, and dangerous game in an effort to make a few bucks. Spread the word.
They say that “where’s there’s smoke, there’s fire.” In other words, there are many complaints about the accuracy of DNA Plus’s prenatal paternity test and it’s for a good reason. I also found myself in the position of trying to exclude myself as an alleged father. When the results of their test said I was the father, we both told our respective families the news. After the baby was born I had another test done by a genuine, AABB accredited lab and was exluded as being the father. What a nightmare. A male child always received the Y chromosome from his father, unchanged. Yet, they will attempt to explain away why there was a false match with a male fetus. Avoid this service. Not only will the results potentially turn your life upside down, but you risk losing a lot of money. And, after I began to call them back to discuss refunds they wouldn’t take my calls. Amazingly though, you can reach them 24 hours per day if they don’t recognize your caller ID.
What are some of the other company names in question under DNA Plus. My boyfriend and I recently got our results back from “Paternity Direct” and it excluded him as being the father. It’s a long story, but I was with a boyfriend 2 weeks before my current boyfriend. I would have been using protection, but 2 years ago I was told by a fertility specialist that I could never have any more babies. It would be impossible, so imagine my surprise when I found out I was pregnant. My boyfriend does not want me to have this other guys’ baby, but I can’t just get rid of her. She’s a miracle baby either way. Does anyone have info on Paternity Direct and their accuracies? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Dna plus, prenatal genetics center……The name doesnt really matter. Almost all of them ship ur sample to the same lab for testing in ontario. New science magazine busted the lab in a pretty good case of investigative journalism. They sent several samples and they all came back wrong. The lab even came up with a fetal dna from samples where the woman wasnt even pregnant. The only lab that is legit and actually developed the technology for a noninvasive prenatal paternity test is Ravgen. A lab in MD USA. They have published their studies, have used their test in a murder trial, and are accredited. You can even call and talk to their medical director. Ontario lab doesnt even have one. I think they just make it all up and wait for you to send in the dna after the baby is born. They have the twch for that kind of dna test.
I just used this company and got my results back today. Totally not what i was expecting. If anybody has any follow-up information about them, could you please post? I am quickly running out of time on making a decision and am petrefied to make the wrong one if this company is not legit. Thank you!
Someone who has experience or heard about the lab natera/ddc diagnostic senter and the result with this test? Im so scared. I took this test in august and my boyfrirend was the father then. Two weeks ago my daughter was born. Totally unlike my boyfriend. Oh my goodness i hope the other man who raped me is not the father. Im loosing everything then.
What did the results come out to be with your experience? Were they right or wrong? used DDC and not sure if they are accurate.
Amanda, You said that you had used DDC as well and that you had doubts about the accuracy of the test. Would you mind sharing your experience? Thanks.
I have 2 more months to go. did my test with DDC in march and alleged father was excluded. I called them every day and they keep telling me to relax cause they guarantee results. Now that i am reading all these reviews i have anxiety. I am married and i do not want to loose my husband nor my family over this. My family do not know what happened to me so is my husband. I do not know how i will live if I will find out that this test was wrong. DDC staff members along with prenatal manager specifically told me that they are 100% accurate. if the alleged father is excluded there should be no doubt and worries. How many of you got inaccurate results from DDC?
hi natalie have u confirmed ddc’s reaulta yet ?
I am in the same boat. I have been reading all of these posts and chose not to reply, but it just sounds all too familiar! I am 27 weeks. I just got my results back from DDC. My boyfriend and I were going in with 100% confidence our results would come back positive and then he was excluded! Not likely AT ALL. My last period, my ovulation date, my conception date and my due date add up to my boyfriend being the father. Im not accepting this and unfortunately have to retest when my baby is born just to reassure both families.
Hello! I know this is an old post but I am going through the same thing. The prenatal test from DDC excluded my boyfriend. I have to test after my child is born too but I am wondering if your results were reversed once your child was here? I’d love to here from you!
My ex girlfriend and I used DDC for their non-invasive prenatal paternity test, cost me $1,625! Went to a local clinic to have our blood drawn, and the clinic overnighted the samples to “the lab”… found out after the fact the non-accredited lab is Natera in California and not the AABB-accredited DDC lab in Ohio. Anyway, we got the results just over a week later, and it stated that I am excluded as the biological father of the fetus. My ex was totally upfront and honest with me from the day she told me she was pregnant. Based on the facts we both believed that I was most likely the father. I think that the test results are wrong (false negative) and now I have to wait 6 months to know for sure!
Wow Ty. Good thing you and your ex are so straight with each other. But that’s really too bad you think you got a false negative and have to test again.
Well things were good between the ex and I until we got the test results from DDC in late April. She freaked out after seeing that I was excluded as the biological dad… we didn’t expect that result. We weren’t trying to get pregnant, but we weren’t exactly trying not to get pregnant. We last had sex at the perfect time (for conception), and that is why I believe that the test got it wrong. Unfortunately, my ex believes that all DNA tests are totally accurate and she is going on as if I am not the dad. I was involved with the pregnancy up until we got the results, but now she doesn’t involve me in anything including the ultrasound that was 2 weeks ago. She told me via text that she’s having a boy. And now I’m told that it would be “inappropriate” for me to attend the baby’s birth!
The baby is due 4 months from now and, for now, she is ok with having a traditional paternity test after the baby is born. I’m really hoping the baby is mine, and I would love to expose this prenatal test as the POS I believe it is!
Hi Annie. If you’re still out there, I would love to know how your situation played out. Did you have a paternity test done after your baby was born? If so, what was the result? I used DDC/Natera as well, and I am skeptical of the results.
I use ddc and natera. Same shit or?
Hello everyone I recently had a non-invasive paternity test done with accu-metrics this company in Canada does anyone have reviews on this company? The answer they gave me was totally not what I expected but they claim it was 98% accurate.
Most of the information out there is by the companies or persons who profit by it. It is very difficult to get actual data. The claims that it performs as advertised is just marketing – no actual study has been done by those who are not employed by the company in some capacity. The argument that it is difficult to figure out which DNA comes from the fetus vs the woman is garbage. They take the woman’s DNA from the inside of her mouth, not blood. There are no fetal cells there. I wouldn’t trust any tests done by the company themselves – many pharmaceuticals fake their results. You see it in the news all the time.
Thanks Jamie, its just so frustrating I lost my fiance over someone that took advantage of the circumstances I was in and knowing he came out to be the dad terrifies my whole pregnacy I don’t believe in abortions so I’m keeping the baby regardless but losing the person I love hurts and makes d pregnacy hard. I’m still keeping my faith hoping this is a scam and not true. But according to them this is very new technology and is very accurate.
Anna, I am in the same situation as you right now!! I did a prenatal dna test with Accu Metrics and just received my results yesterday..97.8% this guy I had sex with one time and the crazy thing is..he pulled out! Hell we wiped all of it off my stomach! I’m confused and my parents are pretty pissed at me for just now telling them and the fact that the test isn’t 99.9% kinda worries me. I don’t understand & I’m curious to kno if this is a scam! I’ve invested well over 600$ on this. I need answers!
Hey girl,
How are you?
DId you have your baby and was everything ok? Was wondering if your results match what the non invasive test showed. Best of luck!
I feel the same way, this is going to be the longest time to wait of my life. I really feel they don’t know what they are doing I speak to a guy name harvey and he promise me a 99.9% accuracy then he gives me a 98%? I speak to other labs that do the same in the US and they said not to trust this canadian labs. And you get what u pay for $600 just dosent sound right when regular price is around $1200. I should of done more research
Omg I just got my results too and it’s doesnt seam right! I mean I don’t want to think am forcing this baby on the wrong guy, but seriously the dude who is said to be the father with 97.8% accuracy is actually the one I believed wasn’t. I used accumetrics in Canada and I got a lot of run around from them. I just have to wait for my baby girl to be born. Smdh!!!! They were too cheap to be true but now I just have to wait and see how true their results are. 4 more months for me
Someone that gets the results from accu-metrics keep us updated after the baby is born!! Something is fishy about them and they are to cheap!
Anna and JoJo I’m confused and kinda scared! I mean I spoke with other labs as well and they told me its highly a chance they are Fraud but idk..nothing sounds right about it..and I was 90% sure it wasn’t who they said it is..so that freaks me out more! Have u guys heard anything or came across any research about them??
The 97.8% is mostly to cover their behind. I truly feel all they do is guess to get peoples money. I heard all prenatal paternity test go to the same laboratory in Canada. And there has been false reports given to many people. So I might just be one more added to their count I don’t know Girl girl12 we just have to wait till the baby is born 🙁 and pray for patience..
Hi Anna , GirlGirl12 and Jojo
I am in the same situation as you. Shocked by the results of accumetricsm my baby is due in two weeks. I will let you know the accuracy of the tests.
What really set a red flag was the positive result of the guy I NEVER thought would be the father and also the fact that I only paid half and they haven’t called me in the last three months about the remaining balance…..
Hey Lissa, oh wow… I wish I got the same discount lol!!! 2 weeks? Let us know how that goes. I really hope you get the answers!! I know for me what is giving me a red flag is the fact that after I mailed my samples and got confirmation of delivery, I call them and they claimed they did see anything. I tried to explain what I sent and she say “Oh I remember seeing something like that, but still cant find my name or the package…” anyway the next day I called and she “found it”. I just gave up worrying about the results and am waiting. 4 more months for me. Let us know what happens
Hi Jojo,
Definetely, I live in Toronto so I walked into the facility. Hoping the results are what they say they are. I will let you guys know for sure as soon as shes born.
All the best !
So u sent in your stuff and they r saying they cant find it?..Now they are saying they have found it and still haven’t given you any results??..this is bullshit..im getting angry!!! All the DNA labs ive called have told me about this place and how they have cases right now from clients who went there and got false results. One family sent in two separate samples from different alleged fathers and got the SAME result…positive…lol that’s not possible. so Yes we will pray just as Anna said..im due in three weeks as well and I will let u all know. But if u guys find out more crap pls let us know.
So how unsure are u about the other guy?..like is it just a slight chance..or a BIG chance its his?
What you just posted really breaks my heart and scares me. Me and this guy (who tested positive) are so happy with the results and have been through so much from day one. Now hearing mixed reviews about accumetrics just makes things complicated. Now my delivery day will be more of a stress than a joy. She will be my daughter anyway but im worried about him.
When we found out results we both were shocked. Basically I slept with both back to back. One used the pull out method (tested positive) and one didnt use any methods it was full out unprotected ( the one that we thought was the father..and never tested him)
They convinced both of us over phone that results are 99.99 percent accurate and even offered us another test after shes born so we took their word for it ..and now im hearing this im shocked.
I can’t find any fraud reviews online till this day I look. I dont know what to believe.
GirlGirl12 they “found” them finally and gave me a positive results. I only tested the other guy cos my soon-to-be ex-husband was not trying to cooperate. I don’t remember the other guy who tested positive coming inside of me, but my husband always does and I saw ewcm a day after we had sex. That’s why I was shocked by the results. But I try to enjoy my pregnancy just putting this at the back of my head.
Melissa don’t worry so much about the results. Am sure your daughter will make you happy bottom line. But I wouldn’t rely 100% on this company. There are numerous review about their jack and Jill test that gave false answers saying you habing a boy yet its a girl!! We all need to expose them!!!! I don’t think they test. They just guess and say whatever to us and take our money. Smdh!!!!
Lissa and GirlGirl12 you two are so close to delivery I am so glad the nightmare is about to end. So do you two plan on retesting right after delivery? If you do please dont forget about us and keep us updated as we still have a couple of months to wait. JoJo same thing happen to me with the guy that tested NOT to be the father he came inside of me we even talk about me possibly getting pregnant that same night.
The guy who tested positive was like 10 percent and the other was 90 just in the way it happened and how unprotected it was.
The two guys are two different races so I will just know when shes born.
DNA plus is a total scam and so is DDC prenatal
I had a test done by both companies a year ago and last month I found out they are both wrong. They state they are different labs but now I am thinking they just send it to the same place. Please beware
What exactly was your experience with DDC? I’m going thru a situation now where DDC says my ex-girlfriend’s baby is not mine, yet she and I both were more than 90% sure that it is mine based on what we knew we were doing and when. Did a DNA test after your baby was born prove that the prenatal test was wrong?
Hi Ty,
no I did not do a test after but one of the guys was hispanic (very light skin) and the other black. The child was obviously of a different race than the presumed father. So you can probably know how I feel right now.
Crazy how similar our situations are. I am black, and the other guy is hispanic.. my ex is Italian. Although I’ve heard that you often cannot tell immediately after the baby is born, she is certain that she’ll be able to tell who the dad is by looking at him. I’m insisting on a DNA test. Since the DDC prenatal test says that I’m not the dad, she’s putting total faith in that result and is not allowing me to be involved in the pregnancy at all… I was involved for the first 6 weeks or so. The other guy wants nothing to do with it and, knowing this, she still doesn’t want me involved because she doesn’t believe this test can ever be wrong. I will be beyond angry when he is born and I actually turn out to be his dad. I’ve missed out on some important milestones in her pregnancy, and she is not going to allow me to be present at the birth. Very frustrating and very stressful. But all I can do is wait now!
I know that DDC DNA center is 100 % accurate. I have done so much research on every company that offers non invasive test and DDC is one of the best and accurate lab that you can trust.
Hi Natalie,
What research and information have you discovered about viaguard accu-metrics. Are they accurate ?
My daughter is due in two days and I just want to know if I can trust thr results.
I have also done a lot of research. DDC does sound top notch on paper but they have made errors and that includes regular paternity tests when the baby was born. I read about an incident about immigration DNA testing where they made a mistake so the child could not leave the country but then later found out about the error through another labs test. Via guard sounds reputable but you never know. The labs that are not reputable are the ones that end with geneticcentre (forensic and paternity) and DNAplus. This is because it is all over the web. I would still trust DDC since they are very large and reputable but I would not put my money on it.
I called every company and found out that a lot of tests were sent to DDC because this lab was the most trusted and accurate. Also, after reading a lot of staff about ddc here, i got panicked and called them. Spent one hour on the phone with this lady, who told me that i should not even worry about anything and made me calmed. I am due in 2 months and i am still worried. I call them everyday and they are so tired of me but all of them keep telling me to relax because all of their tests is 100% and that they have dual process ( means in which all DNA samples are independently tested twice, produces results of unmatched quality and reliability).
I would never say any if these labs are 100% accurate unless they are aabb accredited. Instead of doing research on the companies how bout do some research on the whole science behind the non invasive procedure. I looked for publications on labs that claim they can do this test but only one lab had published results. All these other companies are just Internet marketing strategies. I am not saying they r false but I would not say they are 100% accurate.
Since I personally used accumetrics, I don’t consider them leggit because;
1) they sell so many ridiculous products online including infidelity test, some bird sexings stuff. They had to pull their home hiv tests out of market cos they give false positives
2) they are TOO CHEAP (675$ to be exact)
3) they are so unprofessional
4) they sell ALOT products on eBay and the funny thing is there are very FEW reviews. I think they delete the negative publicity they get!!!
5) check out their video on YouTube!! That’s the most bootleg looking video I have seen and obviously just one or two comments
I will know how accurate they were about me in 4 months but I would advise anyone who is considering using them, to wait cos even after the results the uncertainty still exists!
Acc Metrics prenatal paternity test was accurate for me so i don’t see why not for you?
I will let everyone know about my results with accumetrics soon im due tommorrow. I live in Toronto Canada so I actually went into the office met with Harvey myself and had blood taken and a swab of one ofthe possible father was present with me. They claim the lab was in the basement so if the results come back different than what they say I will kmow for sure.
Hi Lissa.. hope you’re doing well. Did you give birth yet? We’re all curious to know if you feel the test was accurate or not.
I hope all us well honey..& I hope you had a smooth birth. We are all curious to kno what your thinking in regards to Accu metrics. Where they right based on your results and the baby?
DDC is definitely one of the most reputable out there. But I have serious doubts about the prenatal paternity test that me and my ex did. That particular test isn’t even processed at DDC; they contract with a company called Natera in California, whose lab IS NOT AABB accredited because the prenatal test is not AABB accredited. It is Natera’s test, not DDCs! I assure you that the rep at DDC did not disclose that prior to me spending $1,600+. Also, the report that I received contained my and my ex’s personal information, and listed my race is Caucasian… I promise you that I am not Caucasian. That was a red flag from the start, although the rep says that it wouldn’t have any effect on the test results.
I’ve done plenty of research on the science behind the prenatal test as well. It sounds great, but there are so many reasons why it could potentially generate an inaccurate result. In my situation, we had the blood collected right at 9 weeks (from start of her last period). DDC said that it was the earliest that we could do it, and the rep actually recommended that we wait a little longer.. we couldn’t wait! As far as gestational age, she was only 6-7 weeks along, so it’s possible the baby’s material wasn’t even present in her blood yet. Plus, she has a young son (his material can be present in her blood for up to 20 years).
I’m not trying to say that DDC is scam. I’m just saying that I highly doubt that these non-invasive prenatal paternity tests are as reliable and accurate as the companies claim. The DDC rep says that there is “no way” that the result could be wrong, and my ex is planning on raising the baby as a single mom. She stopped involving me the day that we got the result. I’m trying to move on and put it behind me. But something deep in my gut is telling me that the baby is mine. Sixteen weeks to go!
For all the people who used Acc Metrics is accurate! I did a test with both possible fathers and got 98.7 for one after she was born did a court order since i applied for medical insurance and got my test back again with the same results that Acc Metrics for the prenatal paternity test gave me the first!! Well worth it for only 675$. Im one happy person and i don’t see why they would lie for and their are aabb
$675? I had 3 potential fathers tested and apparently they told me I was one of the first to have 3 fathers. Two were excluded at 0% and one was 90 something percent. The likely father had lots of doubts due to some trust issues that we have still not resolved but we retested once the child was born and confirmed that he was the father. I had to pay close to $900….. how did you get $675?
Well depends on which company you used Acci used Acc Metrics and i did a full payment of 675$ or i could of done the 800$ in payments but faster that way and got my result in 6 days http://www.acc -metrics.com and a lab in Canada
I used the same. Maybe it was because I had 3 fathers so the extra charge.
Not sure if they are accurate are not but one thing I know for sure is that none of this Non-invasive prenatal paternity testing are AABB ACCREDITED and that was the words from Accu-metrics. But when you are desperate to know you do it anyway. Now that I see all this reviews and facts about this test is not 100% accurate I would not have done it. I think there is always going to be a doubt until the baby is actually born.
how more accurate you want i did a test with acc metrics and got 98.7 after my baby was born i got another one though the state and matched excatly the same as acc metrics
Hey Kelly,
I am not saying your test was not accurate if there is 2 potential fathers of course picking one out of two is a big 50/50 they pick one that was right. Again whether they are accurate or not I am not sure all I know is that I highly doubt they were accurate on my case but that is yet to be seen.
This is from a company called Genesys:
Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Testing
A few laboratories are offering so-called “non-invasive prenatal paternity tests.” In this type of testing, the mother’s blood is tested with the hope that some fetal cells have escaped the womb and are co-circulating with the mother’s blood. While this type of testing could prove to be useful in prenatal screening of inherited diseases, it is not yet an established procedure for paternity testing and the success rate for this type of testing in the research stages has been reported to be below 75% (based on a September 2005 article in Science).
Based on our own research as well as examining current scientific literature, Genesys purposefully decided not to offer this type of testing, nor do we recommend the testing, for the following reasons:
Results can be unreliable
The probability of not getting any DNA from the fetus is too high
The procedure has not been validated by the DNA paternity testing industry
No AABB accredited laboratory is currently offering this type of test
Instead, we recommend prenatal paternity testing using amniocentesis or CVS samples, or waiting until the baby is born before performing a standard prenatal test. You can order a free DNA sample collection kit that you can use once the baby is born.
What website did you go to? I’m interested on doing a paternity test right after the baby is born..
That is a good idea. I wish I had told the ex that we should just wait until the baby is born to determine paternity. Hindsight! Haha!
If you go to the AABB website, they actually maintain a listing of companies that have earned AABB accreditation. DDC is on that list, and I would actually trust them with a standard, “after the baby is born” paternity test. I know that the samples would be analyzed at their accredited laboratory and tested twice for reliability and accuracy.
Let us know how it all turns out. I am anxious to know about this BS of a test lol sorry I just have a deep feeling they are not what they say and all this inaccurate results that I been reading makes me mad, because this test ruin my life in many ways.
wait but isnt DDC AABB? it says it right on the website?
This is from from the FAQ page directly from DDC’s website:
DDC is accredited by a number of important organizations in the fields of family relationship and forensic DNA testing. These agencies regularly examine the qualifications of our laboratory staff and inspect our testing processes and equipment. When they accredit us, they are declaring that they have validated the reliability of our lab staff, test processes, equipment, and standard operating procedures.
The following organizations accredit DDC:
American Association of Blood Banks (AABB)
ACLASS Accreditation Services (ACLASS/ISO IEC 17025)
American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board–International (ASCLD/LAB-International)
College of American Pathologists (CAP)
New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)
Yes DDC’s laboratory IS ACCREDITED by the AABB…. to perform standard paternity tests, relationship testing, etc. Just to be sure, this forum is about NON-INVASIVE PRENATAL PATERNITY TESTING. That particular testing IS NOT approved by the AABB, and AABB-accredited labs do not perform this testing. Yes DDC does offer the service to customers. But please see my post from a few days ago. DDC contracts with a company in California called Natera to process the samples for this particular testing. It is Natera’s test, not DDC’s. The report I received even states “Testing performed at Natera, Inc., formerly known as Gene Security Network, Inc.”. Natera’s lab, of course, IS NOT accredited by the AABB. You will not find this on DDC’s website, and the representative that I worked with did not disclose this to me. I learned all of this after we had done the testing and I began to have concerns.
like i said in my previous comments DDC guarantees the results. So far i havent heard any errors on this test through them. If you someone actually will tell me that they experienced a false results on this test, I would believe it then. I call them everyday…yesterday i talked to a representative from DDC who promised me that he would put his paycheck for this test, if my results will be wrong. Dr.Phil or Maury show (people who work for them they have done a lot of research and investigations on this test) before they went through DDC DNA Lab. INatera is under DDC and once this test is complete they notarize this document so you can use this document at the court. It is official document. They cant mess with things like this..
They all guarantee their results. But yet we find ourselves here on a forum where some have claimed to have received false results. Mele even said that she got a result from DDC that contradicts the paternity of her child post-natal. I talked to them frequently up until we got the results.. they stand by their claims that the test is 100% and cannot be wrong. Maybe that is true in my case, and it might be true in yours. But somehow I doubt that it is never wrong. In my case, I will know for sure in approximately 105 days and you better believe I will be back here to let you all know.
FYI, Natera is not “under DDC”… it is it’s own entity. And I know what the report looks like, I’m looking right at it. It is notarized by someone for the state of Ohio, yes. But, again, Natera handles and processes the samples, and they ARE NOT AABB-accredited. Most courts will not recognize a DNA paternity test if it is not done by an AABB-accredited lab, notarized or not! I’m just saying….
Also, what research does the Maury show do on this particular test? They have never done a show where paternity is being tested during a pregnancy… it’s always after a baby is born (standard DNA test). And why isn’t this research published anywhere? All these companies do is state some research that another company did with the 30 samples and they correctly determined paternity in all 30 samples… a study in which they already knew who the fathers were. No research is published in any peer-reviewed journals anywhere. And that is why this test is not industry accepted yet.
I’m not trying to scare you. I just want you to have access to information that I did not have access to prior to spending so much money. This is a very expensive test, and of course DDC is going to tell you what you need to hear so that you will purchase it. All I’m saying is don’t believe it’s 100% just because they tell you it is.
So today I spent time reading some literature about cffDNA and ways that it can get contaminated. One thing that stood out is the fact that if maternal samples are not centrifuge or rather processed within 8 hours, the cffDNA reduces and there is a possibility wrong results!!!
Anyway, non of the research papers I looked at endorsed the whole idea of using cffDNA and relying on it 100%. The science is still new and the probability of an error occurring is still too high to be accepted and endorsed by major labs.
Natalie maybe in your case it could have been accurate, but I wouldn’t advise anyone to embrace this process but instead wait for the baby to be born and do a DNA. I wouldn’t believe a guy who would put his paycheck as a guarantee especially after what you paid was probably higher that his paycheck and you talking about a life you bout to bring to this world!! Just my opinion
in my situation i cannot do a second test when the baby is born. I will loose my family and my husband. I regret a day that it happened to me once. Dont want to remember that day. I pray to God to forgive me and make me once happy again. I even told DDC that my case is different. I dont want to be in delivery room where my family and husband are standing next to me and get embarrassed. I told them that they will ruin my life. So in my case I have to trust the results. BTW amniocentesis and CVS test are twice expensive than non invasive prenatal test. Here is Dr.Phils on tv http://www.drphil.com/slideshows/slideshow/6729/?id=6729&showID=1786
Good luck to everyone.
Good luck Natalie. I hope God is on your side. I am married too but separated but I hope my baby is my husbands and not the other guy, esp since I have kids by my husband and I don’t care much about the guy who tested positive. I know the feeling of uncertainty that you have. My family doesn’t even know about this other guy. I strongly believe its my husbands and I keep it like that to be able to go through the pregnancy. I hope I am right too.
dont you god as your scapegoat
Hello I just did the Prenatal DNA testing with Viaguard Accumetrics, I payed 675 also in cash I sent it with my Bloodwork and swabs and I guy the results I didn’t want to hear, I did my Bloodwork Friday night 7/26/13 I kept it refrigerated and mailed it out Monday morning , I don’t know how the results ate possible considering I slept with this other guy one time and according to the calculations and my doctor it is my boyfriends who I didn’t test because he doesn’t know about it, I got the results yesterday 8/2/2013 the receptionist called me and told me tey were positive, I was expecting Harvey to call himself since he went through this whole process with me. Now I am 14 weeks and terminating the baby because I cannot go through with this pregnancy if that man is really the father. It just doesn’t feel right I have very strong instincts the night I ovulated was the night my boyfriend went inside of me so It just makes no sense ! I don’t know what to do but I can’t go through the embarrassment of keeping this baby with those results!!
Oh no Paylo, I totally know how you feel. Believe me! I dont want to have no kid by the guy who tested positive let alone raise it with him. Abortion?! That’s the first thing I considered when I got my EDD from the doctor and realized I had sex with the two of them in that time frame. But my gut told me and still tells me its not his baby and I am keeping the baby cos I believe it’s not. Are your periods regular? How far did you ovulate after sex with guy 1. And they told you to refridgirate the samples for the weekend? I never got any instructions like that.
Lastly please ask for paper results and we can find z way to compare our results and see if this company really is leggit. My results had two graphs same size and color of bars and that’s it. Didn’t say much.
I have the same result with color graph which looks Si fake i Google a couple to see how they really suppose to look and have to say maybe this company a fraud
Did the other guy cum inside of you? I know you are hurting and u don’t know what to do but just as Anna said, depend on God to get u thru this. U r no different from any of us (including myself) who is going they The same situation ; does the guy who tested positive think its his child?
Paylo I would definitely not rely on this test to terminate your pregancy. There has been too many inaccurate results to go by this as making a life and death choice. I am nobody to judge you just trying to give you an advice. I felt once the same way you are feeling now. I bulid a strong relationship with God our father to help me get through this and I could not explain to you in words how much hope I have this is going to turn out to be just fine. As a woman if you think it is your boyfriends and you have that instinc you are probably right. Go by what your doctor tells you not some test that is not even accredited to this type of test. One more thing same thing happen to me Harvey was very good to get the money out of me but never again did I hear back from him. Good luck!
Hi I have not done a test like this before and this is my first time hearing of a test like this but after reading all the comments would it be safe to say that this is probably your only option based on your scenario? What other tests can you do for this type of scenario? Sure pick and choose the different labs but the main thing is that it sounds like most of you cheated on your boyfriend or husband then blame a test lab… shouldn’t you blame yourself? Anna, you mention that you build a strong relationship with god but would god approve of you having infidelity. I am a long time Christian and do a lot of volunteer work at my Church and have yet to see a scenario like this. Cheating on your boyfriend then using a test as a scapegoat…
As a “christian” you are. It should be known God never said we had to be perfect. There is people that have done way worser mistakes and God does not love them any less. We live and learn. In my situation I did not cheat we were about to get married in September I love him and he was in is the only guy in my life. Unfortunately something very personal happen that lead me to be in this situation now. I still love my baby no matter what and to me that is what matters the most. Thank God for not being in this situation and go on since this forum is only for people going through this problem.
“Unfortunately something very personal happen that lead me to be in this situation now.”
That means you cheated. Instead of this forum you should maybe go to Church. There are people there that can help much better than a lawyers website.
I hope I did not come off as rude but there are better steps to take. Maybe start building a relationship with the ones you love. Obviously easier said than done but I hope it can happen for all of us.
I can tell right away you have a long way to become a real christian. I would suggest you go do some volunteer work at your Church instead of judging people. Take a deep breath honey you don’t know my life no point of arguing with you. God bless you 🙂
A real Christian is one that cheats?
And I am already doing volunteer work at my Church. Go to Church please!! Don’t just go but also listen and follow
Hi everyone ,
Had a peaceful birth..she looks exactly like me..we are looking into getting another test done just to be sure..I cant really say if it is accurate or not. They claim to be right as I spoke to Harvey so I want to trust it but we just want to confirm. I will keep everyone updated.
I hope your not going back to Acc metrics again to get a dna test since they already know you there probaly give u the same results lie before if i wwas u i would restest somewhere eles since they dont know ur case
Going back to accumetrics is no different than going to any other lab the same test is perfomed and every lab claims they are accurate. Swab dna is swab dna.
Actually it is since acc metrics know your case already course there going to give you the same results idk if i was i would try somewhere. So i dont see what will kill uif u did go to another lab since a swab is a swab
What lab would you suggest ?
Congratulations! Glad to hear that everything went smooth. Sounds like the result may be the one you want but regardless a child should should be the love of your life. All the best!
Thank you ! Im honestly in love shes so beautiful
Congrats Lissa. All the best in the new ventures you started. Like advised above, I would go fo a sencond opinion from a totally new lab just to start over and finally know the truth. All the best
Congratulations Lissa. Definitely keep us posted. But in the meantime enjoy your baby girl!
Hi Lissa, did you get your results yet? just curious to see since you mentioned that they gave a positive for the guy who you never thought would be the father. Thanks
Anyone got rested from acc metrics after the baby was born
Yes I did it was fine. I had 3 potential fathers too
Hi Everyone ,
Got Maya tested again and it confirmed Accumetrics results. I guess the slightest chance can be correct.
Good luck with Everyone else
glad to hear that!
Accumetrics is not reliable!! At least d non invasive is not they claim errors do happen and refunded my money back. Ladies wait until the baby is born don’t rely on this type of testing. Good luck!
Hello to everyone, I’m going to share my story. It’s not finished yet because I still am pregnant. 22 weeks. I contacted accu metrics and got a prenatal dna test along with a gender prediction test. Both tests are suppose to be 99% accurate. My results came back in my favor. I took the tests when I was 10 weeks. Everyday I hurt more. Everyday I look for more research. I love my fiancé, we wernt engaged before but just got engaged two weeks ago. I had confidence in accu metrics. Although I had my 19 week ultrasound done and the lady told me it was a girl. I’m not sure what to believe because ultrasounds have a chance to be wrong as well. I get my next ultrasound done next week. All that’s running through my head is “if the gender predictor is wrong, will the prenatal dna test be wrong as well?” I’m waiting day by day to get the next ultrasound, because then il be 22 weeks and they will confirm the gender. If the ultrasound was wrong in the first place and I really am having a boy, I will put all my faith into the science of accu metrics. If they are wrong however, I will make sure everyone knows that they aren’t accurate. I don’t know what I will do about the prenatal test if the gender test is wrong. Most likely I will call them up and not be happy. But I will let everyone know because my story is a tiny bit different then most people’s. I don’t want anyone else to go through the stress. I will get back to you on my next ultrasound to confirm the gender and let everyone know if accu metrics is accurate or not. I’m not providing my name, but if you respond back just call me gb
If you don’t mind me asking, did your results from Accumetrics come back as a graph with different color bars? And what was your % of possibility?
I did a prenatal paternity test also and got my results back a week later. It was a 97.8% possibility that the guy tested was the father and it was on a graph with about 22 different color bars on it. Just didn’t look very legit to me. But as I’ve read on here, I guess it does turn out to be accurate!
mine was like 98.9%
Yes mine came back in a graph as well. And I tried to find the email so I could tell you the exact percentage but I deleted it. Mine was 98._ % .
Well I hope my 1.2% difference doesn’t mean anything!
Hi I had a prenatal paternity test done in December at 13 weeks (yes a unlucky number). I got it done by DDC and accumetrics. Both said the father in question was the father. I know for a fact that they were right since the potential father was asian (now the official father lol).
I’m so glad you posted this! I did the prenatal paternity test through accumetrics about a month ago and my results came back with a 97.8% possibility that the guy tested was the father (I only tested one out of the 2 possibilties). It was a shock because it wasn’t who I expected it to be. I also did another prenatal paternity test from DDC last week with the same guy to be sure of accumetrics results. I’m waiting to get the results back and I’m nervous. Did your results from accumetrics come back as a graph with different color bars? (Didn’t look very legit to me)
Yes I got a graph with color bars. DDC got me a graph too but it looks more sketchy. It is a graph similar to a stock market chart and if its past a certain line then it means the guys the father.
Dang I was hoping that the results from DDC would be easier to read and understand. I’m just praying that the results come back the same as Accumetrics!
hi kristen
to me DDC results were very easy to read they show a graph in color and ur result on the bottom with a brief explanation of the results. plus you can call them and they can go over the graph with you if there is something you didnt understand
hello everyone. my nightmare started in feb. & just ended last week. my ex gf & me & supposedly another man. sent prenatal test to viaguard. came back I was the father. baby was born in july & looked nothing like me or her. sent another test to viaguard to confirm. they sent results that i was 99.9997 the father. after months of watching him grow & get attached. he kept looking less & less like me. I sent a test to DDC. they were very proffesional & sent back that i was 0% chance of being the father. sent the results to viaguard & harvey accually told me they screwed up the prenatal AND postbirth test. they refunded my money but that is nothing compared to what i have gone through. how can a company opperate like that????? wish i could sue the hell out of them. good luck to all. but DO NOT trust viaguard. do the piece of mind with DDC. $189.00 if you have any doubts.
i would hate to think of all the fathers out there that are NOT the real fathers. just because of that shameful outfit viaguard. they should be shut down.
Oh no… terrible… i feel sick now… i did the test with DDC but posts like this stress me out… 🙁
So do you believe that accumetrics is accurate for atleast the dna determination? Because I had the gender test done as well by accu metrics and the lady that did my 19week ultrasound said it was a girl. But when I took the accu metrics gender blood test they told me they found a Y chromosome that they 100% say its a male. But the ultrasound looks like a girl so I’m very confused and scared because if accu metrics was wrong about the gender, won’t they be wrong about the dna determination?
hello JbRh
did u test with DDC?
sorry dumb question i just saw ur post lol so how do u feel about ur results? do u trust their accuracy based on your dates of cenception?
Please keep me updated with the ddc results! If they confirm accu metrics that would put my mind at ease.
I will definitely let you know as soon as I get them back! I did the blood test last Wednesday. They said I would get the results back in about 5 days. How long did it take for you to get yours back?
For me it was 6 days. Because of Sunday . They aren’t open on sundays
Ok well I’ll let you know when I get them back
Okay thank you so much!
Hi Kristen. I’m also curious to know if DDC confirms your accumetrics results. My ex gf and I used DDC and the results said that I was not the biological father, which shocked the both of us. The baby is due in 82 days so I will have to wait until then to confirm.. I want him to be mine!
I’m sorry to hear that. The waiting is the worst. If my results come back different from Accumetrics, it’s going to be a long 4 more months! I will let y’all know as soon as I get them back. Hopefully either today or tomorrow!
I got one from accumetrics too. Was shocked but now am like whatever!!! But the funny thing is everyone on here who only tested one guy got a positive! How coincidental?! Anyway now am just waiting for her to get here. Then I will know what this company is all about. I got 97.8% too. The graph looks like bs!!!
Yeah it looks pretty fake to me! But other people on here have confirmed their results after the baby was born so that gives me hope that its right!! Guess we’ll have to wait and see
i was tested with DDC and unlike others i got a negative result, it was an “exclusion”
hi ty what was ur procedure like with DDC? im curious to know because i hear of scams and even though DDC is very well known i just dont trust all this. believe me i have done my research and tried to look for anything online that will put my mind at ease but nothing helps. its funny because i got this test so that i would have a stress free pregnancy and instead i find myself stressing out because im afraid of false results =(
Hi Nancy. I had never even heard of a prenatal paternity test until the ex asked if it was possible to determine paternity during pregnancy. So I did a bit of quick research and found info on CVS and amniocentesis.. neither of those was an option for us. Then I found a link for DDC and their non-invasive prenatal paternity test. I read about the science behind it and called and talked to a DDC rep. She explained it and told me that the results are 100% accurate and that, although we could do it as early as 9 weeks, she recommended waiting a bit longer. The ex was extremely anxious and was dying to know who the father was… so was I. We had a sonogram done that confirmed that she was exactly 9 weeks pregnant, and we had DDC send a kit to a local clinic so that we could give our samples 5 days later.
The clinic took two vials of blood from her, and one from me. They overnighted the samples to the lab (Natera, in California)… I didn’t know that until I got the results 10 days later. I called the rep that morning to ask if we would have our results as promised, and she told me that I should be able to log on and see it. She stayed on the phone with me, and I looked at the results, saw the graph, and read the statement below the graph.. “Paternity Exclusion: The alleged father is excluded as the biological father of the fetus.” I cried, and after I composed myself, I asked the rep if there was any way the results could be wrong… she said no.
I’m sure that DDC is not a scam operation. The only thing that I am upset with them about is they don’t disclose upfront that this particular test is not theirs, and that it is processed at a non-AABB accredited lab in California. That’s one of the reasons I am questioning the results. The other being that her 8 year-old son’s DNA can be present in her blood for up to 20 years, and I don’t know if they matched me against the baby or her 8 year-old! Testing the other guy (which DDC would do at no additional cost) is not an option because he doesn’t want to be involved.
Personally, I want the test results (in my situation) to be wrong! Realistically the results are most likely correct. At this time we are 80 days from her due date, so I have to wait until he is here for us to know beyond all doubt. She thinks she can tell just by looking at the baby. She is Italian, I am black, and the other douchebag is Hispanic. Maybe she can tell, maybe she can’t. Obviously I’m wanting a DNA test as soon as the baby is here!
In hindsight, I would have waited until the baby was born to have a DNA test done. There is a reason why this test is not approved by the AABB just yet, and not all genetics companies offer it… there just isn’t enough proof or evidence that suggests it is error-free. If you read this board from the very beginning, some people claim to have gotten accurate results… some claim that their results were totally wrong! It my opinion, it is a coin flip!
have u talked to ur gf about dates. or are the dates tooclose to tell? i know that in my case they were too close so my only option was to have this test done. my results were also an “exclusion” which i thought it would be. do u believe ur results are right but WANTA them to be wrong because u want to be the father. or u truly believe there was a mistake? im sorry to hear ur going through this but we are in the same situation so i understand the need to know. as or me in due in less than a month and i really hope these results are accurate. also i read an article while doin my research which said that dna from previous pregnancys werent present during testing ao i called DDC and they also said that their new technology release in late 2011 excluded dna from previous pregnancies. i would call them and ask them im sure they van explain much better than i can.
Hi Nancy. I believe that the results we got from DDC “COULD BE” right, but there are valid reasons why they “COULD BE” wrong. I do want them to be wrong in my case, though, because I do want to be the dad. But we’ll just have to see. 70 days to go!
i was confused since u said “Realistically the results are most likely correct” thought maybe u were just HOPING they were wrong. well ill let u know how mine turn out im due any week now.
Yesterday i talked to ddc..and they are aware if this website. Yes, its a dual process..first its checked at Natera, and then also checked at Ddc before they provide you with results. There was no errors on this test. 317,000 genetic markers that compared to 16-24 to accumetrics that means a lot to me. Yes, i spent more money on this test, but i got the answer. The lady at Ddc told me once u have the answer..just go on..dont look back. Put your mind in peace..thats why we have this test and i met this girl yesterday who has done this test, she said this test is 100 % accurate if u do it with ddc. She did it and she got the right answer.also. dr Phil would never put his reputation down on tv like that. I am ready to give birth soon. Good luck girly:) i am here if u need to talk.
Hi hun how acurate would you say are thes testing im waiting longer then promised and that makes me concerned, they said their taking longer to make a match.
What reasons do you have for thinking the results could be wrong?
Hi Ty. good luck make sure you have a test with ddc. after the baby is born. read my post to nancy
Already tested with DDC. Just waiting to see if it’s accurate or not.
was ddc correct ?
The baby isn’t here yet. Eight days until her due date.
okay well , keep me I formed if yours a wrong it gives me hope
im really curious on your results from DDC girly plss let us know once you find out
I called this morning to see when the results would be ready and they told me Friday. I was hoping it would be sooner but I will let you all know!
The ex gf and I had our blood samples taken at a local clinic on Tuesday April 16, and the results were available to me via email on Friday morning April 26. It takes as long as it does because DDC doesn’t get the samples.. it goes to a lab in California called Natera.. it is their test, not DDCs.
Well I got the results back today and they excluded the guy who was tested. It was the same guy who was a 97.8% possibility of being the father based on Accumetrics results. So I’m not sure which one is accurate. Guess I’ll have to wait until the baby is born in December.
those arent good news sorry to hear that. which do u believe are correct? or is it just 50/50
I honestly have no idea. It’s 50/50. Sorry I couldn’t help more! When are you due?
im due next month as u can see im a nervous wreck i was hoping ur results matched the other companys even though i tested with DDC
So was I 🙁 Well you’re due date is closer than most of ours so please don’t forget about us and let us know your results after the baby is born! I’m dying to know. I’m due in December
ofcourse i emailed that guy HARVEY u guys have mentioned and he was very rude i wish i could show you all his email reply. nothing compared to DDC’s staff. i will come bck and let you all know how it goes in less than a month, hoping for the best
Nancy0719 what happened? I thought you did your results with DDC not accumetrics.. But I believe that even the staff there is very rude you can tell they are frustrated any time they answer questions. Good luck to you too let us now how it goes.
i did test with ddc but i emailed accu metrics to see how many genetic markers they looked at. with DDC THEY FO 317,000 this harvey person told me they do 16-24. his email was rude and nothing compared to the staff from DDC.
I don’t know much about Accu metrics. But I am curious… isn’t this Harvey character the president of the company? Why is HE responding to everyone’s emails and calls? That in itself is a red flag to me! You would think he’d have staff for that!
EXACTLY! DDC has a groupd of staff to help with questions and they direct u to the one that best fits to answer your questions. i doubt that only ONE MAN can handle all the emails and calls for the company. and he emailed me the next day which i figured since he is the only man “running the show” it would take him a while. the only reason why i think most people went to this company is because its way cheaper than DDC. but i wanted the most reputable company even if it ment more money =
KristenB I know it sucks after spending all that cash n where u started from, not sure who to believe. I would say just wait now. I am due in November and I don’t trust the results from accumetrics. But will update you guys once she is here.
hi jojo whats ur story like? did u also test eith DDC ?
Nancy0719 I used Accumetrics and I only tested the guy I thought was not gonna be but they claimed it was possitive. After researching this process I didn’t bother doing it again. I might as well buy diapers and formula s**t!! Lol
yeah i agree. i did the same thing u did but mine came out negative. when are u due?
your story is much like KristinB’s story both tested the guy that u both thought wasnt it and both got a positive result. did you research their accuracy before taking the tests? was it cheaper than DDC?
Yes Please keep us updated since you deliver a month before I do and you have experience the frustration of waiting. A couple of weeks ago I receive an email from Viaguard issuing me a REFUND of $675.00 with a different name same last name as mine. Apparently it was a mistake and sent it to me instead of the other person, even tho the refund was issue to her C.C. As you can imagine more thoughts came through my head like why was the girl getting a refund? Where the results wrong? It was obiously for the Non Invasive Prenatal Paternity test since that was the same amount I paid. Yes waiting sucks.
Hey KristenB I also did mine with Accu-metrics Viaguard. I have also called them to tell them I don’t trust their results! Lol.. and not only because they told me what I didn’t want to hear, but because the results looked so fake.. I waited almost 14 days and after calling them multiple times I felt they just wanted me to get off their back. I only spoke to harvery before the results after that he keeps ignoring questions I want to ask him etc.. that also raise a red flag. Anyway my whole point is that when I spoke to one of the receptionist she said if I tested with anyone else and the results came out different (Wich means they are not so sure of their results either) they would issue me a full refund. I am totally done with this prenatal non invasive tests and just going to wait until the baby is born in December.
I totally agree. I think we all wasted money just for them to make up a guess and give it to us. Our best bet is to just wait unfortunately 🙁 I’ve just read on here and most of them seemed to come back as the same results after the baby is born..that’s what doesn’t make sense! Idk which one to trust.
I’m sorry to hear that Kristen.
hello kristenb
i hope everything is going well for you. good luck in december. make sure you read my post to nancy. viaguard is a shame of a dna test center.
Did you contact and let them know what happened and request a refund? That is crazy! I did a test with accu metrics and didn’t get results I was expecting either. I Did a retest and got the same results. Not sure I trust them. Please let us know which one was right!!
Who did you retest with?
I retested with accu metrics.. Which was not a smart decision. I did not know of DDC at the time. I had told them I did not think my results were accurate and maybe the samples had gotten switched, so they said they would happily retest if I sent in a new sample and blood work. It is almost impossible that the results that came out positive twice really are.
When are you due, Who did you test with and what was your experience like?
Why do you think the samples got mixed up? Due to human failure at accumetric or when the guy’s got swapped? Did you retest both guy’s? Or only the inclusion?
Was neteras results accurate or wrong?
Isn’t 97.8 an exclusion. That’s what I understand from all my research. But I am
Super confused, frustrated and anxious!!!
When are you due? I seems like the 97,8% is in reality an exclusion. But your situation doesn’t make sens…
I think we are all anxious… Try to stay calm. I know it is hard 🙁
Would 98.7 be an exclusion? With Accu-metrics the result was 99.9% the first time and 98.7 the second time on the same person!!!
The second time around was actually 98.3
It seems like the 97.8 at accumetrics is an exclusion at Natera.
98.7 % at accumetrics seems an inclusion at Natera.
I haven’t found anyone with 98.3% yet accept you. Why don’t you call them and ask why it came back different.
Do you know how many SNPs accumetrics check? They won’t awnser my mail…
I was told it could be due to testing different makers, etc. They rarely answer any questions I have with them. I have read accumetrics checks anywhere from 16-24 SNPs.
Oh That’s a real small amount of SNPs!! No wonder they get it wrong so many times…
What company did you test with?
I tested with Accu-metrics before I heard of all this scandal!!! I am so paranoid now it’s not even funny. When I thought they were an honest company I convinced my fiancée the baby is his. I did sleep with someone during a breakup, which was close to conception.. but am too afraid to tell him now that I am getting so close to my due date. I will lose everything!
When are you due?
I tested with Natera but paranoïd. Think most of us are… It is a terrible journey and i will be glad when it is over. My boyfriend doesn’t even know i am in this mess. Will lose everything to if it the test is wrong.
I am due at the end of January. We share a very similar story, my significant other does not know either. And if they test is wrong, all will be lost. I feel awful. Was your bf an inclusion at Natera? At least they seem to be most accurate!! Best of luck to you!! Please keep updating if you get any new information and I will do the same!!!
I feel awful to… My boyfriend was an inclusion 99,9% at Natera.
I counselt a geneticist from Florida to check the accuracy of the results. He made an apointment with a senior sciëntist from Natera. He trust them. He is going to be a provider for Natera in Florida now. That’s positive.. Natera checks 317000 SNPs on individual markers to check paternity. Around 1500 SNPs are from the mother and around 1500 need to be from the father. 1500 SNPs from Natera vs 16-24 SNPs from accumetrics…
I will be anxious until the baby is born though. I think i will be able to tell who the father is due to racial differences.
I honestly think you will be ok DG. Natera/DDC seems to be the best option to go. I regret so much doing the test through accu-metrics!
Accu-metrics gave me an inclusion with the guy that I don’t want to be the father of my child. They gave me a 97.8% inclusion I was devasted and I have learn to deal with it but I still hope and pray they are wrong!
Anna, I think you will be okay too. I still look at my daughter and think she looks nothing like the guy who tested positive with that whacky company. Still waiting for cort DNA…. Funny how with time you just get over this stuff and say it is what it is…. All the best gal.
I’m not sure if you read my story. But I also tested with accumetrics and the guy I tested came back as a 97.8% inclusion, then tested the same guy again with DDC/Natera and he was excluded. So one of them is wrong. I’m getting induced this Sunday so he’ll probably be here Monday morning. I’m planning to retest with a completely different company that is AABB accredited after he’s born and I will definitely be back to let everyone know.
Did Natera give you a percentage? From what I have been reading a 97.8 with them would be an exclusion. So there is still hope!! Best of luck to you!!! Please let us know what happens.
Natera didn’t give a percentage. It’s this weird looking chart thing and just says that he’s excluded so who knows! Thank God I don’t have much longer! Good luck to y’all and I’ll be back to let y’all know!
Exclusion at Natera is always 100%. Inclusion always 99,9%. And than there are the few that can come back indeterminate. That are the fathers that can’t reach the 99,9% inclusion but have a few SNPs in commen with the child. Sinthey won’t exclude him. It’s rare. Like 1,5%.
I wish you a peacefull and safe birth. Please come back when you know something. Thank you!
The test was done by Natera.
Just an advice I would not trust Accu-metrics on any numbers they give you. If you go to Ripoff reports Viaguard has a report on their Non Invasive Prenatal Paternity test. I am due around the 23rd I will let you know.
Thank you, I’m not. You tested with them as well? Good luck to you!!!
How are you doing Anna?? Good luck with delivery!!
I know this post is very old but did you ever confirm if your exclusive from DDC was correct??
Hi KristenB, I’m going through something and I know this post is a few years old but did DDC have the same results as your first test or were they different? Did you end up testing the child after birth to see if DDC or Accumetrics was right?
so did ur baby come out looking asian? is that why ur so sure of the test results?
So now there is a prenatal paternity test to solve peoples SINS? What has this world come to? Stop sinning and using your ashley madison websites. You girls probably prey on and use men. Go to CHURCH. I will tell my church about this forum and they will post and preach.
hello everyone i had a non invasive paternity test done with DDC back in march. i am due in less than two months. DDC results were what i was hoping for “paternity exclusion” i see a few of you guys on here have had this test. what was your procedure like? and do you trust your results?
Was the guy that tested negative the one you thought was the actual father? Did you test both of them?
i only tested the guy who i thought WASNT the father. and the results did come out negative. meaning who i thoughts was the father according to the test results is the father. i was ok with those results until i started seeing all the negative feedback about these tests 🙁
the guy i tested was the one guy i thought WASN’T it. results came back in my favor. i only tested him,
hi everyone, I did a test with DDC then later found out they dont actually do the test but another company does it. First they did not send the kit and I waited over 2 weeks… I called to complain then they finally sent the kit. I only slept with one guy and he came back as a negative. The only reason why i did the test was because my inlaws had a trust issue so I wanted to prove them wrong. anyone know about this DDC natera place?
I did my prenatal paternity test with both Accumetrics and DDC. My first results from Accumetrics said that the guy I tested (I only tested one out of two possibilities) had a 97.8% possibility of being the father. We did another test from DDC to confirm it and of course they excluded the same guy. I called both DDC and Natera yesterday just to get more information about it and they wouldn’t even answer some of the questions I was asking about the test. I thought that was weird, especially at Natera. I was wanting more information on how they did the testing, was it run twice to double check, etc. They wouldn’t answer anything I had to ask. I think I just wasted $1600 for nothing.
And Natera is the one who’s test it is and they’re the ones who do the testing and all for DDC. Sorry, forgot to add that in there!
when do u receive your results? ur expective a positive result based on ur dtory right?
Are you 100% positive you only slept with one guy? If so that’s crazy and the results obviously must be wrong. I’m hoping my “exclusion” is wrong too.
i am not saying ur a liar about sleeping with only one guy but are u positive there isnt a second possible father. because i just spoke to DDC and asked about their false reaults and they assured me they had none. that ever since they realeased this test 2 yrs ago they havent had false results she assured me that dna doesnt change so if i want to do a retest after hes born that it will show same results. she also mentioned dr. phil using this test on his show beacuse they can guarantee results and a media figure like him wouldnt jeopardize his show if this test was in fact a guessing game. when are u due?
also what do u mean they did not send u a kit? they have everything done at a local clinic. these procedure u cant draw ur own blood its all done through a third party and later sent to their lab. and in my case they send out the kit to the clinic and schedule the appointment for u so there is no waitinf for its arrival, whatever date they give you as an appointment thats when they’ll be ready to collect blood samples.
Today I called a company called Ravgen which is supposed to be one of the leaders in prenatal testing. I was calling to ask them if they’ve heard anything about DDC or Accumetrics prenatal paternity tests. The lady I talked to was very nice and professional and seemed to know a lot about what she was doing. She informed me that Accumetrics is the same thing as DNA Plus which I’ve heard AWFUL reviews about. I’m not sure if she’s correct on that, but she seemed pretty confident in everything she told me. Has anyone else heard about this? I was thinking they were 2 seperate companies which makes me question my results from Accumetrics even more.
I would believe what she said about accumetrics, this company is so fishy to me and I saw reviews about dna plus sending samples to Canada which is where accumetrics is located. Also being that she is from Ravgen, that’s the ONLY company with published reports and they are the drivers of this new technology so she would know who else is out there in the market and what they are about! #JustMyOpinion
no it was sent to prenatalgeneticscenter. Natera also published reports not just Ravgen.
DNA Plus sent it to a company called prenatalgeneticscenter. The people at Ravgen were not completely accurate not to mention the complaints against them for not even sending the kit out while charging people the full amount.
When you sent your samples did you test both potential fathers or just one?
Oh ok! When I talked to her that was the first time I had heard about it so I didn’t know if that was true or not. So DNA Plus and Accumetrics are 2 seperate companies?
please stop this. This is not the forum to be discussing this. Please leave.
Tomorrow I will tell people at Church about you sinners
I am due in 2-3 weeks. Have done a non invasive test through DDC. Had a save pregnancy..and had no doubts, util I came across this website. Now i am scared and paranoid. The guy was excluded. My situation is different, i have a husband who does not know what i went through. My family and his family are so excited for this baby. We are all waiting. At Ddc they told me a millions and millions of times that this test is accurate and that i need to relax and enjoy my pregnancy. I can loose my husband and my family over this in 2-3 weeks, if this test was wrong. I will not survive. I called And i talked to Ddc as well. They reassured me again and told me to be happy and wait for my baby girl to arrive. It will be better if i leave this page..and not read this scary staff. They guy at Ddc told me that half of the test that are done at accumetrics are wrong and sent to ddc for accuracy. Also, at natera these tests are done twice for accuracy. Girls please relax..and of u are scared please call ddc and they will calm u down.
Nice Try!! I had a test done through DDC and it was wrong. They have sales people on the phone who work off commission and they say anything to make you switch over to DDC. DDC then sends it to natera for testing. What else did DDC tell you? did they also tell you to purchase DDC stocks? There are several people on here that already stated false results from DDC/natera.
JaNice, did you have the baby tested after he/she was born and they were different results from your prenatal paternity test from DDC/Natera?
can u name a few ppl on here that confirmed ddc results as being false? i went back and most of the ppl on here have taken their tests with accu metrics and the few who had ddc testing havent had their babies yet and are waiting. ive asked u a few questions on some previous posts and had no reply from you. did u ever retest? are u 100% there was only one possible father? i see some other ppl have also asked u the same question im guessing its because u seem soooo sure When you post about DDC.
I know this post is very old but I am in the same boat right now! Any way you’d be able to send me a copy of your prenatal results from DDC and your post birth test showing they are wrong?! I’m trying to get all the help I can get!
Hi FTSingleMom89.
I just tested with Accumetrics a few weeks ago and got the results yesterday. ( during my conception dates I was on a break from my BF and slept with another man but we used a condom and he said it didn’t fail or break…anyway I reconciled with the BF and we had sex that night then for days after and he did not pull out or use a condom at all…. So an person would assume it would be my BFs kid I mean the other guy was one time with a condom and my BF was multiple with no condom and he didn’t pull out … Any way paid Accumetrics 300$ (first payment of 800$ total) and they took my blood- discreet items of my BFs like his toothbrush and cigarette butts and razor, and I actually swabbed the other guy who used a condom- sent it all in…. Got the results yesterday and they said the OTHER GUY was the bio father! The one who used the condom! Ok on top of it all my BF is white as white can be and the other guy is black as black can be -so… I’m 15 weeks 3 days pregnant now and I’m like wtf?!? I told Accumetrics all of this and they offered to re run the DNA samples. So the “dr” at Accumetrics called me today and said yes the other guy is the dad. My BF is not. I told him this means I have to get an abortion and is he sure? He said yes…. Idk but I’ve read ALOT on these sites and ripoff reports and ppl say Accumetrics is wrong. That they only test few SNPs in the DNA… While DDC which is more expensive tests 300000 or more SNPs…anyway the guy they say is the dad won’t even pick up my calls and I don’t know his full name- so I can’t have he kid if it’s his! My BF knows nothing of all this poor guy believes it’s his baby 🙁 So before I go get an abortion and say I miscarried I am getting another test through DDC (I am going to do amneocentisis to get the baby’s DNA, and buccal swabs of me and my BF. Can’t test the other guy since he has disappeared… Gonna tell my BF it’s a chromosome test to check on the baby… Here goes… Based on DDC results I will determine if I will get an abortion or if I will have the baby….
Hi Julie!
Please keep me updated with how your results turn out. I keep hearing and still find people who have had test from DDC which excluded one father just to test the baby post birth and find out the man they excluded was indeed the biological father. I’m interested to see how yours turn out!
I will keep you posted for sure. I should have the results back from DDC by March 31st for sure… I used Viaguard-Accumetrics and I read wayyyy more bad reviews about them than anything about DDC. I even called Natera (a DNA lab in Silicon Valley) they do not do the prenatal test but reccomend only DDC… I even explained my situation to them over the phone and the woman said- don’t go off some Canadian based company with many bad reviews that only cost you 300$… She said get the DNA test with DDC. I am doing the Amniotic fluid draw for the baby’s DNA this time so that it is legit the baby’s DNA and not pulled from my blood- a buccal swab from me and one from my husband. This will exclude any confusion behind testing 2 men. My husband will either be the father or he won’t… If DDC (which is wayyyyyy more reputable than Via-guard) confirms Viaguards results and my husband is excluded. I will have an abortion. I will get the results right at my 18 week mark- which is so sad to think of having to get an abortion… I am attached to this pregnancy… But if the baby is not my husbands and belongs to a black man I can’t have the baby… It will destroy our life and family. I decided to tell my husband this test is for chromosomal testing to see if the baby has any abnormalities… Such as Down’s syndrome or toxoplasmosis… He believes that this is what the test is for (which it also will be because I am having the amniotic fluid tested for all of that also)… So it’s actually true… But if the baby isn’t my husbands and that’s what the results say from DDC I will tell my husband the baby has a defect- and we agreed that if it has a defect we will abort it. As opposed to having a baby that would have a hard life. (Obv I will have to lie to him and tell him if the baby isn’t his that it has a defect so that my abortion will make sense to him)…. Idk if we will try again to get pregnant after that… I pray this baby is his. I will go with DDC results as they will be testing my DNA and amino fluid and my husbands DNA.. I believe the amino test is more accurate so if it turns out DDC cm says my husband is the bio father I will carry out my pregnancy and HOPE for the best. Because if it truly isn’t his- it will be half white half black and it will ruin our lives…
Yes please do! I heard either amino or cvs is the only way to get an accurate paternity test anyways unless you wait until the baby is born. The blood draw is still too new and has so much room for error. Unfortunately, I will have to wait until after my baby is born and retest through the court system after birth. A long drawn out process I have that awaits me. I hope your results are in your favor. My prenatal ones from DDC were not (I did the blood draw) and I am SHOCKED by that. It doesn’t make any sense or add up with any of my dates, etc. I’m still going through and having my baby but praying DDC was wrong!
Does the man you’re with know that he may not be the father? You said the guy that pulled out is the one who is left as the only option for the father right? Did you use any condoms? When is your due date?
Hi! I’m trying to find a way to message you personally on here so we don’t blow this wall up haha but I can’t figure it out! Email? Facebook?
What was your result with DDC? I think I read your whole situation- and you believe DDC is wrong? Have you seen all the older posts on here where most people said DDC probided the correct answer in the end? Did you ever use Accumetrics? Maybe you should try a different company to see if the DDC results match up?
If you read my post accumetrics gave me two completely different results! I’m waiting on results from a different lab that uses ddc to test the samples. Girl please do not trust accumetrics. Prayers are with you. Let me know how it turns out for you.
OMG really? I am really not wanting to belevee accu-mentrics! They even have some posts up on other pages stating that they have not been wrong in over 2 years nor have they had to issue any refunds… I just dont beleive them because when I called and told them I was doing the Amnio paternity test through DDC they said IF there are different results they WILL refund me. So quick to offer a refund.. IDK something about it all isnt right. The guy Accu metrics is saying is the father is a man i slept with 1x with a condom while my BF I slept with MULTIPLE times and he NEVER pulled out. just crazy. I only tested my BF this time with DDC, so he will either be 99 or 0% chance of being the dad.. If he is 0% through DDC who used my AMNIOTIC fluid for the baby then I will give accu-metrics the proper credit. Otherwise if my BF is 99% the father, and Accumetrics was wring about the other guy. Beleive I will let everyone know and make a stink about it. I was so close to aborting my baby when Accumetrics CALLED me with my results… Thats another thing, Accumetrics CALLS you while DDC says they can not give results over the phone- they email you a LEGIT letter. I’ll keep you all posted.
Maybe it will ease your mind a bit to know I got the results from ddc and accumetrics was wrong on the prenatal test. I would not trust the test you had with accumetrics. Everything will work out for you Hun. As for me… I now have to break one guys heart and tell him he is not the father and shock the other and tell him he is. This is a huge mess and I have now sworn off sex and men! I am lucky because both were hoping they were the dad to begin with but their families are all now involved and this news will affect a lot of people. I’m sure you will get the results you want with this amnio test. Let me know when they come in!
Hey! So my Amnio test ought to be back tomorrow. I will definatly let you all know the results. the test hurt a bit to get done but it was worth it knowing that the sample is directly from the fluid surrounding the baby.. I am getting nervous because Accu-metrics said the other guy is the dad. If DDC says my BF is the dad I feel like it leaves me with a 50/50… (in my case the other guy is black and we are white so… Kind of gonna be very obvious! Anyway the day I went in for Amnio they did the anatomy scan of my baby (just as per protocol) before doing the Amniocentisis. Anyway they found that my baby has something called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. 🙁 He only has 1/2 of his heart– the right side… and he will never have the left side. He will need surgery as soon as he is born – minimum 3 open heart surgeries. It affects only 1 in every 4334 babies. 🙁 I am so sad about it. Especially bc I do really truly beleive this is my BFs child and we have become VERY attached to the idea of it. I have other chromosome tests being done on the baby to see if he has any additional issues (downs syndrome, trisomy, spina bifida).. My bf and I agreed that if the baby has another issue on top of his heart issue- we will have to abort him.. sounds awful but if the results from DDC come back that my bf is not the dad- I will tell him the baby has other issues and we need an abortion. I mean. Its just crazy all that is happening in my life right now. I’ll let you all know the DDC results tomorrow.
I am so sorry to hear that! If there is anything I can do to help out please let me know. You are def in my prayers!
Hey Hun,
Well I got the amnio results back today and they said my BF is the father 99.999999999% Whereas Accu-metrics had said he was not the father and this other man was that i had only slept with one time and used a condom. My BF and I dont use condoms or pull out… so when I tested with accu-metrics it was basically just to be able to be happy my whole pregnancy with ZERO worries. when Accu-metrics told me my BF was not the father of the fetus and the one time/condom guy WAS the father my earth shattered. I was so close to aborting the baby. So close. Kyle the doctor at Accu-metrics even assured me their results were 100% correct and to go with them on my decision for the pregnancy 100%. Well something in me said NO and I got the amnio done and this time with DDC i olny tested my BF (not the other guy Accumentrics said was the dad) DDC said they only needed one guys sample anyway. And it would either be 99% or 0%. If Accumetrics was right my BF should have come back today 0%.. but he came back 99.999999999% the father. I called DDC and they explained the test to me very well. I called accumetrics to let them know and I got a RUDE woman on the phone and she told me to send them an email. I asked for “Kyle” and she said send him and email. I asked what to include and she was so rude she said “just proof”.. I finally had to tell her this was serious and a baby was almost aborted bc of all this and she had the nerve to say “well isnt that what you wanted?” as in didnt I want an abortion!? Yea ok lady thats why I just spent so much $$ on these tests- when I could of went and got an abortion in the first place. I am so MAD at Accumetrics they made the last 3 weeks of my life HELL.
Why am I not surprised lol! Sorry you had a hard time! We called a lawyer and they suggested calling accumetrics before taking legal action and asking them for damages. The lady had a huge attitude and told us there was no damage done! And refused to let us speak with a manager or anyone that could help us. So we have contacted a lawyer again. I would suggest you do the same if you can get away with it without your boyfriend knowing. I don’t think they should be allowed to do this to people! I am still in a world of stress. The guy that is the father still doesn’t know because he has been out of state at school ( he wants to be a pastor someday) and his brother is going around telling anyone that will listen that I messed with the results for money! I also have an 8 year old daughter that is greatly affected by all of this. It is a nightmare!
Was your DDC test prenatal noninvasive, prenatal invasive or post birth?!
I had two with accumetrics (prenatal and post natal)and they even told me the two different results were not right and something was wrong. That’s when I went and got post natal with ddc.
Non invasive…sorry
Based on all of these stories and reviews and post on different blogs I have such a hard time believing any prenatal test that isn’t amino or CVS. I’m talking to two people currently who have had their test results reverse post birth after proving the DDC prenatal blood testing was incorrect. I think they all deserve a second test both birth to confirm (if that’s an option which I know in your case it’s not) Definitely keep us posted, I’m still interested to see how your amino test went! I don’t know it works with amino and CVS testing but with the prenatal blood test DDC doesn’t give you your actual results. They give a generic inclusion or exclusion letter. They say they don’t have the proper formatting to give the results to the customer. It’s listed on the bottom of the sheet. I also found this out after comparing my results to another woman’s and they were the exact same! They told me they don’t give you your actual results unless it’s post natal, I’m sure it’s different with amino/cvs since its waaaay more accurate!
I’m so glad your amino was correct! This is why I don’t trust ANY prenatal test that is the blood sample from the mother and the buccal sample from the father! I’m talking to women who’s test from DDC ( noninvasive prenatal blood test) was wrong and results reversed post birth!! You need to either get actual fetal cells from the sac itself or wait until the baby is born!! So happy for you and I’m glad you retested!!
I’m so happy too! Yet I am STILL nervous! if you want to text me that may be easier! 919-616-6712 Anyway I just got an Email back from Via-Guard and Kyle the “Doctor” there said they would refund me- this only 1 1/2 weeks after he sat on the phone with me ASSURING me his results were 100% correct. Now I sent them DDC’s results via email showing them the amnio came back opposite- and he sent me some from to fill out “waiving my rights” against them and their testing. And offering me a refund!!!!! It honestly looks like a generic form they have on their computers where they fill in my name and refund amount—they must have to offer women refunds a lot! I just spoke to DDC too about my testing. They said with the prenatal blood draw the test 317,000 DNA markers… With the Amnio they only have to test 18-23 markers, sometimes up to 30 because the DNA is direct from the child and they aren’t having to “pull” the DNA from the mother and separate it. So with the Amnio test its actually cheaper ($475 compared to $1500) but because its more direct DNA from the baby, more like the DNA test you would have done Post Birth with swabbing the baby’s mouth. anyway. if you text me we can help each other out through this instead of on this forum.
Hey girl did you you do non invasive with DDC?
I did it with a company called Via Guard Accumetrics based out of Canada but they also go by the name Prenatal Paternities Inc. SCAM! I sent them my blood and buccal swab from my one night stand and my boyfriends toothbrush, razor, etc… They said VERBALLY over the hone that my BF was not the father and the baby belonged to the one noght stand… They wouldnt give me results like on paper because I hadnt paid in full yet… So I went ahead and got Amnio done and re-tested with DDC using Amniotic Fluid. First I ordered a test and tested ONLY my BF since I read that some labs have issues withmixing up the dudes samples… Came back my BF was 99.99999% the father! Keep in mond the Amnio test is comprable to the Post Birth DNA test because the Amniotic Fluid comes from directly around the baby (its pretty much their pee)… To be 10000% sure I then ordered a SECOND AMNIO test with DDC and used the last of my amniotic Fluid at the Lab where it was being kept. This time I tested the one night stand.. Results came back he was 0% the father. The company I did the non invasive test with was so mean, rude and careless. DO NOT USE VIAGUARD ACCUMETRICS! Oh on top of that when I reached back out to them to tell them the results of my amnio tests with DDC… THEY LITERALLY WENT BACK ON THEIR ORIGINAL ANSWER AND TOLD ME THE ONE NIGHT STAND GUY WAS NEVER PROVEN TO BE THE DAD @ THEIR LAB! They literally reneged their answer and then sent me some dumpy report saying the one night stand guy was 0% the father… I never did get paperwork from them showing my BF was. Honestly these blood tests are a scam I think. Go with AMNIO if you have to do a prenatal paternity test! Its worth it for the peace of mind and CLEAR answer. DO NOT SPEND $ ON A BLOOD TEST.
I already spent the money and got the results I was hoping for through DDC!
Im not trying to freak you out even more, but I thought the test was run twice to double check also. I actually called both Natera and DDC and was told they only run that test once. DDC runs their tests twice for accuracy, but this is Nateras prenatal test and they perform the actual testing in their lab. I called to get some reassurance but I still don’t trust the results. I even told them about a previous prenatal paternity test I had done that stated different results than what they gave me and DDC said that I could do a test after the baby is born to confirm it, but offered it with a discount of about $100 off. Why would they give me a discount if the results are supposedly 99% accurate? Looks like they have doubts about the test too. Something just doesn’t add up with them. I would trust their paternity tests AFTER birth, but I don’t trust these non invasive prenatal paternity tests that aren’t even tested in their lab.
hi girly. im the EXACT same situation u are in. due date and all trust me i know how you feel. all my joy has turned into worries and im completely paranoid. wish there was a way to private message on here id like to show u some paperwork from ddc and compare. my results were also an EXCLUSION. plsss if u read this and u have ur baby before mine let me know how it turns out since we are in the same situation u can understand me 🙁 wish u the best u and me both
like i said u and me
both. i call them every day and its always the same reasuring answers. i only tested who i thought WASNT the father. when i got my results i was the happiest girl on earth it meant that he wasnt the father only second option was my hubby. i cry myself to sleep every day not even enjoying the fact that my baby is almost here. it actually puts me in great fear and just makes me cry. i got feedback from 3 different women who tested with DDC and actually confirmed after birth on a different forum and they reasure me that they are accurate aswell based on their experience. i calm down but then my mind starts to wander and end up in the same thoughts and doubts. when did u have the test done? i had it back in march.
It was done in March too. Dont worry please. I feel absolutely the sameeee way. You remind me of myself and what i go through these days. they literally think i am crazy. I even called today and spoke to a manager…and she said dear i dont know what else do you want us to do or how else do you want us to explain when we guarantee this test. She said there only two ways that this could be wrong. 1) if not enough of blood and then we will have to retest this. 2) if you are pregnant with twins. There is only yes or no answer and nothing in between. She also said that some people call and lie and where people actually slept with more than 2 partners and then they blame our company. I was almost 12 weeks when i did this test. Nancy sometimes people write things to scare you too just because. Just imagine 317,000 genetic markers…and there is no way they can ruin our life. Just imagine how expensive this test is…and how this test is done by ddc all over the world. Go to Natera and see how many countries do this test through ddc. Its not a joke. I was the happiest girl on earth too when i found out, until i started to read bullshit online. And so far i’ve met people that did this test through ddc and got their answers right. I wish we can talk private. But please dont worry..if you need me i am here for you and we can help each other to stay strong. Just think that he is excluded and there is nothing to worry about. I understand our situation is more difficult than other people…because we go through this by ourselves. Dont worry. We are almost there and this anxiety soon will be over.
Are you going to get the baby tested after birth to confirm the results? If so, PLEASE let us all know the results. I’m dying to know if my results from DDC are correct. I’ve heard so many mixed reviews and it freaks me out. Your closer to your due date than all of us. You will definitely put our minds at ease knowing the results are right.
My God!!! Everything you say is exactly what i am going through everyday. Going back to my results everyday to make myself happy. Unfortunately i will not be able to retest after the baby is born. It will be obvious to everyone that this baby is not his. I will loose everyone and everything. Thats why when i call ddc everytime i tell them my life is in their hands…because in my situation i cannot take test after the baby is born. So this test better be right. I just dont understand why i kept this child if they provide you negative results. Is just doent make sense. When i called them the very first time..i asked her and i said if this is a scam or u provide wrong results, please tell me now..so i can go on with my life. She started telling me how this test changed peoples life..and that this is 100 % accurate and that u will know for sure who the father is. And so i did..i found out..and i dont understand why am i freaking out. These tests done every single day through ddc..if this test was a scam..you know how many people would write online about ddc. So far i hear how all test that are done in different labs sent to ddc and how people scare u.
TRY AND NOT FREAK OUT. ur right i doubt they would scam all these ppl with a service they cant guarantee they would of lost their ruputation of being one of the best dna centers out there. which is why i went there in the first place. believe our tests are correct and that soon we will come back to this damn website and confirm it.
Thats right girly:) keep your head up. We are almost there and i promise you everything is going to be ok.
=) it sure will…keep in touch plsss
What do you mean when you say it will be obvious to everyone that this baby is not his? Like if you test again after birth everyone will know the baby is not your husbands? I’m confused! I’m sorry!
My situation is different, my husband is not aware of this. I only tested the person who was excluded. So assuming based on the results its my husbands. My husband is white, the guy who was excluded is mixed with black. It will be obvious if this will be wrong:( i am so paranoid.
Oh ok I figured it was something like that but didn’t want to ask and sound rude. Don’t be paranoid. Worrying about it won’t change anything! Just enjoy these last couple of weeks of your pregnancy! Everything will work out!
Not sure if you had your kiddo yet , but just so you know I am mixed and my kids fathers are white , they look completely white
She looks exactly like my husband. I have absolutely no doubts. I thank God that i did this test and went through DDC i also learned my mistake. I thank God everyday. Good luck everyone.
omg its crazy how much we have in common. i always go back and look at my results paper i got and that also calms me down. thank you for your words they do help me. plsss dont forget to update me on your baby once ur due it really is a matter or weeks for both of us. im also here if u need to talk. this website doesnt update me when u reply but im constantly checking trust me ive done soooooo much research ive visited many forums and asked for any women who have had this procedure. and i know what u mean, while everyone of my family members is happily waiting for baby nonody knows how panicked i am 🙁 breaks my heart because i wish i didnt have this doubt and was just as happy as my hubby and fam. i cannot imagine my baby not being his. did you test the other guy because you DIDNT think he was the father? as for me i coildnt tell my hubby that and break his heart so i tested the other guy i figured once the results come back i will know for sure and avoid telling hubby and breaking his heart. u can imagine the joy when the results came back as an EXCLUSION….sometimes i regret finding this website but then again i found u here so theres a positive side to all this.
My God!!! Everything you say is exactly what i am going through everyday. Going back to my results everyday to make myself happy. Unfortunately i will not be able to retest after the baby is born. It will be obvious to everyone that this baby is not his. I will loose everyone and everything. Thats why when i call ddc everytime i tell them my life is in their hands…because in my situation i cannot take test after the baby is born. So this test better be right. I just dont understand why i kept this child if they provide you negative results. Is just doent make sense. When i called them the very first time..i asked her and i said if this is a scam or u provide wrong results, please tell me now..so i can go on with my life. She started telling me how this test changed peoples life..and that this is 100 % accurate and that u will know for sure who the father is. And so i did..i found out..and i dont understand why am i freaking out. These tests done every single day through ddc..if this test was a scam..you know how many people would write online about ddc. So far i hear how all test that are done in different labs sent to ddc and how people scare u.
hi girly, how u been feeling these past few days? u a bit more calm now?
Omg. I was thinking bout u. Yes…i am calmed. I am due on 18th..but i am most likely pass this day. I am ready…so ready. How are you feeling? Dont be stressed out please…i know everything is going to be alright.
im actually a lot more calm myself too. i cant wait until u have your baby gitly just cus i know its gonna be a big relief. im ready too baby is now in position now we just wait! i called DDC for the last time yeaterday i promised myself i wouldnt call no more and just hope for the best
Dont worry please. These tests are legit. Promise you. Soon you will be happy and relief. Awwwww..promise you girly. Please update me…cant wait to talk to you. Xoxo and good luck. I am here for you.
Hi charlene! Hope ur doing fine girly no baby yet?
Hi Charlene! I know you’re due pretty soon and I hope you’re feeling better about it! Please come back to let us know how the results turn out since youre due before all of us! Hope it goes well!
I posted many times before and I do not want to elaborate again…….Your prenatal test is a sin. You girls need help and prayers be with you. I cannot believe there is a forum for this where cheaters can sit around and talk about about how many potential fathers they have. This is not a game! Rather than post why not use the time to fix your relationships and focus on the future. I told people at my church an they were all shocked. I will tell more churches and spread the word.
Although I am not religious I have to agree with you. I was on the adoption and same sex forum when I noticed this particular forum. I think all the people on here should be ashamed of themselves. I also cannot believe there is a forum for people like this. These matters should be discussed privately rather than making it into a public spectacle.
Marcy these are real personal issues being discussed anonymously. What’s the issue? Putting aside how anyone here here got into their particular situation, how else are they supposed to find and talk to other people who understand what they’re going through? Are they not supposed to talk about it? I don’t think that’s a fair suggestion.
Take your preaching ass to every strip club in the world and give some words of advice to all the married men wasting their hard earned money on strippers instead of their family!!!!!!!!!
Hey Nancy0719
Who confirm from Accumetrics?? This page is a little weird now and does not go in date order lol. I done mine through Accumetrics and as you can imagine I am super curious and think that company is a fraud.
To see comments in date order, right above the first comment, change where it says ‘Best’ to ‘Newest’ or ‘Oldest’.
I did a test with accumetrics and got my results confirmed 2 weeks ago. I had 2 potential fathers of different ethnicity so the birth of my son was a easy giveaway of the results. I later got it confirmed by DNA since there could of been a potential 3rd father. The results were accurate.
So good to hear of someone else with confirmed results from Accumetrics!! Hoping mine are correct too.
Not to scare you or anything but do you realize anyone can post in this page? Including the people who work at these companies? I don’t believe all posters but hope for the best.
did u have this test done? sorry if uve posted on here and i cant remember but the commets are so confusing bow and outta place
JoJo I was thinking the same thing. I still think Accu-metrics is a fraud but I can only confirm it when I have my baby.
Anna am so over this. I will let you know once she is here. Seams like everyone got a different story and in the end WE ALL JUST DONT KNOW…. I feel am where I was before getting the test. 9 more weeks…,,
I agree. Everyone has different outcomes, so it’s almost pointless to know how other people’s endings are. We all just have to wait til our babies are born to know for sure unfortunately. Ugh!! Sucks!
I completely agree, everyone has a different story so just live life and be happy. I think everyone should be happy for bringing a child into this world. Worrying can only hurt you!
I got a prenatal test from DDC and Accmetrics in late february to test a possible guy. Got a confirmation test done at DDC and both companies were correct. Spent a boat load of money and went through a lot of stress but in the end it worked out.
may i ask if ur results from DDC were and inclusion or exclusion? since u said u tested “a guy” meaning only one?
it was an exclusion tested by ddc and accmetrics. I kinda knew he was an exclusion and wanted to get him out of my life lol
same thing i did lol i had the one who i felt wasnt the father just wanted him to get out of our lifes and not be part of my pregnancy. results were also an exclusion with ddc
Did you get the baby tested after birth to confirm the results? And I’m also curious if your results were an inclusion or an exclusion?
the guy that I tested was an exclusion for the prenatal test. The guy I am with (who I wanted to be with) was an inclusion (positive) and was tested after the baby was born.
Did you prefer one over the other? Im not sure if you read my other posts but I also got a test from both DDC and Accumetrics. I only tested my ex, who based on dates should be the father. Accumetrics said there was a 97.8% possibility and DDC excluded him. So I’m not sure which one to trust. Do you mind if I ask what company you tested with AFTER birth?
DDC. That is odd. Hope things work out for you in the end. good luck!!!
How many sample’s of the potential father’s did you send in Kristen??? Im so nervous me and my boyfriend have been together 9yrs and i cheated once and now this….but me and him were trying to have a baby so he was purposely ejaculating in me but it still scares me because me and the other guy didnt use protection
sorry to bud in but did “the other guy” ejaculate or is ur worry based on the pre cum method? or the pull out method?
Pull out/ pre cum…
and u had one of these tests done?
Yes accumetrics….still waiting for results
Yes accumetrics…still waiting for results
I just sent in one of the potential fathers samples (my ex boyfriends). The first one from Accumetrics came back as a 97.8% chance he was the father and the one from DDC excluded him. So I honestly have no idea which to believe. It clearly matched up for them not to have excluded him with Accumetrics test. I don’t understand!
Well i just got my results but i sent in 4 different samples ….everything matches according to my doctor..my cycle and accumetrics! Plus i labled one sample a diffrent name and they ask my.were the guys twins because their dna matched! I only did that to see if the dna was accurately analysed apparently.it.was cause they picked up on the mislabled sample being the.same as my boyfriends!
So the results matched up and it and it says the baby is your boyfriends? What were the other samples?
And what was the % of possibility?
I am up at 2 am worried about the test! Has anyone not results that were conclusive.with.accumetrics.after the child was born
awww girly i know the feeling =( unfortunately most of us here are still waiting to test post natal some posts have confirmed accumetrics results on here. so good luck to u
I just didnt in a million yrs think i would put myself in this situation i was so happy about the baby until the doctors started shooting out different dates! My bf suggested i abort the baby and we try again..but im already 18 weeks! I cant do that!But we have a kid already and after 9 yrs i will do anything to keep my family
trust and believe i feel the same way. i was one of the many ppl to judge ill admit it and ask why females found themselves in situations like the one im in. it saddens me and i pray my results are right every day. ur almost 5 months and i bet u already love that little one. just keep ur head up
Thanks! I just pray for good results i called today cause they should have been in by tuesday but still havent got them…we wanted a baby so bad but ny stupid mistake is holding off our joy….i really feel bad for him.. i was so burden with guilt i had to tell him… He just said if its his then keep it if not get rid of it n start all over with another seed! But he ejaculated in me for sure but the other guy is a small percentage chance
same here. the other guy never finished but the whole doubt and “what if” was killing me. there is very little chance that he fathered my baby but i took the test because i couldnt live in doubt for 9months. i honestly dont think its fair for the baby to give up on him or her if its not his but im not here to judge but i am here if u need to talk i know how bad it is to have these thoughts in your head day and night and not be able to enjoy such a blessing
Just finished reading your posts, and this really hits home! My ex gf told me repeatedly that she felt bad for putting herself in this situation. She put “US” in this situation! We were having regular unprotected sex and, although we weren’t trying to get pregnant, we weren’t exactly not trying either! 😉 She broke up with me a week after we last had sex, and had a one-night stand with a guy the very next day. Tested positive 11 days later. She told me immediately that she was pregnant, but that it could be someone else’s. I was pissed off about the situation, but was thrilled about the possibility of being a dad for the first time. She told the other guy, and he essentially told her to fuck off… to have an abortion, he wants nothing to do with it. Even her sister told me that “she really fucked up!”, and that she would typically be the one pointing fingers and judging other women in the same situation.
So you know that we did the prenatal test with DDC back in April, and the results said that I AM NOT the biological father. Reading your comments about whether or not a guy finished or ejaculated in you… don’t even think along those lines. I flat-out finished in her every time. According to her, the other guy pulled out and maybe a little got inside of her. Yet, according to DDC, I’m not the dad.
Frankly I am just frustrated with the whole situation. I thought she was someone that I was going to marry one day. We talked about having kids together, and that is why I was OK with having unprotected sex with her. I’m in my late 30s, and this would be my first child, if he is mine. Exactly 9 weeks to go and the wait is killing me! We’re doing a post-natal DNA test when he is born, but I don’t know. I do believe that DDC’s results could be wrong based on what she and I were doing and when we were doing it. But then there’s that part of me that thinks the results could be correct and I’m going to be devastated really soon.
We’ll see!
I’m just curious, but are you going to do the dna test through DDC again AFTER the baby is born or are you going to use another company since DDC already has your information? I’ve been wondering which one I’m going to use after birth and was just wondering!
I’m afraid to use DDC again. I’m thinking they’d just give me the same result regardless of what the post natal dna test says after just to save their ass if its different from results from the prenatal test!
I have the same thoughts, that they might give me the same result for CYA purposes. Therefore I will not use DDC after the baby is born.
By the way i went to.a medical lab here and they told me that canada is ahead of the u.s in dna medical study…thats why i went with accumetrics
we all get different comments. and went with what “we thought” was best in my case i webt for the most reputable and known company but yet alwe all here have our doubts
Accumetrics has had both false and true results. I used them but wish I used DDC. Anyway one thing I can tell you , until your baby is born, you will not have an answer. You will be just like most of us here, wondering if these tests are accurate. All the best
So why do you think your results were wrong? And how many samples did u send
Okay, so here’s my situation. I was broken up with my Boyfriend. Met another man, slept with him a few times. Took a pregnancy test. Negative and I had a light period shotly after. A few weeks later (about 2) my boyfriend and I got back together. My conception dates fall precisely when I reconciled with boyfriend. I’m almost 24 weeks now. Anyhow, I’m pretty certain its his at this point. He asked for a DNA test. I understand, i feel confident , so I agreed.
Im pretty darn confident on who the father is but now I’m worried that I will receive an inaccurate result after reading through posts.
I went with accu-metric. They received my sample, with both potential fathers samples last Thursday. I will give you guys an update once results are in.
I wouldn’t worry about it! If you’re pretty sure it’s your boyfriends and the dates match up, it probably is. Did you only test with your boyfriend?
No, I tested both of them. Its just scary. I start reading the little information availability and start worrying about its accuracy. I will hopefully get my test result later this week.
i don’t think there is anything to worry about but then again everything in life is not for certain. A friend of mine went to get a bad kidney removed in Seattle and they removed the wrong one and this was a big hospital too. I think the problems that you do here is only the very few. if your confident and the test proves to be in your favor then you have nothing to do worry about.
Wow. I’ve heard of that happening. Unbelievably. If I ever go in to remove one ill be sure to use a sharpee and mark the good kidney with “NO, wrong one. Don’t touch this one.” Etc. Holy crap its amazing how that is still happening this day and age.
Do any of you know how long accumetric takes to get test results back?
Mine took about a week!
Ugh. Im feeling so impatient.
I was the same way! Just don’t stress about it. I’m sure the results will be what you want them to be (: let us know!!
I got the results, as expected 97.8 % possibility that my boyfriend is the father.
Only issue is that its super cheesy and doesn’t even look legit. And they miss-spelt his name. I asked them if they could send me a report EXCLUDING the other guy. That’s whats important at this point. For now, my boyfriend will be appeased but the other guy probably won’t buy it. Hopefully they can do that for me. 🙂
Hello I did mine with accu-metrics as well did you send a swab for both? In my case I sent a swab for the douchbag that claims he was with me but I have no clue if he is saying the truth long story… He came back to be 97.8% possibility he is the father 🙁 I sent a razor for my ex because I didn’t want him to find out and they excluded him. The thing is I am 99% sure my ex is the father for many reasons!! But there is that one doubt that is killing me. But I cant prove it until the baby is here and I am going crazy thinking about it!
Oh man. That really sucks. Yes, I sent a swap for both guys. How long till the baby is born?
“97.8%” seems to be a very popular figure for paternity inclusions with Accu-metrics. Never lower, never higher. Every paternity inclusion that I’ve seen on this board (with Accu-metrics) has reported “97.8%” probability. I’m just saying….
I know, my boyfriend asked me what was up with that 97.8%. Maybe ill email them asking. They did say that the markers had to match 100% . Maybe its their acurracy on the test. Who knows. Ill ask.
I asked them the same question. Why was it 97.8% when Harvery had promise me either a 100% accurate or an Exclusion. I never once talked to Harvey after the test I called him many times because I needed answers! and he never return my call. Sara the office “manager” told me that the reason it was 97.8% was because that was the law in Canada for the prenatal paternity testing. I am not sure what the law in Canada is because I am from the US nor do I think Harvery should of assure results would be 100% accurate when it didnt show that! 15 more weeks for me!
I got 96.2% on mine and it was with the person I knew who would be close to 100% sure. I had a guy who I slept with one time (and was wrapped) and it was like 2 months before I actually got pregnant. Not sure why the number is 96 and you all have like 97 or so. I sent in swabs for both guys. Those numbers worried me a bit but I know for sure the guy I am with now is the father (im like 36 weeks now).
Glad you got your result and it is the right father!
Still haven’t gotten your results yet?
Nope, I’m still waiting. Its driving me crazy. The guy that’s not my boyfriend has been running around telling people its his baby. So I would like to be able to give him the results to shut him up. My poor boyfriend is just fuming and has been very distant. Those results would sure be nice.
Hope all goes well. You lucky you tested both cos what I have observed is EVERYONE here who used accumetrics and tested one guy got a positive…. which is suspicious to me…… All the best
hi Jojo, I got an exclusion and was confirmed
Interesting….. Anyway 7 more weeks for me 🙂
That’s what worries me. Theres not many reviews and not much information available. Im hoping I get a call today.
My ex has talked to into getting the Prenatal testing from Viaguard done. I researched the website to me it looks too amateur.. I Never ever thought it was possible to get the DNA threw testing my blood.
this has been the most stressful 6 months so far of my life.
So we go tomorrow to get my blood taken, hopefully I get the results that I hope for..
This whole thing seems super fishy though.
I am in a similar situation! I am going to a clinic tomorrow to get blood for a lab called DDC diagnostic lab. I am testing my husband who I am pretty sure of but his family suspects otherwise so I really want to prove them wrong. It has been very stressful for me aswell.How many weeks pregnant are you? Are you expecting the ex to be the one? or someone else? I’m afraid he comes back as being not the one so I pray everyday that he is.
Let us know how your results turn out!! I’m curious what DDCs results will say.
Hey KristenB I been curious to asked you if you ever talk to accumetrics about your results with DDC? Are they pretty confident about their results? I can’t wait for December!!
Hey! Yes I actually emailed them last week and told them about my contradicting results from DDC and asked if they could possibly go back over and double check my results. They said everything seemed to match up and couldn’t speak for DDC so they didn’t know why it excluded him. They seem confident, but then again all these companies do. I’m done stressing about it. Nothing I can do until he’s born unfortunately. 88 more days to go!!
Yes I know the feeling. And wish you all the best of luck!
It’s possible that there wasn’t enough genetic material in your blood to isolate. How far along are you? Usually DDC will simply say that, and ask you to have your blood drawn again at a later time at no charge. Talk to the representative that you worked with.
I also did a prenatal test with Vaiguard about two months ago. My situation was very similar… I was 26 weeks pregnant and i had my doubts about who the father could be.i conceived about 1 week before i broke up wit my ex and got together with another guy i knew from high school three weeks later. according to the doctor my conception date should be that of my ex. I only got my high school friend tested and he was negative which does make sense accorindg to the dates. what was your conception dates and does it match up with your ex?
Got my results 3 weeks ago and they are as expected. My ex was excluded which makes senses due to the 3 weeks we have been apart then. service turned out to be ok. one concern is that they took about 8 days rather than the 7.
Awwww girly im soooo happy for you 🙂 im so glad to hear from you
Forty-five days to go!
Has the mom
Let u be a part of the oregnancy or still same situation. Getting closer 🙂
Nope… same situation, unfortunately. She now knows about this site, and is now considering allowing me to be present when the baby is born. But I’m doubtful, as her dad will be there and he still doesn’t know that there are two potential fathers.
That sux, well ine exclusion was already confirmed from charlene from DDC and ill have mine by this weekend latest monday next week so ill let u know aswell good luck
Any updates??
By the way i just spoke to accumetrics because reading these things have made me question my results and the guy assured me that they tested all 4 samples i sent in and my boyfriend is definately the father! They told me if i wanted.
I could send in samples of the other guy still so they could clear him!
Hey Jt
I did mine with Accumetrics but not due until last week of December I know your feeling sometimes I wish I would of never knew about this test and go on with my pregnacy. Now I have all this doubts about people posting different results between accu-metrics and DDC differences. I also called DDC and the guy told me they have got a lot of accumetrics false results becuase they have confirm after the baby was born. I am not sure who to believe in my case I believe and hope accumetrics was wrong but if they are accurate I promise to let everyone know becuase I know the horrrible feeling! One thing I know for sure is that they have refunded someone for that test and makes me think why was her money refunded!?
Did accumetrics give you an exclusion or inclusion??? And im not sure but from 4 samples of 1 guy they better had been able to.accurately analyze his dna! but they told me they would test another sample if it would make me feel more comfortable! And as od ddc i only wonder about their opposing results to accumetrics because someone said she was with 2 man and only did the test to prove herself to his family but it excluded him…but she says she definately did not sleep with anyone else
I meant 1 man not 2! Sorry typo!
Accu-metrics gave me an inclusion with 97.8%.
I sent mine for confirmation today and will let everyone know of the results. I got an inclusion and I think it should be correct.
mrodriguez who did u test with?
?? I tested the baby and the father with swabs. The first time there was my blood.
Hello Mrodriquez
But who did you use? what was laboratory name who did the paternity test?
and yes please let us know who everything came out. Good luck.
Not with what u test with lol i mean who did u choose to send out ur confirmation with, what company? I know u tested with accumetrics pre natal but who are u testing with post natal now?
I did the prenatal test with viaguard and retested with GTL since they are local
Thats horrible… At least accumetrics seem did they at least offer to retest or allow you to re do samples?jasminethomas978@gmail.com
Thats horrible at least accymetrics seemed to be willing to retest….did they at least offer to? Or suggest you could possibly submit more samples?
My ex gf and I used DDC. She was right at 9 weeks, and the representative I worked with told me that it was possible that we could get an “undetermined” result because she was so early in her pregnancy the baby’s genetic material might not be present in her blood yet. She told me that, if that were the case, we would simply “retest”… have blood drawn again… a bit further along in the pregnancy. We did get a result, though, although I’m not sure of the accuracy.
You should talk to the representative that you worked with. If he/she isn’t willing to work with you, then you should file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Do a Google search for “BBB” and DNA Diagnostics Center” and you will find complaints and how DDC and the customer(s) were able to come to a resolution.
Hope this helps!
God Bless You! goodluck to you and your family!
yaaaay girly!!! I am so happy for you. Thank you for your support. I told you everything is going to be ok. Happy happy happy!! Congrats. And thanks DDC for being number one lab.
Hey ladies, am happy for both of you. I can only imagine the relief you feel.
Thank u jojo yes its a big relief and happy feeling. It was a painful journey….wish u the best of luck
I can just imagine your happines after all the stress you two went through. I am seriously considering of retesting with DDC money is not a problem I make good money but my question is are they gonna relieve the stress or make me stress even more. I am scare plus I only have 12 more weeks to go any advice? I am only considering this because I know there was someone here that got different results from Accu-metrics and DDC.
SAME FOR U MOMMA…enjoy your bundle of joy! It was a relief and yes i agree with u i learned from my mistakes and im only looking forward to a life with better choices and leasons learned i was super happy when i saw your post of confirmation best wishes for u dear 🙂
That’s awesome.. congratulations! DDC seems to be the way to go. But I’m still hoping they’re wrong in my case… will shatter my world if it’s right. Thirty-six days until her due date. 🙁
Got my results today!!!!!! Yes I retested and it was correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEE
Congratulations! Which company did you have the test done with?
for prenatal I used Viaguard and for my confirmation I used GTL (local place)
Hi ty! U promise to come back with results i hope u r doing ok with all uve been through hope to hear from u soon
Hi there. Sorry it’s been so long. The ex absolutely did not want to do a DNA test with me after the little guy was born. She finally did a test with the other guy, and she sent the results to me today. The other guy is the dad, not me. So, DDC had gotten it 100% correct! It sucks for me, but it is what it is.
How many fathers did you test the 1st time just 1 or both
Hi which company did you use? I know that this post is 2 years old but im in the same predicament with 2 men and would love to have an answer before the baby is born.
Anybody else due soon?
My ex-gf is due in 32 days. It’s gonna be a planned C-section, so the baby will probably be here a few days or so before the due date.
Confirmed a prenatal that was done in december from viaguard. Confirmation from a local lab in arizona. I tested 1 father
hey good luck, glad a i saw this forum. my best buddy is involved with a girl who is doing this. i hate to say it but my buddy is a very paranoid guy so hes always thinking his girl is cheated so now she did the test just so he can get things over with. will let yall know
I’m due in 52 days! I got different results from DDC and Accumetrics so I’m planning to do a dna test when the baby is born to confirm one of them. Praying that Accumetrics was correct!
O no, that’s terrible.. What results did you get? What percentage?
I already found your result KristanB. It’s devastating i can imagine..
This is the most devastating thing ever
Hi, I am from the Netherlands and tested with a company who sends the test to Natera, same as DDC. I had seks with 1 guy with a condom and the other guy (BF now) without. But i am still stressing out… 1 is my bf now, he is black. The other guy is caucasion. My bf does not know about the situation.
The test result said that my BF is included, 99,9%. BUT the other guy, who i tested later because i got scared, came back as “indeterminate result”. They said there was enough DNA (i was 21 weeks at the time) but sometimes this happens. The can’t tell me why this has happend. I am scared now… maybe they made a mistake with the results of the first test… I am so scared and super stressed… This situation sucks… So i am very curious if anyone had a false-positive or false-negative with Natera (DDC)….
Best wishes to you all!
Your bf is the father yu and the other guy used a condom chances are nearly zero that he is the father! Plz dont worry!
Yeah i schould not worry, just scared that the condom broke without me knowing. The 25th of may was my ovulationdate and that was the day i had sex with that other guy.
I’ll keep reading here to see of there were any false positives/ negatives. Hope not!
Im sure everything will be fine! But i know the feeling my doctor told ne i conceived around the 30th of may so she says intercourse anywhere from the 25th to the 1st of june…i was woth the other guy on the 23rd and i have been so afraid even though i was with my bf on the 30th and he ejaculated in me trying to convieve
Did the test say your bf is included? He has to be..
It is al so insecure. In the Netherlands we don’t have this paternity test. It is not validated so my gyn doesn’t want to give advise regarding this test and the results. Whe doesn’t even have the NIPT… We are far behind!!
I am sure we will all be fine and the test results will be confirmed,,, I have found like 1 false negative result and 1 false positive, but that was 2 years ago, the test have improved since than. I have contacted the agency who did the test for me but they “got tired of my discussion” so i will not contact them again. 🙁
Yes my test was an inclusion….i just pray every night….i’ve been with him for 9 yrs and this situation has me crying every night…he knows though because i told him. we have a chuld together and if the results were wrong it will destroy not just us but our child also
I can imagine the stress you must have, aspecially sinds the is another child involved,… *hug*
Are you due soon? I am in februari.
I feel very stupid and guilty for the choises i have made. Maybe that is why i keep stressing about the testresults.
We should be trusting on our test results, It will be fine!
Im due in february also! And yes i feel horrible because we started trying to convieve in april then by june i was pregnant and it was exciting until i thought about the 1 time i cheated! A week before my concieve date! I just hope to god my bf is the father sometimes im very confident about it but then at small moments i jx wonder….did u ask the other guy if the condom broke?
Yeah i did, he said he’s 100% sure that it did not brake. But we did not check it with water afterwards. Now i have been reading that sometimes the hole in a condom is so small you can only check it with water after you used it. I am just making myselve crazy i gues.. That “indeterminate result” is messing with my head. This should be the best time of our life!
jtYes i wasnt there but im sure the condom didnt break! Most of the time if it has a hole it will pop and completely break! And my sister told me the same thing that im just driving myself crazy!
Let’s hope for the best!!
9 more weeks to confirm accu-metrics results!
3 weeks for me Anna. I hope am right……
I will keep you in my prayers. Hope you get the answer you expect but I am sure regardless we are both going to be good mothers! Best wishes and keep me updated pls! =)
Most def gal. I know how it feels and will let you know as soon as she gets here!! All the best too. I keep my faith and hope high
i did a test with accumetrics in august now one with ddc and i just got my results today from ddc today the same as accumetrics both gave me an inclusion!
But im not due until february
That’s great JT! What percentage did accu-metrics gave you and what percentage DDC? Are you more confident about the results now?
Accumetrics gave me a 98.7 and ddc gave me a 99.9…and yes i feel alot better and so does my boyfriend!
I am happy for you!! 🙂
the weird thing is that when accumetric includes with 97.8% it is an exclusive at DDC. When it is more than 97.8% at accumetrics than it is an inclusion at DDC…
You don;t have to worry anymore! 🙂
They said that the Canadian DNA LAW is different and thats where their percentages at accumetrics come from! But i trust both results!
Yeah your results are Obvious en true! 🙂 You can trust that.
Sixteen days to go!
Gah I bet you’re so anxious to know the final answer! I have 42 days left. This has been so miserable. I still pray every day that DDCs results are wrong. I’ll know soon enough! Please don’t forget to come back and let us know after you retest!! Best of luck!
Don’t know how you all with this.Feel like i am dying… Can’t even function!
How you all cope with this i mean..
what are you gong to do?
Nothing, what can i do.
I am running another test to see if they can give a better result on men who got an indeterminate result, was 20 weeks when i tested him.
I am so afraid they gave me a false positive when i did the test with my boyfriend, was 9 weeks at the time. I have a weird feeling… maybe it’s the hormones and guild… That indeterminate result is getting to me!
where did you test?
In the Netherlands but they sent it to Natera. Same as DDC.
It’s not easy but you need to find a way to be okay cos worrying everyday will drive you KRAZY!!!!
I know… Just need to be sure that the testresult is right and that the inclusion can be trusted. But no one can asure it. This sucks!
When are you due Jojo?
In 2 weeks. It’s been a long journey am glad is coming to an end
Even if the test is done correct, you could still have multiple placentas from more than one father. It is possible. Your test will be correct and what you paid for, but that placenta vanished and now your left with the other man’s baby! Highly unlikely, but possible.
No wonder some companies are ripping people off. They feel like since they aren’t taking the sample directly from the fetus, they have a plausible deniability that they did not provide a service. They can do 90% of the tests correctly and then fabricate the other 10% of the tests just to make a nice profit.
I would go with DDC/Natura or Ravgen.
You got better experiance with Natera and Ravgen? Do you know if Natera ever had a false positive? It’s scary, different company’s give different results. Not only in percentage but also if the father is in- or excluded.
What you mean multiple placentas??
I wont go into my circumstances but want to offer some advice to others out there.
Ive just had the results back from DDC and devastated that i’ve been excluded! I don’t know if its me just wanting the results to be wrong but after reading all the comments on here i can’t help but think they may not be as accurate as they claim. Im sure id have a different opinion if i was included!
Anyway I sent off the test on the assumptikn that DDC perform the test and that they are fully accredited, however upon recieving the results it was only then that i realised the test is carried out by Natera who have no accreditation. DDC assure that the results are 99.9% accurate for inclusion and 100% for exclusion but does that mean that the test is reliable in the first place? I’ve emailed DDC to ask why they dont tell people about Natera and had no reply.
I think i’m going to wait and have a postnatal test conducted once the little one is here and keep my fingers crossed. The only advice i can offer to anyone thinking about the test is just wait, the results havent helped me at all and have just added to the stress. I’ve since read so much about innacurate results and that only the companies that offer the tests have conducted studies on their validty withsmall samples of the population. Save your money and spend it on whats important when it arrives!
I’ve still got a long wait on my hands but i’ll try and let you know whether the prenatal was accurate.
Dont know if it helps at all but i too had an exclusion from DDC and was very doubtful about it throughout my entire pregnancy. Well it was accurate. So was somebody else’s on this forum with a similar story as mine. Good luck
Thanks for the reply, its helped ease my mind even if its not what i want. Out of interest nancy was there any reason you had doubts? Mine is that all the dates we were together point towards it being mine.
Same as you my ultrasound dates were what had me doubting. And even tho i was pleased with the exclusion i had my doubts. But results were accurate at the end of this awful journey wish i could of enjoyed my pregnancy
When you all talk about dates do you’ll mean like ovulation 14 days after your period? I got pregnant with my first child right after my period so I believe every woman is different. I’m kind of in d dame situation now my boyfriend and I had sex right after my period however I made a mistake of being with another guy right on my so call ovulation days but the second guy used a condom! and he was an inclusion through DDC now how can this be true! I am paranoid!
Thats what i mean about dates with regards to ovulation around 14 days and the due date given from the US scans etc. Just doesnt add up but as you say all of us are different and the body does funny things!
I did contact another company in the UK who offer the same test and they will only conduct the test with samples from all the alleged fathers as it has been known for there to be false inclusions / exclusions. From reading Nateras own website (under the FAQ’s) they also state that they require samples from all alleged fathers yet DDC do not request this?
Anyway Mak i hope you get the result you wanr and wish you all the best
RT, are you going to retest with all the alleged fathers?
Wish you the best.
Due in feb and think she will agree to a postnatal test just to put our minds at ease, as for testing both us alleged dads i dont think it will be possible as he doesnt know about what has gone on between us. Not proud of that but just the way it is.
I am also due in feb. 1 guy was included (boyfriend no condom) and 1 was an indetermante result, inconclusive (mistake, condom). I haven’t come by any wrong results from DDC/Natera but i am still paranoïde…
Tomorrow the inddeterminate guy is getting another blooddraw because i feel i am going crazy.
In 2 weeks time the bloodtype of the baby will be known so maybe i will get some info that way.
When are you due? And I’m also curious if you are going to retest after the baby is born?
Did he use a condom right from the start? Is there absolutely no way that he got sperm in you? With his fingers or before/ after he put on the condom? When are you due? I am in the same situation only my boyfriend was included but i’m still paranoid!
Sounds like my situation as well. The dates don’t add up. Did you send samples from both of the alleged fathers or just the second guy? When are you due?
I’m only 14 weeks and I don’t think I can make it one more day thinking about all this. I only tested the second guy because my boyfriend will not ever put up with an infidelity. Kristen on ur dates the guy that was an inclusion was he the one that you were with around your ovulation dates?? I’m so scare because even tho he used a condom I don’t think it was put on right. However with my boyfriend I’m very positive he ejaculated in me many times that night. I did a sono and of course the doctor went by my 14 day ovulation date which it makes it the same day I was with the second guy 🙁
Well I tested my ex, who based on the due date and conception date, should be the father. I sent my exes samples and did the test with Accumetrics and got a 97.8% inclusion. Then we did another one through DDC to be sure and they excluded him.
I was with my ex on March 24th and the 26th, and the other guy on the 21st. I have an app on my phone that says I ovulated on the 24th, but based on my due date and conception date (which was estimated to be March 30th) it obviously matches up with the dates of my ex. So I honestly have no idea. I’m just ready for this nightmare to be over with.
The dates in my case as well are less than a week apart and they say sperm can stay alive up to 5 days until you ovulate etc. I’m so confuse and my heart can’t take this anymore. I want to re-test with a company I heard of name Viaguard but I read mix reviews on them as well!! Good luck Kristen I hope you get the results on your favor because this feeling is horrible!
Viaguard is the same as Accumetrics!! So idk whether you should trust them or not. Because either them or DDC is wrong in my case. It totally sucks and I know you’re feeling the same way.
hey how are
What are you going to do next? Have you had contact with DDC? Or will you retest somewere else?
I know it is hard, i am starting couseling, It is devestating to go true this alone. My boyfriend also does not know.
Wow, RT! You’re situation is exactly the same as mine! I was excluded by DDC as well, and it makes no sense! I had no idea about Natera until after I viewed the test results. If the test really is that accurate and there are never any false positives or false negatives, then why can’t DDC disclose upfront either on their website or on the phone that (1) it is Natera’s test, (2) Natera tests the samples (and just once!), and (3) Natera is not accredited by the AABB?
My ex gf is operating on the assumption that the DDC test is 100% accurate, and is not involving me in the pregnancy at all! She is due in 12 days now, and because she is having a scheduled C-section, she will give birth anytime between now and 12 days from now. She won’t tell me when! I do know that we will have a post-natal DNA test (not with DDC!) after he is born.
TY wish you all the best bud and hope it goes your way. Please let us all know if DDC are accurate when you find out
hey you guys I’m also waiting on my results from DDC. My dates are too close together so I’m praying on these to be correct. Both parties know, but the guys won’t participate in anything if they don’t know if it’s there’s I tested the guy I want it to be with DDC and my results come in Thursday.
Based on your due date, which guy do you think it is? The one you tested or the other one?
they came back he was excluded and I’m devastated . I don’t know what to do I feel like my life is over . he is sad and the other guy is in some place he doesn’t even care
I am sorry that is wasn’t what you thought LM123.
thank you. I’ll be okay .
I’m sorry LM123 I been through the same feeling. I thought it would never get better but it did I knew I did not have a choice and learned to accept wether this test is accurate or not. Good luck and stay strong!
thanks ! I’m over it this test is right, my life is over. Because I’m not going to have help and everytime I’ve thought about kids this was the one thing I was afraid of
I was the exact same way. Based on the dates, I swore the results would come back that my ex was the father and I was hoping they would. He was excluded and I cried for days. I didn’t think I could do it either but I didn’t have a choice then. I know it’s hard for you to see now, but it will slowly get better. Just hope and pray every day that they’re wrong like I have. Plus, you have options after the baby is born too if you don’t think you want to keep it if the results come back to be true. You’ll be ok!!
I know the dates were very close, I list can’t see how .. because we used a condom but he took it off but I asked if he came in me he said no .. but I should of took plan B . I did it with my boyfriend 2 days after and he finished in me. I’ve been with him for almost 5 years we always break up and make up and go through the same routine but id rather have a baby for him than anyone else . When I told the guy I was pregnant he was like well you just gone have to have the baby and do a DNA test. He was very mean to me. but I don’t care for him. I know this test isn’t wrong as bad as I want it to be. I just prayed every night , I guess god has other plans for me. Just right now I can’t see any good in this
Trust me I know exactly how you feel. I don’t want it to be the other guys either. He pulled out, and clearly didn’t go in me. It doesn’t make sense. I’ve dated my ex on and off for 6 years and hoped it would turn out to be his. Just know you still have options. I’m 5 weeks away from having him and I still haven’t really decided what to do. I haven’t really known how to feel about all of this. How many weeks are you?
I’m only 11 weeks and 3 days . got forever to go , I just don’t feel like anything. I want to lay here and die . and I hate to say that but I’m so young and I don’t know anything but my ex.. I’ve been with him since high school. but his mom always told us breaking up only leaves space for other people to come in
Oh you’re still really early on. You can get through this!! Is your ex going to stick around through your pregnancy? I thank God every day that my ex has. He just recently moved out of state temporarily for a job which sucks but he’s been here for me this whole time. He’s the only one I really care about, I don’t give a crap about the other guy. Which sucks because it makes me feel like I have no connection to the baby (it makes me feel guilty even saying that, but it’s so true) 🙁 That’s why I’ve thought about other options. And you might feel the same way since it’s not your ex’s. And don’t feel bad about being young..I was 19 when I got pregnant and just turned 20 in October. Definitely too young for all of this
Yeah you basically told my story for me I was 19 and turned 20 I’m September. my ex is still here, he said he can only be my friend though because I hurt him. he says he loves me , but atleast one of your test said your ex could be the dad. DDC is most likely right, I haven’t seen anyone say they’ve wrong. I just know he will never be with me again .
Yeah I believe that DDC is right, but I still have a little bit of hope that it’s wrong. And I hope you do too! Stay strong. Everything will work out how it’s supposed to!
I hope they are too. I would even let them keep my money. I don’t care I just want them to be wrong. DDC excluded your ex too ?
I know I wouldn’t care either. It’s awful. But yes they did exclude him, he’s the only one I sent samples for. Not the other guy. I’m retesting after he’s born with a different company that’s AABB accredited. I don’t want to send it back to DDC since they already have my name and everything. I think they’d just give me the same results no matter what.
yeah! if your results are wrong from DDC , I will have hope. when are you due? and pleaseeeee don’t forget to come back and tell me .
I’m due Decemeber 21st but I can get induced the 14th so I’ll probably do that if he doesn’t come before then! And I definitely won’t forget. I check this site all the time for new comments so I’ll be back to let y’all know for sure!
I’m going to pray about this. I just don’t see me getting better from this .
I promise you will!! I didn’t see how I could get passed it either when I was where you are. It’ll fly by. It literally seems like just yesterday that I got those results back, but in reality it’s almost over with finally! I’ll be praying for you because I know how you’re feeling!
We’ll definitely have to keep each other informed regarding DDC’s accuracy. Hopefully I’ll have an idea sometime between now and a week from now.
Yes ! and I’ve been hoping you’d come back to this site I look to see if you post all the time before I decided to write on here.
Thank you. My ex is just starting to seem more and more upset. and he’s starting to be stand off ish. I just want it to be his so bad, I hope that god just sends all his blessings to me. I know that he doesn’t make mistakes though so .
hey did you ever confirm your results after birth. was ddc correct?
Hi LM123, Did the results come back? Was it what you expected?
I got them back this morning .. he wasn’t the father ): I’ve been reading and I hope Ty results are wrong because I don’t feel I can do this
I am sorry girl…, it is hard! Mine came back in my favour but still stressing out because nobody know’s if it is accurate. Only way to know is by amnio or postnatal… It sucks. You will be ok…
Sounds exactly like my situation.
KristenB I am due next week and I will confirm accu-metrics for you who I hope are wrong in my case . I know its a tough journey but stay strong.
I’m trying my hardest! I honestly wouldn’t doubt it if Accumetrics were wrong! They seem to be correct in a lot of these cases, but I have a weird feeling about them and I’m sure you do too. Especially after I retested with DDC and got different results. We’ll see! But yes please let us know if they were accurate in your case. Was yours an exclusion or inclusion? I’ve read so many comments on here I can’t remember!
It was an inclusion and I really doubt it so I just decided to go by what I feel and I believe they were wrong in my case
I hope they are wrong in my case too Jojo! the closer time gets the more it lingers. 6 1/2 weeks for me!
Anna and KristenB, google sponsordna and see the scam accumetrics is running. Look at the logo on top of the page!!!! This company is a fraud!!!
but isn’t it ran through the same place DDC is ?
If you look at the accumetrics website you will see what I mean. Pretty much it’s accumetrics using DDC logo for this. The phone numbers and everything are accumetrics but they have DDC logo on this site
Omg! This is so crazy. I wonder if DDC is aware of this!? I’ve had nightmares of that creepy guy Harvey before it is scary! But honestly I do wish for that company to be a fraud! I want my family back! 🙁
I called both places , and if you look closely they are only saying it’s for immigration. but the fact that DDC is even associated with a company so fraud is really what gets me. but if you call DDc and acc they will tell you it’s only for immigration purposes
I don’t think DDC has anything to do with this site. They have international offices and it’s all in the DDC website. This is accumetrics using the DDC logo to sound leggit. I don’t know about DDC but accumetrics is definitely a fraud. Am glad someone put a report on rippoff about them
This company is really sad. They answer the phone all unprofessional. Like it’s at someone’s house .
Yeap… They are just a bunch of scam artists. DDC has a number of different locations and they do their immigration test there too.They have a number to call from their website. Its sad accumetrics had to create this website and put DDC logo to just trap people!!
I read the ripoff report and it is a VERY sad story. I wanted to clarify when I said I wish for this company to be a fraud it was becuase in my case I want them to be wrong! However, I hate to think many people (possibly me) are being lied to. This company serioulsy needs to shut down or at least don’t offer this type of testing just to make a few dollars from it!
The differente is DDC use Natera abd Acc not. I think it is more important which lab perform the test than which company collects the samples. Natera And Ravgen seem to be the most common to use.
Well I read up on it and it says when company’s start to get called fraud they change their names. None of these are accredited, none of them from DDC on down – some are just more trustworthy, careful, and accurate than others. Anything could happen. if you tested with DDC notice that on the results it says Netra formally known , or something of that sort and it gives the old name of the company. While all these results could be right they could be wrong. either way I shouldn’t of paid almost 1700$ to worry.
looks like DDC is always accurate ):
I’m sorry you didn’t get the result you were expecting. I’m hoping that DDC is wrong in my case as well! She’s due in 8 days… any time now!!
I hope they are wrong for me too. But I haven’t seen them be wrong for anyone
Is she going to just let you know after she has the baby or are you going to be at the hospital? And do you already have the post natal dna test that you’re going to use?
I won’t be there. Her sister is going to send me pictures when he is born. We’re going to arrange the DNA test after her dad leaves (he doesn’t know).
I hope your the dad
my dad doesn’t know about this either. I’m going to have to do mine behind his back too he’s crazy lol
Aw ok!! I’ll be praying for you! Hope they come back in your favor! Please don’t forget to let us all know how it goes
My ex and I also tested with DDC and they said he was excluded. I don’t trust any prenatal testing because of the technology being so new. However, I was honest with him before the testing and before we even got together that I was seeing other people. He wanted to have a baby with me. I swear I was not pregnant before I got with him and was not with any other man after we were together. I am just having a hard time believing this test is right. I am not going to bother with another prenatal and just wait for the baby to be born. It really hurts right now and I am extremely lonely but I feel this is the only way I can accept the results. The other potential fathers are fine with testing when the baby is born. It just really sucks that my ex bf doesn’t believe me at all and will not talk to me.
Wow that’s crazy. So you don’t think there’s even a slight possibility that it could be one of the other guys? When are you due?
I am due march 6th and no, I just don’t feel like its possible but I mean it doesn’t mean anything. I did the pull out method (which i know isnt the best contraceptive but I haven’t gotten pregnant in 6 years…four of those years was with my ex husband where we never used condoms and I still didnt get pregnant) I took a pregnancy test two weeks after the first two potential and it was negative. Then two weeks after my ex and I had sex where he did the deed in me and was positive. This is why I am not fully pushing my ex to re take the test until after the others have so. If they have all comeback with a negative test on the legal one…well then it would just leave him. I have kept track of all my partners.
We are all in the same place. I haven’t seen that DDC has been wrong for anyone. I’ve accepted it at this point , I can’t keep worrying . I’m sorry that you have to go through this I wouldn’t wish this on anyone
Read above…they seem very committed to keeping any wrong testing under wraps.
My thing is , this has been going on since 2010 or 11, if they never had any wrong results in 3 years I feel they would be approved by now .. ya know ? Natera told me today that they were accredited. That they are , BUT not for the non invasive test they aren’t. They could be right, but I’m just so sure he was the dad.
Same here…the science is still up in the air. The whole purpose of this noninvasive blood testing was to find issues like down syndrome but I have also been reading they have been giving false answers for that. I think there is a lot of information that Natera is not telling us.
The lady I talked basically was like ” WELL ” .. that’s about it. Didn’t care.
I talked with Natera. The women went to the lab and said “the lab is confidant that the father tested as an inclusion is indeed the father of the baby”. That she offert to restest the inconslusive guy. Waiting fir the results to come back again. Didn’t charge me extra.
And that said that from now on i have to contact my own company for they only ferform te test and don’t counsel directly.
do you honestly think they would give you different results ? and make their company have a bad name ? they just going to send the same results. but I hope everything goes well,. I hope I didn’t sound negative. I’m just so hopes at this point
I have no idea what they will do. Natera is a good lab for Pandora testing etc so i hope they don’t mess with the results. At this point i AM considering an amnio couse this insecurity drives me crazy.
Well in whatever you do, I wish you well and I hope you get the results you want. I pray for everyone on this site. even though I feel some of these people aren’t real, they just work for these companies .
That’s so true. Someone else brought that up too. But no mater what anyone else’s situation is and turns out to be, it doesn’t determine what our outcomes will be 🙁 I’m jut so ready for this to be over with.
Everytime I get on this site I think of you. I don’t know what we are going to do Lol. and I put Lol bevause I’ve seen you on so many sites I know you’re real. We are both two worried people with the same story.
I know this has drove me crazy!! I just wish there was more information about it. I’ve looked up literally everything to read more about it and it still doesn’t help. Just have to wait til he’s here to know for sure! I’m hoping that the guy “Ty” on here finds out soon and I pray that his results are wrong like he wants them to be. It’ll at least leave some hope!!
yep we are praying for the same thing. do you know what you will do when the baby is born if DDC is right , have you and your ex talked about being together again ?
Yeah we still talk all the time. Idk if we’ll ever be together again and neither does he. We’re just kinda taking it day by day. The guy who is supposedly the father is 100% involved and wants to be here and be with me and all, I just don’t want to be with him. So it’s kinda adding to the stress. Even though it’d be awful if the test was wrong because his family is so excited about it, I still hope it’s wrong! So we’ll see!
Same here except I dont think the guy who thinks he is father has told his family but he might have being he went to visit them this weekend. We live an hour and half away and I dont hear from him too much but he keeps telling me he wants to be there for the baby.
Well that’s definitely a good thing. Could be worse. And at least he’ll help you out even if you’re not with him!
Saying something and doing is completely different. He and I were going to be together until he freaked out about that an hour and half later. He broke it off with me saying we were wrong for each other…that was a month before I got with my ex. He is young and feeling he will just get scared again.
Yeah that’s true. And you’re right about saying and doing are different things. It could completely change after the baby comes and he sees what it really takes! And same with mine. Who knows!
we will all be okay. I’m going to prepare myself to be have to be alone to take care of this kid. The guy that I was involved with he’s iffy. I don’t know at this point I don’t care he has too much going on in his life. Things I would never want my kid dealing with.
There’s nothing wrong with that! I’m choosing to do it by myself too. Just thanking god I have a supportive family. How does your family feel about it? Are they going to be there for you and help you?
My dad doesn’t know the whole situation. And mom would be supportive if I had 30 possible fathers. I’ll be okay , she wants to keep the baby til I finish nursing school but I’m not putting that on her, I want to raise my own kid. I just really stress about my ex I’ve never been without him since I was 15. I don’t know what to do
Nothing wrong with solo…I know I can do it but just sometimes the loneliness and feeling abandonment creeps in and it just feels horrible. My father is super supportive and cant wait for his grandchild to be born. I know we all can do it but it just going to take some time to get through the feelings.
There’s just so much in me that wants DDC to be wrong
READING ALL THESE MESSAGES MAKES ME FEEL WHAT U GIYS ARE FEELING FOR I WAS THERE JUST A FEW MONTHS AGO. NO SLEEP BEING UP AT CRAZY HOURS GOOGLING ABOUT THIS DAMN TEST AND STRESSING NOT ENJOYING MY PREGNANCY. And going through it alone. I always saw the couples at the doctors office and made me want to cry i was always alone. But i got through it ladies plss stay positive because at the end when they place your baby in your arms it will all be worth it. Im so in love with my child. Even though my pregnancy was rough and i cried every day i now smile and im happy as can be 🙂 best of luck to u all
Ok this is crazy how much we have in common! Haha I’m going to nursing school too as soon as I get my core done next year. And I know how you feel. I’ve been with my ex on and off since 8th grade and I’m a sophomore in college now. It’s tough, but I think he’ll come around. Believe me I thought my ex would be long gone by now. And there’s been several times that he’s said he’s done, that he can’t do this blah blah blah. But he’s still here. If y’all have been together that long, those feelings don’t just go away! I really think he’ll come around!
Haha yes! I’m a junior in college, so I’m almost done. I’m happy about it too! But my ex isn’t going to be with me again, He’s had enough. He’s on & off with me sometimes too and I know he still cares but me having another mans baby, is too far. I was just so sure it was his! so sure , I feel stupid and I waisted my money because it didn’t make things better, it caused more stress. I have too long to go to be feeling like this. Unfortunately, DDC has been accurate in everyone’s case I swear I’ve searched 1000s of sites, they don’t have any bad reviews when it comes to accuracy which is weird/ bc if they’ve never been wrong.. as long as this has been around- SOMEONE would of approved them to do this (legally) w.o any problems. I’ve seen people say many things – but nothing is giving me hope at this point. I’m trying to accept it, but that let me down big time. Just scared the shit out of me when it said ‘excluded’ .. I’m praying for ‘Ty’ since he is so close. But anything is possible is what I keep telling myself.
I did find some places where it read DDC to be wrong and then the next day it was gone…I am super suspicious. As I said before, no test can be perfect…nearly perfect maybe but never perfect.
are you serious ???? .. and I notice all the people who said ddc were wrong on here have never came back though .
Has anyone tried PTC yet? to me they are the only ones that put up any real information on the subject matter.
Well I finally found reviews on ddc , giving people the wrong results.. They are even on the site giving refunds. one woman got the full 1600 back .. AT this point , I’m done with this company, They’ve messed up a lot . but they are just so perfect. They sent one woman results with other people’s confidential info . makes me think , WTF ? the site is BBB.org.come just search DDC BAD reviews and go to that site !
OMG I can’t believe they did that! I found them for my area on BBB and I just got complaints about heritage testing and one paternity that was done after birth. Go you for finding this info out!
This is crazy !! I don’t know anymore
All we can do is wait until the babes are born to do the regular testing…I am going with another company for sure.
yep . I’m just waiting on the people who did DDC to come and let me know of their results were correct.
I just read all of them. There’s A LOT of complaints about DDC. There’s a lot that have the complaints listed, but I’m curious to know what all the ones that say “complaint details unavailable” were. I wonder if they got removed because they showed that there was false results?? Hm
Yes! I was wondering the same thing! Why would people complain but not say what they are complaining about.. I don’t know! I don’t know! Just too much.
I know I cried right away. I was shocked, especially after getting the first one back from Accumetrics that gave me an inclusion. Idk it really doesn’t make sense. Even my doctor said there’s like no possible way that the other guy could be the father based on the dates. It’s weird to me. But let’s keep the little bit of hope that we do have! I really hope Ty’s come out to be wrong. I’m anxious to know his results!
And no based on the dates, my ex should have been the father. The other guy that I didn’t test, we had sex 9 days before I conceived. (Or the date the doctor told me I conceived based on gestational age). Now how the hell is that even possible? Makes no sense
but don’t you want him to be the father ? because you said the inclusion shocked you and wasn’t what you expected ..
No no no! I want my ex to be the father and that’s the only one I tested out of 2 potential fathers. I tested with Accumetrics first and they gave me an inclusion, then tested with ddc to be sure and they excluded him. I was shocked and upset about him being excluded, after the first test from the other company said he WAS the father. Sorry if that’s confusing haha
Lol I’m just reading to . But there’s hope for us , I found a site and DDC messed up just like everyone else.
I’m stupid I read it wrong lol ..
so you tested your ex boyfriend because you thought he wasn’t the dad?
Seriously? The lady I talked to at Natera literally wouldn’t tell me anything. She was like “I’ll direct you to DDC and they can go over your results with you.” I was like no I already talked to them and didn’t need to again. All I wanted was more information on how the testing process goes and everything and she wouldn’t tell me ANYTHING
That sucks… There us an articel in Nature about how the testprocess goes. Not a peer review but informative to read. It’s a better 1 than Ravgen published.
I spoke with ptc lab also. They say Natera is not a fraud for sure but because the proces is so new mistakes can be made. If you run the test by them they always recoment a postnataal test.
Yeah see that’s the thing I find weird about Natera. They mainly do prenatal testing for like chromosomal abnormalities or whatever, i don’t think they really specialize in the prenatal paternity testing. If you look at like their website or Facebook page, 99% of it is for that. Not paternity testing. I even called Natera to ask them some questions because I was so unsure about my results and they wouldn’t even answer ANY of my questions. They were trying to send my call to DDC to talk to them about it when DDC isn’t even the one who does the testing. Why would I want to talk to DDC about the testing process when they aren’t even the ones who perform it? It was weird
all this is crap.
Agreed…this whole situation has me so messed up that it is effecting my health and my baby. I’m trying not to stress and be calm for him but its just no use. My ex had a freak out and got the answer he wanted because it got to real for him, though he was the one who told me he wanted a baby! I also believe someone is talking in his ear to make the situation worse…my ex is so up and down about his feelings for me that its just madness. He already told me he wasn’t going to do another paternity test. I told him if the others are negative on the legal one, then he is going to have no choice in the matter. These prenatal test do NOT hold up in court despite what these companies are claiming.
I don’t sleep either ): I’ve been up .. I’m barely eating
yeah I’m over my ex one minute he hates me the next he’s sorry. I just got myself in a big mess.
I have a question who did you think your baby was for in the beginning ? and why did you decided to retest at DDC?
This is REDICULOUS. I feel very stupid for even doing this. I have a ways to go and this did nothing but put stress on me. I feel the same way. My ex is so hurt. He will never talk to me again, and I’m not sure anymore even though my dates are close he’s the only one whoever finished in me.
On another note…I have a hard time trusting any company that claims to never have a false test and was hunting down those who claimed who did have a false test with them. All test have errors no matter what…even if its just a few rare…all these sound fishy to me.
DDC has no proof of inaccurate NON INVASIVE results.
How you know?
There’s not one report on it. They are right we have to accept it.
Some one did find quite a few complaints on the BBB website. We don’t think they are trying to scam people but we still question new technology. This why we are waiting for our babies to be born to retest. Then the results are what they are and we will have to accept them. For now, there is not enough proof that the test are that accurate for me.
Wait are you saying they haven’t had any wrong results?..
None. They are accurate. Nobody has received one wrong non invasive test. No proof it. If their was they would of been reported and stopped.
And how are you so sure of this?
1. Nobody can find anything.
2. Everyone on here that has went with them confirmed results
3. They have no reviews about being inaccurate.
(iwe just have to accept it as much as we want them to be wrong because we’ve made mistakes) not being an asshole stating facts.
Well anyways, I wonder if “Ty” has an update. -_- I still don’t care. There is still hope!
Baby was born last night. Might be a week or so before we have the DNA test done. But I’ll certainly keep you posted.
Goodluck ! And I hope everything goes in your favor.
Anna, I get to know my truth on Tuesday. I am ready to be over it. I feel like you and I are on the same boat. Will let you know….. Still praying and hoping 🙂
Thanks Gal, btw everyone situation is different and I always feel like people from these companies post on here too so don’t rely on everything you hear. Just pray your situation gets better and you learn how to cope with the results no matter what the outcome. This should settle your mind more. Good luck
I’ve decided I didn’t care anymore. I still have hope but right now I’m accepting what I have thanks. Can you tell who the baby looks like ?
Yeah I will definitely know as soon as she is born. I have kids by my ex and he looks nothing like the guy who was tested and came positive CANT WAIT.
Okay. Well Goodluck, I wish you a safe and smooth labor! I hope you get the result you want.
I am so glad this is coming to an end for you. I also feel the same way about people that work for these companies might write reviews on here to their own convenience. However, I know you and I were some of the first ones that started posting doubts about accu-metrics. Keep your faith high and I pray this will be a happy ending for you!! “Faith is knowing One of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or You will be taught to fly” Good luck Jojo.
I really appreciate you got writing this. Although I went with DDC. Lately I’ve just been wanting to give up and do things that would make this go away, But I do have faith because I know god always pulls me through. I wish you well too.
Yes girl keep your head up I promise you there is nothing in life you can’t get through. I once had the same feeling you have I felt there was no way it could get better. But praying got me through and now like Jojo said you just have to learn to accept the outcome wether it is in your favor or not. We will be alright!
Anna is the one who actually brought this forum back to life a few months ago and we were all feeling exactly how you feeling. Don’t stress out you need your baby to be healthy. Your child will make you happy regardless so if anything find peace just for the child’s sake. Good luck y’all
Hey Jojo, I hope you are doing ok. Praying for you and your baby.
Hi Anna, I just got home from the hospital. We are all good. The baby looks just like me so it’s kinda hard to be 100% sure who the dad is, but I see more resemblance to my ex who I didn’t test. There is nothing in her that looks like the guy who accumetrics claimed to be 98.7% positive. Good thing my ex and I have a court ordered paternity in 2 weeks so we will do one then and I will be sure by then. Will keep you posted. Am sure you will be fine. It’s so relieving to be finishing this stress finally
I am glad to hear you and the baby are ok! Enjoy your baby and congratulations! 🙂 Hope everything goes in your favor but regardless I am sure having the baby finally in your arms relieved your stress. Can’t wait to have mine.
Hey ladies I was going to do another test with Viaguard to confirm if they match with DDC but I found bad reviews on Viaguard. I called them and they sound rude and unprofessional.
I wouldn’t use them. If you want to retest use Ravgen. They have publiced just as Natera. Ptc laboratorium recommends 1. Ravgen and 2. Natera.
If it was possible to retest with Ravgen here in the Netherlands i would. But we can only use Natera so i hope i can trust the results.
Is Ravgen on their own or do they have a company front the Natera/DDC?
I’m not sure. Maybe you can call them to ask.
They dont seem to be in my neck of the woods and they are a stand alone…which I guess means they do all their own testing on site?
Ravgen is different than Natera/DDC
Yeah I definitely wouldn’t use them! I used both Viaguard which is Accumetrics and another one through DDC and they were different results. So one of them is obviously wrong! I’m hoping DDC is wrong, but if I had to guess I would say Accumetrics/Viaguards results are wrong!
Thank you for letting me know Kristen! Good luck on your results.
Congrats on your baby!!! Did DDC’s results look as fake as Accu-Metrics??
What does accumetrics results look like? I can’t find an example online.
If you go to natera’s paper in nature magazine there you can see what ddc’s results look like.
It’s a chart with 22 different bars from mother and tested sample, and it is kind of blury. Looks completely fake. I tried finding natera’s paper and I could not find it.
Google “non invasive prenatal paternity nature”
This is the papers titel: “Informatics-based, highly accurate, noninvasive prenatal paternity testing” the hole test is explained.
In my opinion Accu-metrics doesn’t look too much different than that chart.
I don’t know accumetrics chart so i don’t know. Only difference is ddc’s inclusion is always 99.9% minimum. If they can’t reach that it is eather indeterminate or exclusion. Where the green line begins is 99.9%. How further to the right the more positive the score
There are like 11 people here who tested with accumetrics. Only 1 had an exclusion.
And like 12 people here tested with DDC. 7 got an exclusion and 4 an inclusion. That BIG difference only is weird to me. Accumetrics includes lompst every guy when you only have 1 guy checked. ITS weird cause most here have the guy checked who most likely isn’t the father. My opinion is that DDC is accurate and the 97.8% incl of accumetrics is an exclusion. But we will see. Nothing is certain and i am no docter.
Lompst= excluding. Dutch phone 🙂
Did you get your results Jojo??
Well, for those of you who have been following my situation for the last 7 months, the baby was born last night. I wasn’t allowed to be present at his birth, I didn’t even know about it until this morning. I’ve seen a picture of him, but I can’t tell if I’m his dad or not. I’m not sure when we’re having the DNA test, but hopefully. I’ll keep you all posted.
All the best Ty, will keep checking back
Wish you all the best! Hope to hear from you soon. Keep hopefull!
Ty i really hope your results with DDC are wrong!! I am goin through the same situation except I have a long wait to go!! 🙁
Good luck Ty!! I really hope they’re wrong!!
Good luck! I hope everything works out for you and there to be a happy ending!
Just to keep you all updated.. though it is not official, it’s looking as if DDC might have gotten it right. The ex and her inner circle all agree that the baby looks a lot like the other potential father, so he is going to drive down this weekend and do a DNA test. Odds are it is going to be his. Again, it is not official, but I have lost hope. This baby likely isn’t mine, and it really, REALLY hurts! I’ll come back when I have something official.
I am sorry for you Ty…
Features don’t say anything.. Keep praying .
I am sorry to hear that TY. I think guys like you are not many out there and you have stand by this girl all this time. Like you say is not official yet don’t lose hope I believe all non invasive prenatal paternity test no matter what company could be wrong.
Praying for you Ty!!
Any updates ty?
Still no update Ty?
Hi Ty, are you doing oké?
Any updates? The other guy wants to be tested. I really want to know now .. but I know I shouldn’t do this test again
I tested the second guy weeks after the first one. He was an indeterminate result what made me even stress more… It wasn’t that expencive cause they already had my and the baby’s DNA. But it didn’t help me at all…
and what company did you use? That makes no sense. This is crazy!
Natera. 1,5 % of the tests is inconclusive due to various reasons. But it stressed me out…
Has anyone ever had any wrong results with any company?
I’ve done 2 prenatal paternity tests and tested the same guy. I did the first one with Accumetrics and he was an inclusion, then another one through DDC and they excluded him! So one of them is wrong. It’s probably Accumetrics. So if you’re considering doing one, I wouldn’t do it through that company! Id trust DDC/Natera or Ravgen.
If you read back or go to RippOff you cab read a report on accumetrics. They had a false inclusion on the prenatal and postnatal test.
Haven’t heard of any mistakes made by Natera but that doens’t say anything. But i am with KristanB, i would use DDC/ Natera or Ravgen.
Crazy to see so many people having the same issues. We are going to make the Natera non-invasive prenatal paternity test and are not sure yet just to send in the blood of 1 father or both fathers. Both (me) and the other guy want to be a part of the test. But im afraid that they could mess up and switch our samples, so Im thinking of stepping back and just to let the other guy send in his blood to 100% exclude him.
What do you guys think? (any experiences with 2 alleged father samples?)
Hi Brandon, firstly sorry to hear you are having to go through this. Before you go abead and pay for the test, ask yourself if you will be able to accept the results if they don ‘t go the way you want? Im fairly certain mine from DDC were correct but im in no better posistion than i was before the test, now stressed and questioning if they are accurate like many people on here. Its a personal choice but if you are already having doubts about the tests after reading this page then I’d reccomend from my experience that you wait and save your money for what is important (easier said than done i know). If you do decide to go ahead then id definatly send in both potential fathers for peace of mind as. Hope it all goes well
Thanks! So in your case it didn’t go the way you wanted them to?
I think the test is accurate. The only thing is that I want to exclude HUMAN FAILURE by sending in both fathers blood and they switch it or just make one 100 Exclusion and the other 99,9% Inclusion.
I will keep you guys updated!
Are you pretty certain that you’re the father and just wanting to do the test to be sure and to just get the other guy out of the way?
No it’s 55 / 45% that Im the father.. So I wanted to get him 100% out of the way 🙂
I Think we will do the test on monday with both fathers now..
Good luck. I had an inclusion and an indeterminate result. That’s an option to… Than Natera say’s you can see the indeterminate result as an exclusion cause there is only 1 father. But it scared me a bit…
Please let us know your results. Good luck for you!
Oh ok! Well let us know how it goes!!
Hey everyone, I retested with DDC. And I’ll be letting you guys know how my results come out , if they exclude this guy then they are wrong- because it’s only out of two but we will see
Ah good luck! Let us know when you get your results back.
Did you not test with DDC already?
yeah , I’m testing another guy with them. If he’s not included then we have a problem.
hey everyone .. I decided not to go through with my pregnancy. I want all of you to know that I will pray for you guys and you’re results .. I hope you all get good news
Don’t you want to wait for your results from ddc come back?
Whatever you decide, wish you all the best!! Maybe i would make the same choice if i could turn back time. It’s to life changing if it goes wrong… Good luck girly!
Hey Lm, I just want to say I know you are going through different emotions and I will pray for you. I know how hard is dealing with this but remember there is other options like maybe giving up your baby for adoption? there are many families out there that are not able to have children. Sometimes when we are sad, exhausted, overwhelmed by thinking we don’t see things clearly. I was there before! I seek for God and begged for his comfort and not only did he answer me but I am so deeply in love with my baby regardless of who the father is. I know God is faithful and the storm will pass and many blessings are coming our way. I am not judging you on the path you choose to take but just wanted you to know you are in my prayers and I wish you the best of luck.
Please think about this choice carefully, I understand what you are going through and emotions tied with it. I understand it is your choice and your body and I respect that but I just don’t want you to regret down the road on this decision that I have seen so many women have. Please be safe.
Praying for you!!
Did some of you guys when you draw the blood have to do the blood into another canula (cause the doc didnt have the right tubes?) to get it ready for DDC/Natera?
No. For the fathers is an EDTA tube required. Like written in their articel.
For the mother a special tube so the cffDNA can be abstracted…
If it doens’t work like this than it takes almost 5 days to find out… Is should call DDC to check if it’s alright.
thank you guys
I wish someone could confirm DDCs results for me before tomorrow /:
Will your pragnancy be terminated tomorrow?
If so, why don’t you wait a week? In a week time the results from “Ty” probably are known. And the results of the second guy you tested will be ready. I don’t think others are able to confirm DDC’s results within a week…
Don’t rush into anything..
yeah I scheduled it for tomorrow.
Have you done a sonogram I was going to terminate my pregnacy but when I saw the baby form and heard his hearbeat I could not do it!! Please think about it twice that is all I am saying.
What does your obs/gyn say’s about the paternity test? Does your doc think the results are reliable? If not, you could consider a CVC or Amnio.. It is very invasive but than you are sure about who is the dad and you can make a good choice.
I scheduled an amnio but u chickened out.
Sorry. I chickened out… wrong typing…
Please think hard about it!! Don’t want you to have any regrets! I had about 5 different appts to terminate my pregnancy but I’m thanking God I didn’t go through with it. Even though this has been a long 8 months, I’m at the end of it and even though the baby may not turn out to be whose I want it to be, it’s not the end of the world. He’ll always be mine no matter who the dad is! And probably saved me from going down a rough path of partying and drinking every chance I could get. Yikes! Everything happens for a reason!
it’ll be more expensive in a week
Ok, that’s difficult… hope you won’t regret it. Will be thinking about you and praying for you. If you have the money i would wait a bit…
Maybe someone will come by here before tomorrow to confirm DDC’s results… I hope so.
Either way, you will be fine. Follow your heart.
Do not abort your pregnancy! God wanted this life and you will feel horrible for a long long time, to live with the fact of abortion. Maybe your whole life time! You want that? Jesus Loves You. Come before him and he will guide you all trough this!
Please pray about it and ask God to give you the wisdom and knowledge about this. I am sure many of us had the same thought at one point but think about it? Do you think your ex-boyfriend will be back with you because you had an abortion? It is not worth getting rid of your baby for any men in this earth. Make God your priority and accept what he has given you and he will bless you his promises are real. Good luck praying for you and your baby.
Are you ok?
I’m fine , I’m not in this situation anymore and it’s a relief .
Good to hear from you. I am glad you feel this way! Wish you the best in your future.
Glad you feel better!! Good luck with everything!
Any updates??
I retested with accu metrics.. The first time he was a 99.9% and the other was a 0%.I retested the 99.9% and came back 97.8% sooo confused!!!
I talked to my Ob-gyn yesterday about the noninvasive prenatal paternity test and she told me how DDC is reliable. Reliable does not always equal accurate but she went to on to say according to my ultra sound the most accurate date for my conception would have only made one person the possible father and unfortunately that person is not my ex boyfriend. As much as it hurts, I simply must accept it for now and wait until the post-natal paternity test is done which my doctor also agreed would be the best thing to do. This is not saying that the rest of your stories will end the same so do not give up hope! What I really want for everyone is to find peace in whatever may happen in your own personal journey no matter if the results are favorable or not. I have shifted my focus from who the father is to this wonderful little boy I am about to bring into the world in three months. I have a supportive family and a good job to get me the things I need to raise this baby. Be strong everyone and learn the love is more important than DNA.
I also talked to my ob/gyn and according to his dates it matched DDC but I know for a fact that women can also get pregnant right after the period ends because it happen with my first child. Sadly even though I still have hope I am sure DDC might be right.I am close to 17 weeks and I think once my baby is here things will be better.
Yes, I know…if she hadn’t already used the ultra sound to base the date then I would have gone on the same way. Oddly enough my period only recently was regular a few months before I got pregnant. Never was my whole 28 years before that. lol
I’m glad you’re doing better. I am also now like whatever is not the end of the world like someone else said
Wish there where some confirmation updates here or on the web…or that the lab was more open about there results and accuracy.. But i am slowly beginning to believe DDC/Natera is accurate with there test.
I have three more months to go before I can really confirm. Honestly, it is best not to worry about results anymore and concentrate on a beautiful healthy baby. I know it seems hard to do so but it has help put peace in my heart. Maybe it can do the same for you?
I which i could do that. I will loose my hole famiy am inlaws if this test is wrong.. I am more in pease but still in desparate need of confirmation. Also 3 months for me in this emotional journey. Hopefuly i van see who is the father right after birth due racial differences. I hope things work out and the test is accurate…
I hope all you guys are doing fine.
Hi LM, How are you doing? I am still anxious but i’m afraid that this feeling won;t go away for a long time to come.
I found a geneticus who is going help me look into the accuracy of this test from Natera and he is going contact them to ask them some questions about my results etc.. So that will keep me busy for some time. Can’t stand doing nothing and just wait… I just want to be sure…
I was just trying to look up more information on DDC to see if anyone on any other sites had posted anything new. I came across their non invasive prenatal paternity test sold on Amazon for $69.00…what?! Seems a little sketchy to me.
So does Accu-metrics for $99.00. I am so glad I have 3 more weeks left! I will come back to let you all know if my results were accurate.
That’s so weird to me!! I’m getting induced the 15th so I’ll be back too! Good luck to you and I hope everything goes well (:
Good luck Kristen I really wish everyone the best. We all know that feeling and I hope we never have to go through it ever again. We live and learn and just remember everything happens for a reason. You will be fine. Let us know your results. I believe you are the only one in the situation were you have two different answers I really want to know who is wrong DDC or Accu-metrics. Best of luck!
Y’all will be fine. My daughter doesn’t look nothing like the dude who accumetrics said was the father. She resembles me a lot but i also see a bit of my ex husband in her. I just don’t want to call the shot yet but so far I still believe accumetrics was WRONG!!! I am waiting for court ordered dna that’s taking longer than I thought. All the best y’all!!!
I hope so Jojo.. I am just so ready for this doubt to be gone for good!! I can actually say it didn’t go so bad the guy that accu-metrics claim was excluded has been by my side and we are doing a DNA after the baby is born. I still hope he is the dad but my baby will be loved either way =) I wish you luck as well and I also think you will be ok. Many blessings
It isn’t sketchy, it is a way for Amazon to make money. The test still is almost 1600 dollar, read below on Amazon.
I had a independent genetics from Florida look at my Natera test. He looked at it with a statistician. He contacted with Natera over the Phone and spoke with a senior scientist to talk about the technical side of their test and awnser all my questions.
I am waiting for a written report from him with all his findings, it will come this week. But he already told me that the test can be trusted and my inclusion is most likely correct. It seems a legit test to him with the technical program they use.
Please tel us know if your results were accurate. Wish you both a peacefull birth and hope everything goes well for you,
Any updates?
Hi I was on here and saw this forum post and wondered about it before it hit me. Today I decided to post and I want to say hi to everyone before I make this post I want to say hi once again.
Hi.. So, whats your story?
So, I was bored tonight on the internet and I thought I do some more digging on this test. I read in a few places that this test had a lot of false negatives but not false positives for the father. So Dutchgirl, I am hoping that will give you a little bit of piece of mind. I’m still not really going to worry about it until.the baby is born but I thought I share. Also, a lot of obgyn doctors are asking their patients not to take this test and just to wait until the baby is born. Even mine who claim DDC is reliable (but would.never say this test was accurate) told me not to bother with taking this test again with another potential father. Sorry, but that raises red flags for me.
Thanks gal.
Yeah the test is just to new to reccoment it. That’s why i counselt the geneticist who was willing to figger everything out. My docter wouldn’t help me with my questions. He was sceptic when i asked him, wasn’t familiair with the test, but after his rechears and meeting with Natera he got very confidant. Reason is that they test so many SNPs. Rest of the company’s test no more than 26 (13 from mom leaves only 13 from dad). That’s not enough, we have got ten-thousands of SNPs that make us different from each other. Except Ravgen though, they test many SNPs to!
My results are probably right but i can’t help wondering since by boyfriend doesn’t know. He is coloured en the other guy is caucasion. So i am scared and can’t enjoy anything about this pregnancy. I haven’t found any wrong results by Natera and they seem professional. Hope there will be Some confirmations on here in the couple of comming weeks.
I am happy for you though that you don’t worry anymore. If i was single or my boyfriend knew the whole story i would be calm. Especially if i was single. But now i can loose his and mind family. That’s why i am so anxious and stuff.
9 more weeks for me.
Where did you read this at? I’m still hoping mine from DDC is a false negative. The baby was born Saturday so I’m doing another paternity test asap.
Glad to hear from you. Healthy baby? At the end thats all that matters my baby is now 3 months but i know how u feel at the moment glad ita all coming to an end for u too. Take care
Congratulations! I read on a few pregnancy sites like babycenter… Those on there said they read it off of the BBB which is based on area. I hope your test comes out the way you want it!
Have you found them on BBB? I looked on BBB but nothing about wrong results. Just other minor complaints that all companies will have.
Mine locally has issues where they mixed up the samples and then sent confidential information to the wrong person. The lab I went to was really disorganized and didn’t explain anything. I am starting to wondering if its not Natera who does the testing but just the local sites who mess up the examples!
I can read that complaint to. I can read all the complaints from all
locations. Strange. I sent my swabs in weeks apart so they can’t be mixed up thankfully.
They took swabs from the potential fathers? They didn’t take their blood like they did you?
Oh no typo, sorry. They all sent in blood. There are 91 product complaints for DDC. Like 5-8 are complaints about the noninvasive paternitytest. The complaints are all about shipping, results taking to long, 1 about the mixed up bloodwork, 1 about results comming back indeterminate. Things like that. There are no complaints about false results as far i can see.
Accumetrics isn’t connected to BBB or CBBB the canadisn version. So they can file complaints against them. It us good sign when a company is connected at BBB i gues. Some of the complaints aren’t able for us to see. I gues why… Maybe i’ll sent them an email to ask.
Yea that is just for the one in Ohio. You are only looking at that particular location. It maybe the only location that is accredited by the BBB.
I know. Ohio is where the head office is so they deal with all complaints. At least, that is what i understand of it. They are responsible for the smaller locations where blood can be drawn and swabs can be taken. I am searching for months now but i really can’t find a false result from them. So hope they are reliable.
There head office is where I went for their test and they had no idea what they were doing. She couldn’t take the payment and then states how she hadn’t drawn blood in years. Oh, well…I guess we will see.
Scary. Well i didn’t use DDC. Cause i live in the Netherlands. Things where arranged fine. Blooddraw was is the hospitel orriginaly but i did it myselve since i am a registert nurse. Most important thing is that Natera does the job right.
If you look for DDC without location or DNA plus, accumetrics etc. that you can read everything. I am not from the states so otherwise i wouldn’t be able to see any of it.
Congratulations!! Hope you and the baby are doing fine. Thanks for comming back when the other paternitytest is done. Wish you the best!
There is a report on the rip off report website that states accu-metrics gave two false positives to someone.
I have seen it. Terrible. Lot’s of reports on DNA plus too. But non about ddc’s results. Only 1 on privacy issues. Haven’t come by false negatives from DDC. Couldn’t find any on babycentre or BBB… Do you have a link ittibitty from one of them?
There is more than one thread on babycenter for the prenatal paternity testing. What I did was Google noninvasive prenatal paternity testing false testing or inaccuracies and that’s how it found it. On the BBB, it’s based on where you live and the testing site. So each DDC testing center has a different complaint list.
Correction: it was on What to expect under single mothers. I would post a link but this site wont let me. 🙁 Google Noninvasive prenatal paternity test errors.
Thanks i have found it. But the girl who heard the test was a scam had it confirmed after birth and it was accurate. Can’t find any false negatives or false positives on there or anywhere else from DDC other than people who don’t trust it or that have heard it. Nothing first hand but the sample mix-up. But the talking did stop in september so who know’s.
KristenB; it’s sunday 11 o’clock in the morging here already. Just to wish you a peacefull birth! Hope everything works out for you, whatever you descide to do. Good luck gal! Hope to hear from you soon.
Hey! Thank you! I actually went into labor Friday night and had him Saturday morning so I didn’t have to be induced on Sunday!! But everything went well and I’m ordering another paternity test this week so I should have the results back soon and will let everyone know.
Hi KristanB. How are you and your baby? Are you more calm now the child is here? Did you do the prenatal paternitytest already? Wish you the best.
I mean the postnatal paternitytest! 🙂
Hey! Everything’s going good so far, baby was healthy! I just ordered my post natal paternity test today from an aabb accredited lab. I got it overnighted so hopefully the testing kit will be here by Tuesday. Then the results should be ready in 3 days!
Congrats on your healthy baby Kristen. I know you want accu-metrics to be right and I want them to be wrong but at the end of the day we both experience the same feeling and it sucks! I wish you luck..
To the wind was there at last the bear wind. Today I come to bring peace but peace was gone with the wind. Please bring today a new day and let the water splash against the rocks. Each day there are rocks that land on a otters belly before the below cries for food. The food we must eat has some deep within the earth and has landed on our plates.
I hate this. I am so anxious :'(
Every morning i wake up feeling terrible. During the day i am doing better. When my boyfriend comes home from work i feel like the biggest fraud ever… I wish this was over. Stupid test!!! I hate that no docter can say it is legit and accurate. 9 more weeks, seems like forever. And when the results where wrong than the real journey begins :'( It’s just crap!
Today is my due date but I really don’t see any signs on going into labor 🙁 I’m a nervous wreck about going in anyways. This experience has been a true nightmare and I think everything just now hit me at once. I will let everyone know when the baby is here and confirm if accu metrics results are accurate. Jojo, I wish u luck with your results and I hope at least you get the answer you wanted, I truly think that company is a scam but of course we have to keep in mind there is always that possibility of hearing the answer we don’t want and we have to be ready for it. The past few days I been crying so much thinking about how my life can change completely. All I can do is keep my faith high.. Good luck everyone!
Try to stay calm. I know it is hard…. I wish you all the best and a peacefull labor. Hope the baby will be here soon.
I really think you will be ok, everywhere i look a 97.8% inclusion is wrong, it is an exclusion when the test is done after birth. If i read back you hope your inclusion is wrong, right? I think it will al be ok. Take care…
I did a prenatal test
What company did you use? Was it what you expected?
Sorry.. Was trying to post but it wasn’t working, but think I figured it out!
Anyway, I have been reading everyone’s comments for several months but
Have yet to post myself. I am due in a little over 3 weeks now. I did Prental
Test with ddc back when I was 10 weeks pregnant and got exclusion for
Other guy. (I am married) it was such a relief but days after getting results
I started to panic again.. I feel I think way too much! So the entire 9months
Has been a struggle. My story is I had a one time fling with a guy from work
But once we started to have sex I stopped it because I started to panic.
He never ejaculated but I still worried. I read online about pre cum and all that
Mess so that’s why I decided to do paternity test. I pray everyday they are
Correct because it would be the worst if it’s wrong. But I guess my opinion
Is that the test has been around for 3 years now and if they have had false
Results we probably would of heard a lot about it. This is life changing for people.
Mistakes can’t be made!! 🙁
Hi. Your story is exectly like mine. I had a fling with a collegue to. My husband does not know. They have different racial backgrounds. Only difference is i used a condom but don’t know if it failed. My husband was included but i starten haring panic attacts to….
Does your husband know?
I think the results from DDC are accurate. Accu-metrics i don’t trust a bit. I have still 2 months to go. Please keep us updated with the results. Thank you. Wish you the best!!
I didn’t tell one person because I would never trust anyone with such
A big secret but unfortunately 2 weeks ago my husband got an ‘anonymous’
Call from some girl pretty much spilling everything!! I believe she was guys x
(The guy I tested). She got into his email and read our conversations back and
Forth. I had to admit because I had no other choice. It was absolutely awful.
But he is forgiving me.. But it’s been rough here 🙁 good luck to you too.
I really pray everyone on here gets results they need but also finds peace.
This whole experience has not been like it should. And today Christmas
And look where I’m at!? Anyway, if you used condom I really would feel
Pretty confident you would be fine!
Oh and I’m white and my husband is but other guy is mixed, so I’m
Not sure if it will be that obvious?? But now that husband knows I know
He will be looking !
Sometimes it is obvious, sometimes it is not. My husband is moroccan, i am white and the other guy is white to. It would be weird if the baby had blond hair. My husband does not know. I feel awful.
Sounds like you have a good forgiving husband.
Me and the other guy didn’t check the condom afterwards so that’s making me paranoïd.
I think you will be fine to. Haven’t come by any false results from DDC.
I see.. I guess I have always had faith in condoms but when something
Like this happens it makes you think twice about everything!
Yes my husband is forgiving but I doubt if baby came out not his
That he would stay with me. I think it would be too hard. But don’t know
For sure. Last few weeks have been really rough. Anyways, I will
Let you know after baby is born what I think. If it’s not obvious
Then we will get paternity test done again.
Yeah i just have to think in facts. 1. Condom, 2. Husband inclusion. But i feel so guilty that i stay anxious. I will be glad when this will all be over!!
I hope everything works out for you! Thanks for comming back once the baby is born!!
I seriously don’t get this blog! Now it’s showing email name not “sue”. Whatever.
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong
Doing my post natal test today. The results should come back sometime later next week. Will be back to let you all know the results!!
Good luck!!
Thanks!! I’m thinking DDC will be the one that’s right, but I’ll confirm it next week! Either way I have a beautiful, healthy baby boy so that’s all that matters (:
Ahw i am happy you feel this way! Enjoy your beautifull baby and hope to hear from you!
Hi KristenB, Hope you and your baby are doing great. Do you have any updates?
Hij kristen, no update yet? Hope you come back soon like you promised.
Why aren’t you comming back to confirm? Is everything alright with you and the little one? We are al very curious who was right, like you where when you hadn’t had your baby yet… So
please come back and let us know something like the others have done for you too. Thank you! I really hope you are ok..
Anybofy know’s what happend with Anny, Nathalie and Nicole? Did they give birth and confirm there testresults? Can’t find it…
Are you still worried?? You will be fine!!! DDC seems to always be accurate. It’s the people who tested with accu-metrics that should be worried!!!
I am just scared…
Hello everyone I had a healthy baby I’m so blessed and happy. We did a post natal test today and the results should be in sometime next week. But I’m almost sure accu-metrics is wrong but like I promise everyone I will come back with the legit results not by what I think.
Congratulations Anna!! Thanks for comming back! Take care abd enjoy your baby 🙂
Thank you! Don’t stress to much I think you will be fine.. enjoy your pregnacy.
Oh Anna congrats and happy new year. Am happy for you. Am glad you still feel the same after the baby came. I also just got my swabs sent in so let’s pray and hope. Either way enjoy the baby. I am enjoying my little girl who is almost 2 months now
Good luck with the post natal test Jojo, hope you come back to share the results.
Happy new year Jojo! I hope this year brings more peace to us than last year.. I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying your baby girl 🙂 I’m also enjoying mine soon the doubt will be over. God bless your family Jojo I will be back with the results.
This company tests accurately after only 8 weeks “legal DNA testing”
They perform the test through DDC. It’s in the FAQ’s.
That must be old, They use the guy who invented the test.Dr. Ravinder Dhallan, M.D./Ph.D., M.B.A
Dr Ravinder Dhallan is the founder of Ravgen. That’s odd. The FAQ’s state different. Well, i don’t know. A good company will keep their FAQ’s up to date. But that’s just my opinion.
Did you use this test?
It’s odd that the guy who invented the test does testing for other companies? Not really from what I’ve seen.Hmmm I always thought a good business provided quality services not FAQs but that’s just my opinion as well. Yes I used it and it was flawless.
No, that is not what i mean. It is odd that you say dr Ravinder does the test and the FAQ’s state DDC does the test. If i want to know who does the testing i read the FAQ’s so i can make my choice which company to use. That’s why i think the FAQ’s should be up to date. Ravgen used a different technologie as Natera but they both seem legit. They both have publiced a paper. No other company did that.
And no, i don’t work for a company. I am dutch. Did the test true Natera. Due in februari and anxious like crazy! As you can see i have been on this forum for months now.
I was thinking the same about you, that you are working for a DNA company lol. But it is good to here you have a positive experience with Ravgen! Did you test 1 or 2 alleged fathers? I tested 2, 1 was included, 1 indeterminate, did the test with the second guy weeks after the first test.
Do you work for a paternity testing company?
Which company?
w w w. Legal-DNA-testing . c o m
Hello! Any confirmations frim DDC anyone?
3 exclusions and 1 inclusion where confirmt here from DDC. No false results from DDC are reported here.
Really? I was able to see a few exclusion confirmations but wasnt able to load the older comments on this webpage. That seems like a good amount of ppl i hope im also one of them.
Yeah. There was also an inclusion confirmt on babycentre with DDC. Like you, i am hoping to be one of them to.
There is, next to us, 1 more girl who tested with DDC but she isn’t due for a while eighter.
Rest of the lady’s here tested with accu-metrics. 3 confirmt an inclusion. 3 are waiting for the postnatal test and 1 guy had a false inclusion with accumetrics with their pre- and postnatal test. He wrote a ripp-off report.
Did u test with ddc too? Im being induced tonight. Had my test done back in may. Had an exclusion. Im nervous but after this u just shared with me makes me feel a bit better.
Yes i did the test with Natera. That’s where DDC sents the samples to. Did you expect the exclusion. I got an inclusion which i expected but i am still a bit worried!
You will be fine. DDC seems to have no false results, at least, i can’t find them and as you may have noticed, i have been searching a lot!! Are you going to perform a postnatal test or will it be obvious when DDC is right due to racial differences? Please come back to confirm the test results when you know something.
Good luck tonight!!! Have a save birth! Wish you all the best!!
Yes i was expecting an exclusion and was extremely happy when my results came in but i started to read negative comments about pre natal testing i also did plenty research throughout my whole pregnancy it has been so stressful but it has come to the end. The results will be obvious at birth because of both men’s race but my parner still wants a dna test after birth which im sure he’ll change his mind when shes born that is id DDC is correct. I wish u the best thank u for ur feedback it puts me somewhat at ease and prepared for tonight.
Your welcome! I know what this feels like.
Please come back to confirm the test. Thank you so much.
I did a prenatal paternity test with Acc Metrics in July 2013 and tested 1 guy and it came back in my favor. I had my baby in Nov retested through a company which the state uses and my Dna test result came back positive asr Acc metric
Which percentage did acc metric gave you?
That’s great news. 97.8% sometimes is a false positive with acc. metrics. Thanks for sharing!
I have 2 weeks left. Tested with ddc. My
Mind is all over the place. I will come back on
After and confirm. When I called several months
Back to ddc to ask all the questions I always do
To make myself feel better, one of the questions
I asked was “do y’all re test for free to confirm
Results?” And she said no that they recommend
You actually test somewhere else because they
Want you to see results are correct by using different
Company. I guess I understand that but don’t know..
But she said it wasn’t necessary because “dna is dna and
It won’t change”. Always very confident when
I call so it makes me feel a little better I guess.
Try to relax. I know it is almost inpossible. I consulted a geneticist in Florida. He made an apointment with Natera. Spent an hour discussing my results and how the test is done. He was so convinced that the test is legit that he is going to be a provider for this test in Florida.
My mind is all over the place to. I guess it’s guild also… You will be fine.
It is only good that they recomment to re-test somewhere els. It means they are convinced.
Oh wow.. That makes me feel better. Thanks for responding.
Glad I can vent a little. 🙂 hope your okay too and not stressing too
Much. It’s crazy how many people are going through this though!
Yeah it is good to vent!
I still have 6 more weeks. Which the time went faster. Every morning i wake up feeling like crap. In the evening i am doing better. I am just scared and it is not going away.
I think we can’t even imagine how many people go through this.
does anyone find it weird that Kristen has returned nor Ty ?
I have been waiting on ty’s confirmation also. I wonder whats held him from returning to the forum
I think ty is heartbroken because DDC was right. If they where wrong i think he would have come back.
But yes, it is weird. I hope Kristen comes back. I think she will, maybe later on this week.
I just feel like were all in this together, it’s a tough situation I got on this blog and if I could put someone’s mind at ease I would, I wouldn’t get on here tell my story and not come back with results like I promised. It just makes everything worse. Make you question if any of us are real and how these test really work. I’m just unsure about everything. But if anyone is reading this and they are going back Nd forth if they should do this test. i would tell them HELL NO!
You are right. I would come back to. I check this this blog every hour when i am awake waiting on confirmations….
But i would recomment the test. I still have stress but sometimes it puts my mind at ease. I am scared though…
Ty tested with DDC? Or both?
Ty only tested with DDC and got an exclusion.
Thanks! How many more weeks do you have? I only have two, I get more scared everyday. I am 90% sure accu metrics is wrong. I don’t know what to do!
I have 6 more weeks.
Why do you think they are wrong?
Idk… You had a 99.9 and 98.3% inclusion. So i gues they should be right but i can’t find anything about how they perform the test.
It’s all scary!!
Will it be obvious if they where wrong or do you need the post natal test? I hope you get the result that you want. All we can do is wait… ):
I made a mistake when giving out my percentages, it had been a long time since I looked at the charts. The first time around two people were tested and one was a 97.8.. Which never seems to be right but the other was 0% and when I retested the second time it’s was 98.3.. It’s hard to tell if it will be obvious or not, one is half Hispanic and white and the other is Caucasian like myself.
I think accumetrics is accurate when all the alleged fathers are tested because they use so few SNP locations. This type of test (all kind of paternitytest) are better at excluding than including. If 1 has a more positive score than i think it is conclusive. I have never heart of a false exclusion with accumetrics, only false inclusions.
That’s true, I have not either. Yes, I am sure about the percentages. I just looked at the chart! I wish there was some way I could get them over to you, so you could see them. They wouldn’t put the alleged fathers name on the second test, it’s really weird. No one else that I have seen this far has gotten a 98.3..
Yes it is weird that they wouldn’t put his name on the test… That i really don’t understand. Do you
know why?? I am so curious what the chart looks like AND how they perform the test but they won’t tell me!
I havent seen a 98.3 eighter only 98.7 and 97.8. But that doesn’t mean anything.
I hope there will be some confirmations soon… I am stressing out!! I feel everything is possible. The geneticist i counselt has explaint a lot to me about the test but still…. i am getting sick if this!
If you send me an email over to AB7019AB@gmail.com I will send over my charts to you so you can see 😉
Thanks. I did!
I did not receive anything. Will you check to make sure you sent it to the right address? Thanks!!
Sent it again.
Are you sure about you’re percentages? It is all getting more and more confusing… ):
I can’t find wring results from accumetrics when there prenatal test gave a result more than 98%. I have found 3 confirmations online with grijs who had an inclusion of 98,7%. So i guess it should be right. We share simular story’s. I know how you feel! That’s why i am so scared to. I don’t want to loose everything i have.
Maybe Kristen is still waiting and TY got results he didn’t want and
Doesn’t even want to bother with it anymore.. 🙁 I was wondering that too
From reading back at everyone’s comments.
I’m glad I did test even though I still doubt some.. But most of the time
I am confident with results. I think the biggest problem we have is getting
Online and reading too much.. Digging for info and making the situation
worse. At least that’s what I have done my entire pregnancy.. It’s almost over
But I will never forget this feeling. Wish so bad I could go back and change
Things. Wouldn’t have done what I did !
I feel exactly the same way!!
Any confirmation updates anyone?
Been almost 2 weeks since Kristen was on.. Wonder how
Long it takes for results? Does seem kinda weird. Maybe
She’s just too busy to come back but I sure would like to know!!
I feel time has stopped! 🙁 hope your okay DG. I know your bad
In the mornings.. I’m bad at night because husband is at work till late
And I’m alone.
Hi sue, it is morning here now and feel nerveous. Like every day. But i will be ok. Thanks for asking! If my husband is here i just feel guilty cause he doesn’t know. It is all a big mess. Hope you are ok too!
The postnatal test takes 3 to 10 days do the results should be ready… Maybe due to holidays it takes longer. Idk… I would like to know too.
Yeah maybe that’s why.. I know you feel guilt! I do too.
I hope for you it is his and he never finds out. It really sucks
Having my husband know.. I have a friend who cheated on
Her husband 6 years ago and got pregnant and never did
Paternity test but its very obvious to me baby is the other guys.
Child looks just like him. Her and her husband have 3 kids now and
Still till this day he doesn’t know and she hasn’t admitted to
Anyone.. Strange he doesn’t say anything but maybe he is just
Excepting. Idk. But I believe people can forgive. And if for some
Reason your husband finds out, I hope he forgives and stays with you.
If it turns out not to be his i will tell him. I would not be able to
live with myselve. But we will be ok. The test MUST be right!
I hate this waiting on confirmations. I hope somebody comes back soon.
It will be obvious though. The other guy is caucasion like me. My husband is black…
Your right.. And me too! :/ very soon for me now.
Hey Lonnieb, how are you. Not sure you still check this site but i will try. You say you sent in a sample from you, her AND the other guy? Was the other guy excluded? What did his chart say? And what did accu metric say when you confronted them?
Did you sue them already?
Hi Jenna, they said he was excluded. But, I’m afraid they just guess. If I were you. I would go with ddc. Accu-metrics returned my money after I sent them ddc’s results. I still would love to sue. But being based in Canada & I am in the US. My lawyer said we would waste time & money. & probably not win. They know this. So they return your money & hope you will go away. Lonnieb
Hi. Thanks for your reaction. I used DDC but am afraid they are wrong. They gave the guy an inclusion. Your story has scared me extremely!
Hope you worked things out with your girlfriend.
Still no updates anyone?
I wish someone would! I don’t understand it bc I know
I will come back no matter what! It’s frustrating 🙁
5 days away from due date but been feeling pretty bad last few
Days, so she might be coming soon. I should know right away bc
Of racial difference too but since husband knows now I will most
Likely still get post test done. But I promise I will be back!
It is all so stressfull! Jojo and Anna came back!! But i really would like to know KristanB’s results. Hope she will be back to. Wonder what is holding her back..
Are you still nervous or did you find some peace? I hope you did!
Yes glad to see a few came back.. Hope they will be fine but know their
Baby is a blessing no matter what!! Hope Kristen comes back since she
Tested with ddc. And yes I’m some what at peace just anxious I guess bc
It’s so close now. Anyway, have a good night. Will be back soon! Hope your okay!
I am ok. Thanks.
I don’t think she’s comming back anymore…
You have a safe labor! I hope everything turns out like you hoped and you can finally enjoy.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Well everyone the results were in accu-metrics favor. Even though that’s not what I wanted I will learn to live with it because my child is more important than any guy in this world. This is the last time I will get in this forum as everyone can understand its been heart breaking. I will be ok God is good no matter what. Much love everyone I wish everyone happiness
Jojo Good luck! I feel I’ve had a connection with u because u been in my prayers. Hope life treats u well keep your head up no matter what.
Hi Anna mine too came in accumetrics favor. I have been devastated but I feel like its a good thing I didn’t know the truth cos of what I would have done. I still love my baby regardless and move on from this phrase. To everyone else, learn your lessons from this and no matter what happens, continue to stay strong.
Hi Jojo, thanks for comming back. I know you will be fine. Just enjoy your baby and wish you all the best!!
Thanks for comming back Anna. I wish you and your baby all the best in the world!
Is kristinb who tested with both accumetrics and DDC?
Hi Everyone. It’s been a while, I know. Just to recap my situation… my ex gf found out she was pregnant in March 2013. She was fairly certain that I was the dad, but she had a one-night stand with another guy and informed me that there was a chance he could be the dad. We did the non-invasive prenatal paternity test with DDC in April, and about 10 days later we got the results… I was excluded as the biological father. Well, the little guy was born on November 10th. I was told right away that he looked nothing like me, and looked exactly like the other guy. Because of that the ex absolutely did not want to do a DNA test with me.. she was waiting for the other guy to come around and agree to do it. Well, it finally happened and she emailed the results to me today… the other guy is the dad, 99.9999% (in my Maury Povich voice)! So, in my case, DDC was 100% accurate. I was really hoping that they were wrong, but they got it right indeed.
The baby is 2 months old, and is healthy and beautiful. I’ve seen pictures of him, but I will never be able to see him in person. It really sucks, but what can you do..!
Good luck to the rest of you.
Hi Ty, thank you for comming back! I am really sorry that it turned out this way for you but happy that DDC was correct. I hope you will find some peace in the end. At least now you have some certainty about the truth. Wish you all the best in your life.
In hindsight, I knew that DDC was accurate. It’s just that I wanted it so bad that I was seeking any justification for the results to be wrong. Now that the baby is here and the ex has confirmed paternity with the other guy (whom it doesn’t appear as if he is going to be involved), I have the closure that I desperately needed and I can now move on. I hope to never experience anything like this again!
Hi. Did you know DDC was accurate because of the way it happend (not likely for you to be be the father) or did you just knew the test was/ is legit? I still have doubts if it is a reliable test..
If i were u i wouldnt worry anymore if u used DDC i did all through my pregnancy and ended up being correct as so for other ppl on here who also used DDC dont waste ur pregnancy being sad trust DDC
Thanks for reacting! I got an inclusion and pray every day that it’s correct. I hope it is as reliable as an amnio or postnatal test…
Am sorry for you.. Thank you for coming back and letting us
Know though.
Hi sue, was wandering how you are doing. If i am correct you are 2 days after your due date now. Hope everything is/ went well! Good luck for you!!
Hi everyone. I’m so glad i stumbled across this. I’ve spent countless of hours online looking to see if anyone has gone through prenatal paternity testing and that could relate to my situation. I just recently found out that I’m expecting and im in the predicament of not knowing who the father is. Its between two men and i can only test the one who i think will be excluded. My boyfriend doesnt know that I’ve slept with someone when we were broken up. We got back together and thats when i found out i am pregnant. I’ve been reading through some of the posts here and it seems as if DDC is the more reliable company to go through? I was also looking at Ravgen, does anyone have any experience with that conpany? I am not 9 weeks yet to test but I’m just doing my research now to find a place to test. I feel horrible about what i done and i have anxiety because im so scared it might not be my boyfriends.
Also does anyone know if these tests are accurate if you’ve have a child/been pregnant before? Does it pick up old fetal dna?
Hi. I did the test with DDC. Don’t know if it is correct yet sinds i haven’t give birth. Didn’t come by any false results from them.
RavGen and DDC don’t pick up old fetal DNA. They use cffDNA, it is gone 2 hours after birth.
RavGen looks at 35 SNP’s and if nessesary they look at more until they can get an conclusive awnser. DDC checks thousands of SNP’s. Around 1500 need to be from the alleged father.
I guess both company’s are ok to use. RavGen normaly prefure if both fathers are being tested. DDC only prefure that if the alleged fathers are related or from the same small etnic group.
You can call both company’s to make up your mind.
Good luck! I know the situation sucks.
Hi DG when is your due date? I hope you got the results you wanted from DDC im nervous about these tests but from reading some of the comments this company seems to be more reliable than others.
Hi. 15 februari but i think i will be induced between now and 3 weeks.
Yes i think DDC is the way to go. Don’t use accu-metrics.
My inclusion probably is correct cause i used a condom with the other guy. But i am still stressing out. I am happy with the inclusion though.
Ravgen is good to but not many have used them…
I think the odds are that your results is correct if you used condom with other guy unless it broke? My situation is different no condom except I know the guy didn’t “finish” but precum could of be possible. Wish I can test both my bf and the other guy but not possible! Will you be doing a post natal test?
I don’t think it broke but i didn’t check.
My bf does not know so i don’t know if i’ll be doing a postnatal test. My bf is maroccan abd the other guy caucasion like me so i guess i will know at birth.
Not sure where my first post went. So i will post again. I stumbled across this forum through countless of hrs searching the web to see if anyone has gone through the experience of prenatal paternity testing. I’m glad that i found a place where i can relate to people and see that I’m not the only one dealing with such a stressful situation as this. I made the mistake of sleeping with someone when me and you boyfriend were broken up for a week and he doesn’t know about it. I feel so guilty and bad but i cant tell him. I’m not 9 weeks yet to able to test but I’m just doing some research to find a reputable company to test at and reading through some of these posts it seems like DDC is the way to go? Has anyone tried Ravgen? Or of this test works even if you had a child/been pregnant before? I’m scared previous fetal DNA is still in my blood.
Not sure where my first post went. So i will post again. I stumbled across this forum through countless of hrs searching the web to see if anyone has gone through the experience of prenatal paternity testing. I’m glad that i found a place where i can relate to people and see that I’m not the only one dealing with such a stressful situation as this. I made the mistake of sleeping with someone else when me and you boyfriend were broken up for a week and he doesn’t know about it. I feel so guilty and bad but i cant tell him. I’m not yet 9 weeks to able to test but I’m just doing some research to find a reputable company to test at and reading through some of these posts it seems like DDC is the way to go? Has anyone tried Ravgen? Or if this test is accurate if you’ve had a child/been pregnant before?
Hi, I’m also unsure of where my initial post went, so I’ll try and recall it and post again.
R u Sophia? If so, select “newest” to get the most recent post on top. It is under “discussion”. Otherwise it is almost inpossible to read the comments. I replied to your first post.
No, I’m not Sophia. For some reason, I retyped as best I could from memory my initial post. It is saying “Your comment is awaiting moderation” just like last time. For some unknown reason, my short comment appeared, but my long-winded post is awaiting moderation.
I’m looking for real world experiences/results as to the accuracy of non-invasive prenatal paternity tests. I underwent, along with the mother obviously a prenatal paternity test. The results came back as an inclusion, i.e., I’m the father with a 99.9% probability.
My (now) ex told me she is pregnant. I’d only known her for a week before she fell pregnant!! The way the dates fell and the results of her ultrasound indicate that I impregnated her either the 1st time we had sex or the 2nd time we had sex some two days later!!
As we had only recently met, I asked her whether I was the father, she replied by saying she had slept with an ex “around” the time we had started seeing each other, but was confident I was the father. Classy woman!! Obviously I terminated the relationship right there and then. We did agree though to undergo a paternity test asap.
We had to wait until at least the 9th week of pregnancy. The test was actually done at approximately 12 weeks. Results came back with Nateras branding. There’s a pretty graph with an inverted triangle, but not much information apart from the 99.9% probability that I have the DNA of the biological father. Upon further investigation, it appears that DDC actually conducted the test. My test results look similar to “Figure 1a”
So questions are. How have people found the accuracy of non-invasive prenatal paternity tests, especially through Natera/DDC?
On the graph, there is no information on the vertical or horizontal axis. Does anyone know what numerical values are attached to those axis’. I have asked the companies involved the explanation is a little opaque.
Could someone point me to a source, if any, which illustrates the failure rate or false positives/negatives of such tests? Obviously the source would need to be an independent 3rd party.
I’m contemplating doing another prenatal test although the samples would be from the CVS or Amniocentesis. I was under the assumption that these tests were far more accurate, however, some rudimentary investigation has revealed that the mothers DNA still needs to be differentiated from the fetal DNA, therefore this test would essentially be redundant. Is that a correct assertion?
I’m stressed and I’m really hoping that I’m not the father to this woman’s baby.
Many thanks in advance
Hi. I had an inclusion to.
I haven’t come by any false results by Natera/DDC
The 99.9% starts where the indeterminate categorie ends. You don’t see numerical values couse they work with P-values. The minimum value for an inclusion is 99.9%. They compare your outcome to an exclusion statistic of 5000 unrelated males to get the inclusion (P-) value.
There is no faillure rate known sinds there is no peer review. This consurnes me too.
Amnio and CVS are as accurate as a postnatal paternitytest. The same technic is used.
I counselt a geneticist who looked with somebody from Natera at my results because i did not trust them. He is so confidant of test that he is going to be a provider in Florida.
If you really want to be sure an amnio or CVS is the way to go.
Hey DG
Thanks for the reply. Guess I’m just hoping/wishing that it’s not mine. Looks like I’ll have to go down the path of CVS or Amnio if she agrees to it. We’re not speaking to each other so everything is a little up in the air.
An amnio or CVS can give complications like miscarriage. Can’t she test the other guy to see if he is excluded? Exclusion is always 100% correct according Natera.
The geneticist told me: “if your the alleged father was not the biological father of the current pregnancy he would be exluded without a doubt”
Didn’t she use like protection or something with the other guy? So
Sperm can live up to 5 days so the ultrasound-date usely doesn’t mean anything.
I got the result that i want and Ian anxious. You get the result you don’t want and you are stressing too. I think it is the situation that makes it like this.
Most docters won’t perform an amnio or CVS for paternity test cause of the complications by the way…
Yes, I’m aware of that. Due to her age, late 30’s, there’s a high chance of her needing to do a CVS due to an increased risk of Down syndrome. Yeah, it is a stressful situation, no matter what side of the fence you’re on. Thanks for your contribution.
You’re welcome. If she does an amnio please let us know if DDC was correct. I am curious sinds i also got an inclusion and i am almost due. Thank you.
Hi fellowes, was wandering if you abd thevex discided to go for a CVS yet?
I have been stalking this site for awhile be I tested with DDC back in October and got an exclusion…Thank god. But then like most of you…I read and read and doubted everything. Anyways my son was born today and I promised myself I would come and post…confirm results or advise of negatives. My exclusion with DDC was absolutely 100% correct and I couldn’t be happier. Just for the record the men are different races so I was able to tell at birth.
Thank you for sharing! Congratulations with the birth of your son!!
You’re very welcome and I am sure everything will turn out great for you as well, even though I know it is so stressful. In the end, you will be relieved. I think the reason the doubt sets in is because you end up feeling so guilty and just believing you don’t deserve a good outcome. That’s not the case, we are all human and mistakes are made. Just forgive yourself. Have a great night and good luck with your labor.
Had baby Saturday morning and she is very healthy and sweet!
Tested with ddc and I believe it’s accurate!! Baby is white (like husband
And I both) and looks a lot like him. But since husband knows what
Happen, he is probably still going to want another paternity test. But
Him and I both agree she looks a lot Like him. And skin color is too white
Not to be. Haha.. But will come back if we get another test done. If anyone
Is considering taking test, spend extra $$ and go with ddc!! Good
Luck DG. Know your due date is soon
Congratulations with your beautifull and healthy doughter!!
I am so happy for and your husband that she looks like him!
Enjoy your baby!! Thanks for comming back so soon after the little one is born!
Good luck with the postnatal test but i am sure that will work out fine!
Time for you to relax and enjoy after 9 months of stress!
Hi sue, how are you and the baby doing? Do you still think DDC was right? I am going to be induced comming week…
Hey DG! Yes I believe results are correct! I haven’t taken another test.. I guess mainly because
It’s such a touchy subject to bring up with husband. I never wanna bring it up. But
Honestly I believe she looks just like him. Did you have baby?
Hi! I had him yesterday. I think DDC is right in my case too. But all baby’s look the same. He doens’t look like me and not like the other guy. I think he resembles by boyfriend the most. Or maybe it is in the eye of the beholder… If he stays this dark i won’t do a postnatal test. If he gets lighter i think i will. I still think it is kinda difficult to tell right after birth because it is my first child.
Yes your right about all babies looking the same at birth! I will say
That every day the baby changes it looks. I have taken a ton of pics with
My phone and I go back and look at them on a daily basis and can’t believe
How she has changed in just 3 weeks. Time will tell but sure ddc is correct. I’m
At peace and hope you will find too!! Congrats on baby and hope your okay 🙂
Any updates anyone?
I have had a non invasive prenatal test done with ddc…. I am going in to be induced Saturday evening. I have only tested one potential father. He was excluded. I am hoping thatthe exclusion was correct because father #1 who hasn’t been tested and knows nothing of the other will be with me during the birth…. SO STRESSED
Oh good luck for you! Will you be able to tell if DDC was right at birth (racial differences) or are you going to perform an after birth test?
I tested with them to. Got an inclusion and will be induced next week. I am stressed to… ):
Haven’t found any wrong results from DDC so you will be alright!
Please come back when your baby is born to confirm. Thank you!! And have a safe birth!
Hi lisanaza, hope you had a safe birth and have a healthy baby.
Are you able to tell if DDC was right in your case? I am going to be induced tomorrow so i realy would like to know…
Hi Lisanaza, did you ever confirm your results from DDC?
I am going to be induced in 2 days. I am so scared… Never been so scared in my life!
Hi guys! I’ve been doing so much research on these non-invasive prenatal paternity tests and came across this site when looking up reviews for AccuMetrics…. I wish I would have seen these before I paid for it. I remember when I called in to request a kit be sent to me I spoke with Harvey, and he seemed to be very nice and he answered all of my questions with a clear, professional answer. One thing I will say though, is he asked how far along I was and I told him 28 weeks and when I said that his response was “Oh, well then you’re more than far along enough to get a very accurate result.” That made me question, if I wasn’t that far along would the result be less accurate? I also remember him telling me if the result is a positive paternity for the alleged father they’ll automatically mark it at 99.9%, and anything less than that would be an exclusion. While doing some research, I noticed that these tests are too new to be certified and the courts won’t even except these results and make you wait till the baby is born to test. I’m in a very tough situation, and have been depressed my entire pregnancy. My doctor had to prescribe me anti-depressants because it’s soo bad. I do nothing but cry, and I’m getting more and more scared as time gets closer as I am now 32 weeks. My partner has no idea I’m going through this, and I never ever want him to find out as it would kill him. He had questioned why I’ve been so depressed because he sees me cry all the time and I can tell he feels really bad and he’s always trying to make me feel better but nothing works. I made a terrible mistake! I got a 3d sonogram and my mind is playing tricks on me because some days I look at them and see my partner and them some days I’ll look and see the other guy. I honestly just don’t know! I spoke with my OB/GYN about dates and she says my partner is most likely the father but there’s always that chance…. I’m hoping to get my results back from AccuiMetrics today, but even if I do I’m scared they won’t be correct. ddc is just too expensive for me, otherwise I would have gone through them. Good Luck to all of you!
I know how you feel. It is all so stressfull. I’m in the same situation only used DDC.
Don’t be scared when you get the results back and it isn’t 99,9%. Nobody on here got a 99,9% from accu-metrics. They get 98,7, 98,3 or 97,8. Usualy those are the numbers of their testresults.
I know what you are going through. I am going to be induced tomorrow.
1 guy here got a wrong result from accumetrics. The rest was accurate. 1 girl didn’t come back to confirm unfortunately. So you most likely get the right awnser. Good luck!!
It really is sooo stressful and it doesn’t help that I have NO ONE to talk to about this. I have kept it a secret from everyone because of how ashamed I am for cheating. I called AccuMetrics today acting like someone who was interested in having a kit sent to them just so I could speak to Harvey because apparently that’s the only way to get a hold of this guy…. But, I asked him how many genetic markers they look at when determining paternity and he never answered me. All he said was they look at several markers (to me several means 3). He placed me on hold and then came back and stated he would recommend me testing the guy I thought was most likely not the father. I then thought to myself, why in the world would he recommend that and who is he to tell who to test and who not to. I’m very aggrivated and I’m concerned that they’re only taking a wild guess, because the first time I called in to have a kit sent to me he asked me if I was testing the guy I thought was most likely the father, and I told him yes I will be using a toothbrush for discreet testing. So, it makes me wonder if maybe he’s making notes of this and telling people what they want to hear. I was reading another forum for the ddc and AccuMetrics reviews on baby center. Here’s the link if you haven’t already seen it just so you can get more insight from other people….
Hi. Yes have seen that forum but nobody is comming back to confirm on there. Most of us here do come back.
Accu- metric tests a few dozen markers. Like 24. These tests are made to exclude, it is easier. But it is weird he is asking if you think this is the father. Heard that from another girl to. I didn’t tell anybody either and going to be induced in 10 hours…
Did you got the results back already?
DDC has paymentplans if you trust them more but i tested with them and i am still very very very worried.
Come here to talk and ventilate. It’s not ok to go through this alone. I almost had a mental breakdown.
I tested with accu metrics. I gave birth on Saturday and cannot tell if my results are correct or not. I ordered a postnatal paternity not from accu metrics should be here in a few days. So in total I should have results in 10 days and I’ll get back to you!!
I still have 4 more weeks but he is on the small side so I wouldn’t be surprised if he is a week or two late. I’m testing the other guy first before retesting my ex.
Hi everyone, I did a prenatal blood test 7 months ago with Viaugard. They took two tubes of blood and swabs from the guy who I was seeing at the time. The results were an exlusion with 98.9%. I reteested at a local lab and the results were correct.
I thought exclusions always where 100% accerate…
Thanks for sharing and enjoy your baby!! Hope it was the result you wanted!
Hi, i had my baby yesterday. I think the inclusion from DDC is correct. The baby doens’t look 100% caucasion. My boyfriend has a different racial background. So i guess they are right.
Congratulations! Hope all went well and you are enjoying your little one. Will you be retesting?
Thanks. Right now i don’t think so. He really looks alot like my boyfriend.
I think i have to look at all the facts:
1: condom with other guy
2: no protection with bf
3: bf inclusion DDC
4: baby looks alot like my bf who isn’t caucasion like other guy
That’s why i don’t want to retest.
AccuMetrics is a scam!!!!!! I even tested with them twice to be sure of the results.. And they were WRONG!!!!!!!
I am so sorry Abby…
Hmm just urs everyone’s else came in their favor
Not just her’s. Look at rippof report. And probably KristanB’s results were wrong too but that i am not sure about.
Hi, i discided to retest. Not sure when. I still have panic attacs abd can’t enjoy anything until i am sure this test was right. Probably will do the postnatal test next week.
Will you retest with DDC or somewhere else? Sure everything will be ok. Let us know how it all goes.
Somewhere else. I’ll keep you updated.
Good luck but I’m sure it will be correct!! But you will feel so much
Better after you get results. I know first 2 weeks after I had her I was
A mess.. Not really so much with doubting results but just feeling guilty
Because husband was looking at her wondering too.. It just sucks for us who
Couldn’t even enjoy pregnancy and then after baby born having to stress
That results are accurate instead of enjoying the best time in our life. Sure wasn’t
Worth that one time we messed up!!! Anyways, thinking of you. Let me know how it
Goes. 🙂
I hope so. If the results are wrong it will kill me… When my baby was born he looked like my boyfriend. But now he is getting whiter and like i said, all baby’s do look the same. I am a mess, realy scared. Hope everything will work out. Maybe i am doubting everything cause i feel guilty too. Just looking like crazy for facial features to compare the baby and him. It is just crazy!
Prenatal Genetics Center also offers a non invasive prenatal paternity test for 990 US. I had a good experience with them
Did the postnatal today. I expect the results somewhere around wednesday. I am really scared…
You will be ok and you’ll feel so much better after. Do you know if anyone has done this test and this is their second pregnancy?
Try to take it easy and relax this week.
I know of people who did but they tested the guy that isn’t the father of the other children. Test is based on cffDNA. CffDNA is gone 2 hours after birth.
I’ll try to relax. Thanks!
Results yet? Hope baby is good! 🙂
Baby is good, thanks!
No results yet. There wasn’t enough DNA (it was contaminated with my DNA) in the sample i sent in from my boyfriend. So i had to sent in a new sample. Results will be ready friday next week.
The DNA markers that they could get from the first sample, after taking out my DNA, was a match but because they couldn’t test all 16 markers they weren’t able to sent in an official report with an conclusive awnser. But they told me everything looks like my boyfriend is the biological father. Hopefully the second DNA sample will be enough to get the report.
Sounds good! Hope your feeling better. I’m
Sure results will be in BF favor! 🙂
I feel a bit better. I am sure i am just paranoïd because i feel so freaking guilty! I will never ever make such a stupid and immature mistake ever again! I don’t know what i was thinking at the time!! So stupid!
I will lett ya’ll know what the result is next friday.
So sorry that it took so long for me to come back and let you all know!! For those of you who are new on here, when I was pregnant I did the prenatal paternity test with Accumetrics first and then DDC to confirm it. I got different answers for each of them. I tested after he was born and DDC was correct!! So if any of you ladies are thinking about testing with accumetrics, it’s 100% a scam!!
I am sorry KristanB. Hope you abd the baby are ok and you found some peace. Wish you all the best.
Hi all- I came across this discussion when I was researching Viaguard Accu-metrics and I thought I would provide my input. I have received my results from Viaguard (prenatal non-invasive test) that was taken in July 2013 and DDC (swab test after my son was born for child support) that was taken February 2014. The Viaguard test results were NOT CORRECT. There were 2 potential fathers and the father who Viaguard said WAS the father, is NOT. They were wrong, and I have a refund on the way (signed a waiver saying I wouldn’t sue them so I could get the money back, by the way. I cannot afford to get a lawyer and the monotony) . Please, if you are wanting to do a non-invasive test, just WAIT until after the baby is born. I never did a test through DDC, it was too expensive for me, and I defiinitely paid the price for viaguard’s “half price test because of high client volume” which is complete and utter bullshit, IMO. This test ruined my life and made my situation way more difficult than it needed to be. If you want my advice, it can wait until the baby is born. I sternly believe Viaguard just “picked” one, since all they sent me was some BS graph that I cannot even decipher. If you want my opinion, if you used Viaguard and validated the results postpartum, you got lucky. What a joke. If you have a question for me about my situation, please feel free to ask.
I had the same issue… SCAM!!!!
Did you send swabs for the fathers? Accu Metrics is a scam
Viaguard was correct for me. Not sure what your problem is
Well, I had my baby boy today and he is just wonderful. He has big pretty eyes that look so curious about everything! It’s hard to tell right now who he looks like but I’m.thinking I’m.only going to test the one guy right now. If he comes back excluded then I’ll ‘re test my ex.
The results of the postnatal rest came today!! DDC was right. My boyfriend is the father. 15 out of 15 markers matched. I am so happy!!! I thank God! I will never make the same mistake again!!
Good luck everybody. I hope it will all work out for you.
So so so happy for you !! Now you can relax, finally! 🙂
Thank you!! Yes, time to relax after all these months. I feel great. We all live and learn!
I’ve been waiting for my results from accu-metrics for about 2 weeks now. They keep transferring me over to another representative to speak too. I was testing at 15 weeks being pregnant. Im now 17.5 weeks, and they STILL haven’t gave me any results! I feel like I’m slowly dying inside ! Please help.
Ask your money back and do the test at DDC. Accumetrics is a scam!!
They were correct for me. Viaguard gave me the correct results
Yeah I know ddc is expensive but if I were you I would test with them! I had to sell
Jewelry and a few other things. I tested with ddc and believe results are accurate.
We are going tomorrow for post natal test though because husband knows.. They told me
Results will be in by Tuesday next week. Will let you know. Good luck. But like DG I wouldn’t
Trust accu metrics.
How many weeks were you when you tested with DDC? I am 10 weeks and 3 days and I go to draw blood on Friday. I am so nervous. The other guy I cheated with is giving me a hard time with agreeing to take the test so I had to make up so long lie to my boyfriend about blood needing to be drawn for something and it also can be used for paternity testing. Ugghh Im so nervous I just cant wait until I get this over with.
Hoping to do the test next Saturday but he is looking more and more like my ex everyday. I guess we will see
Well, the test came back negative for the other guy… So going to test the ex again with the postnatal. My ex is freaking out pretty badly for an innocent party but we shall see.
Have you done another postnatal yet? Hope all is well
Doing it now, the courts are testing my ex first and he is very upset about it. I dont understand why he is upset for testing first…he has even threaten that he will never speak to me again if he is not the father though he has been claiming this whole time he has not been. So stressed out.
Hope all goes smoothly. Let us know how it goes please.
Hey, did you get your postnatal back yet?
did you get your post natal results back?
Got results today- DDC correct. God is good! Like I said before, please
Use ddc if you find yourself in this situation.. Everyone makes mistakes
But fortunately you can be forgiven and live better. I learned my lesson and
Can move on. 🙂 take care
Ohh Congratulations!!! I am very happy for you 🙂
Hope you will have a wonderfull life with you children and husband!
Take care. And thanks for you support! Helped me alot!
Hello Everyone,
I am currently 8weeks and 2 days pregnant. I am looking to do a non invasive paternity test in about two weeks. I cheated once on my bf about 3 days before my doc said i conceived but the guy never even got to ejaculate , and couldn’t stay erect so we just stopped. my bf and i always have unprotected sex and he always ejaculats inside me but the dates are so close that i feel like my bad luck will make pre cumf rom the last guy be the dad. im going to test with DDC for the guy i cheated with. I dont care that is $1625 . I am stressing so much. It will help me enjoy my pregnancy if I know this guys pre cum didnt cause this pregnancy. Will DDC be accurate as little as 9 -10 weeks?
Hi, i did the test when i was 9 weeks. It was accurate! If there isn’t enough fetal DNA you can get a redraw at no cost. Good luck!
That is great. So was yours an inclusion or exclusion. I am only testing the guy im hoping is NOT the dad. Although there is a 99% chance that he isnt, my guilty conscience is eating me alive. I wont get sleep until im sure
I’ve got an inclusion. Yeah it is very stressfull. Bit i think DDC is a legit company. You will be ok. If they are not dure you will not get a result. They will be hounest and retest! I didn’t enjoy my pregnancy because i was schart the results where wrong. Trust the results they give you and enjoy every moment. 🙂
Hello All, I just wanted to chime in on some of the previous conversations and share my experience with DDC and the prenatal paternity test. I recently had the test done back in Feb. and currently waiting to see if my results are accurate. I got the EXCLUSION I was hoping for but after a few months and further research I began doubting the whole thing. I’m not due until late Aug but I promise to come back and confirm my results. Their’s a racial difference between both men so I will be able to tell at birth. Hopefully DDC will also be in my favor and I can move on with past this nightmare.
How long did it take for your results to come back? Its been over a week and i am still waiting. Im getting so nervous and impatient. They advertise within 5 business days and still nothing. Im freaking out
It took 2 weeks to get the actual EXCLUSION the first results didn’t contain enough fetal DNA so I had to give another sample. Another lady from a different forum said it’s almost been 2 weeks for her too and that DDC told her they’re backed up. Hang in there, trust me I understand how frustrating waiting can be.
I got it back. It was an inclusion as I hoped for. I can finally rest. I kind if knew all along that it was my boyfriends but my guilty conscience of cheating has taken over my mind. I am so happy and thank god
That is good news. Try to be at peace and enjoy your pregnancy.
hey , when are you do. was wondering if you retested after birth
That’s great! I’m very happy you got the outcome you were hoping for… I know that relief you feel right now. Good luck with your pregnancy
hey when are you do. i was wondering if you retested after birth
I’m not due until Aug. 28th, my results will be obvious at birth because of racial differences so I won’t be retesting. How are you holding up?
Acc metric is not a fake i did a paternity when i was 14 weeks in july had my baby and git another one through the state and came back as the same as acc metric in my favor and kids looks just like him
I did the test with accumetrics abd they were wrong! Did a court ordered postnatal and the result was different. Scroll back and see how often they are wrong…
Mine was right and I test the guy who was the father
Then don’t be hoe and you want have this problem
Maybe you should get off this forum and get some sensitivity and not make idiotic and mean comments. You have no clue what these peoples lives are like and what’s involved.
I did both a prenatal and a regular paternity test and they were correct. Viaguard is legit… the scam that you hear about are SEO companies paid for by others labs to write evil made up sh*t about Viaguard.
Viaguard is a scam. They were wrong in my case… They guess so they are right 50/50
i would say you got lucky. I mean think about it. Its only 2 results you can get which is inclusion or exclusion. They have to guess right sometimes. Its not like there is 40 possible answers. Viaguard probably flips coins heads or tails. A legit and professional company should not have to explain why their test is $1,000 cheaper than everyone else. Its one of the first things that chinese lady says when you call. Glad your results were right but I sure wouldnt recommend them with their 80 percent bad reviews.
Hello, has anyone had their baby and confirmed their results from DDC?
I can confirm they were right, I tested w them when I was 24 weeks and the guy I tested was an exclusion. My baby was born in January and DDC was right, thank god
Thank u, that’s reassuring.
Hi everyone, I did a prenatal paternity test back in 2013 with Accu Metrics. I was 4 months and tested with the guy who I wanted to be the dad and it came in my favor (97.8%). Well since I been reading that Accu Metric is a scam so I decided to test again but with DDC so the beginning of June of 2014. We did another paternity test for our sake and so we test with DDC and got back (99.9%) the same results as Accu Metrics… 😀
Did anyone get results from Viagaurd accu-metrics over the phone?? I really need help please I’m going insane, anyone????
I received results through email and mailed to home address (after I specifically asked them to not send anything to my home address). What is your question about receiving results over the phone? I spoke with them many times over the phone, some were very nice and professional, one lady was extremely rude and unprofessional.
Accumetrics was wrong in my case this past Feb. It was tragic, they cannot be trusted. If you go back in the postings you can see.
Hey Everyone. Just coming back to see how all is going and if there are anymore confirmations from DDC. I got an inclusion as I was hoping for. I also got a sonogram today and I can already see similarities. i am very confident that ddcis correct. especially since the other guy couldnt even stay erect and didnt even get to finish. total waste and total mistake. How is everyone?
My story, I used a condom with my ex, 2 days later got back together with my bf. I should not have been ovulating until a couple days AFTER sex with my bf. When I found out I was pregnant, my ex NEVER crossed my mind. We used a condom and it really seemed as if he never even “finished”. Months later, my ex finds out I’m pregnant, he counts backwards and says “that’s my baby”. He said the condom broke, and that he ejaculated 3 times. Then when I hung up on him he called back and his story changed to the condom had slipped off. But said that he is 90 to 95% sure that the baby is his. So I started to panic a little. Even though I felt his story was b.s. and figured he was just hating on my happiness. But I let my bf know, and decided to get a test. I first called Viaguard, very good price. But I found it strange that Harvey answers the 800# every time. Like it’s a one man show. But I had him fedex me the kit anyways. I then read every review on probably every site and found a lot of negative and un-accurate results. Whether it be dna or gender tests. Even bad reviews on his youtube videos. I also noticed on the site, it states nowhere that the lab or tests are accredited by AABB or anyone really. So when the kit arrived, I didn’t accept it and just had it returned to sender. After MUCH research, I chose DDC. All the paternity shows on TV use DDC and they have been accredited by many. After 2 weeks I got the inclusion I was hoping for. 99.9% my bf’s baby. Had also gotten a 4D scan which MUCH resembles my bf. I am very confident with my DDC results and would recommend them to anyone looking.
When is your baby due?
The end of next month!
Please come back and let me know how everything turns out. I’m having so much anxiety over giving birth because my results will be obvious due to racial differences. I got an exclusion for my fling who is Asian/Black and my hubby is White and if my results are wrong I’m going to die on delivery table. The fling and I always used protection but I started worrying about if it could have failed. So please come back and share so myself and others can have some reassurance.
I KNOW the feeling lol. I was terrified about even inviting my bf’s family to the baby shower lol. But I did a lot of research and am pretty secure with DDC’s results. I actually contacted a paternity tv show and spoke with 3 producers (trying to get a free test lol) but because my bf didn’t want to be seen and I refused to callmy ex it was a no go. But they did let me know that they go through DDC as well and results from DDC are notarized and legal and good for use in court. Also accredited by AABB and most other shows use DDC as well. And it helps seeing on all of these sites everyones DDC results were correct. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. I’m going to enjoy my shower this weekend 🙂 instead of making note of everything I’d have to give back lol.
Hey did you have the baby? And is so did you retest?
Hey! I did have my little one 🙂 No plans on retesting though. We spent so much on the 1st test. And knowing DDC is the company all the tv shows and talk shows use, and can be used in court, we were confident in using them. My son does look a lot like his father.. Noticeable features. And on top of all that my bf is not going for another test.. He cried through the 1st one. We’ve left that drama behind us. Good luck to you hun!
im so happy for you. same here. I cheated once but the guy never finished and he couldnt even stay erect so we just stopped but when i got pregnant i panicked because my conception date was the same day i cheated. my boyfriend always finished in me , i guess i had the guilty conscience of cheating and starting thinking “precum ” which is the lie they told to high school kids to scare them away from sex.Anyway I chose DDC and told my boyfriend he needed to take blood for genetic testing for a disorder and he came back as an inclusion as i thought. Im enjoying every bit of my pregnancy especially since DDC has never been wrong thus far. Im glad you are relaxing as well 🙂
I’m glad to hear your relaxed, me on the other hand is super paranoid about delivery. My bf jokingly asked me yesterday if I’m 100% sure it’s his baby and I wanted to just DIE. I used protection everytime I was with my fling and I got the Exclusion I wanted but I still feel so uneasy. I can’t find peace and I’m going NUTS! I used DDC but my guilty conscience is just eating away at me and no matter how many accurate results I read and TV shows I watch I won’t feel better until I see this baby with my own two eyes. This is going to be the longest two months of my life. I feel like I’m on death row waiting to get my death sentence reversed lol
Lol I swear to u I felt the same. Breathe hun. I’m confident for you. Maybe a 3d/4d would help?
Thanks, maybe I will get a 3d ultrasound. I wish I wasn’t such a worry wart about everything I’m going to try and relax that was the purpose of having the damn test in the 1st place. Please keep me posted on your delivery and I hope you have a smooth labor
lol you will be fine. Im pretty sure we wouldve been heard about DDC giving false results especially since its damn near a $2,000 test .I would go insane of paying that much money for bullshit results. Accumetrics on the other hand is located in Canada so they are smart. You know how difficult it would be and how long it will take to sue a company all way in Canada. So they get away with their bullshit and only charge like $700 bucks and their website looks fake as hell with all those ads popping up all over the place. Like the saying goes you get what you pay for. Relax girl and get off the death bed. Everyone here that used DDC has got back the correct results. Even the ones who doubted DDC and called bullshit at first. Even Ty. I felt so bad for his situation because he really wan ted the baby and he was excluded and was hoping that DDC was wrong but they of course turned out to be right. rellaaxxxxx lol
by the way when are you due again?
8/28 Thanks for the encouraging words… it’s crazy how some days I’m completely confident and other days I’m a total wreck. I’m going to try and relax and get through these last 66 days. When is your lil bundle due?
Im not due until October 17th I feel like its forevvveerrrr. But yes I was the same way. Cool and calm one day and then freaking out the next but that is completely normal for anyone in our situation. Im glad i got the test because I would seriously be stressing out like crazy if I didnt. I feel so much better and cried when I saw my results. You will be fine. Everyone makes silly mistakes. I think its just your anxiety getting to you and your guilt building up but don’t let it. You have 66 days left . I know the baby shower will really stress you as it will me when I see all the love his family is showing me as well as them being the ones paying for this expensive extravagant baby shower because Im kinda high maintenance lol. Are you going to do a post natal?
No, I won’t need a postnatal because we’re a interracial couple so it should be pretty obvious at birth. Will you be doing another test?
Yes the guilty conscience ate me UP along with the pregnancy anxiety and hormones. I think we all start to think the worst and think of all the what ifs. Glad u got the results u hoped for 🙂
Accumetrics was wrong in my case this past Feb. It was tragic.. .do not use them.
Anxiety building… Hubby’s mom is flying in from out of town and is planning on staying until baby’s born. I’m so nervous. I’m going to have a nervous breakdown with all this guilt on my conscience. I swear I’m going to die if my results are wrong. I couldn’t live with the humiliation.
How close are the dates that you slept with each guy?
3 days apart. The only reason I’m still somewhat sane is because the fling and I used condoms every time and the fact that I used DDC.
giirrllll if you dont breathe lol. You are ok. trust the results. Its DDC. I could understand if you did it with Accumetrics , I would bring the bridge to you of your choice and tell you jump because they are 50/50 but you made the right choice with DDC. You will be ok. You are almost there. hang in there
Lmao… Ok, I’m going to try and relax 43 days to go and then I will be able to put this life lesson behind me. Thanks for the support lady
Please please please retest after doing a prenatal paternity test. Viagaurd gave me incorrect results. If I wouldn’t have retested my son’s father after he was born we would have never known. I was devastated. It was expensive and not accurate. There were 2 fathers tested one was 0 the other was 98% but he was proven by 2 tests through DDC not to be the father. I have proof I hope this is able to help others .
So were your results wrong? Because I’m going through the same thing…
What company did you use ?
Accu metrics is the company I used… I’m not able to eat sleep or function… I’m so scared
I have to be honest with u they do not have positive reviews… I’m not sure how many snps they test if I’m not mistaken it’s a few and ddc and ravgen test many more…. Did u get multiple partners tested ? If u just sent one in the chance is better since there have been speculation that sending in multiple potential fathers can cause a mix up in results
But weren’t your results wrong?
I have yet to find out…. I used ddc and they excluded the person who pulled out which makes sense I’m due next month if I don’t see similarities to my partner or I still have doubt I will be testing again
I am in a similar situation as all of you and I used DDC to test prenatally. They excluded the man who didn’t pull out which to me make no sense.
What do your ultrasounds say ? Were u with the other person multiple times ?
Hi there!
Any baby yet?? Did you ever have your prenatal results confirmed yet?
Hi I see your the most recent one to post on here. I am waiting for my results from DDC I’m due 6/21 when are you due? I can’t help but look online for reviews. I was reading a little bit of everyone’s conversation..I chose to go with them because of them being on maury, cnn and dateline. they are 99.9 accurate not 100% which is whatever I can’t imagine them being in business not giving the correct results. BUT I’m so nervous for my results! I was with someone and then a different partner just days apart…this is very stressful. We’re you with anyone else before the guy who you believe is the father?? I just spent a lot of money and now I’m nervous that you believe yours is wrong 🙁 im just beyond stressed out right now. it would be nice to talk to someone who’s going through the same thing.
Hey Shelly!
I’d be more than happy to talk to you! I’m also talking to a few other women who are going through the exact same thing. Both have had their partners excluded prenatally and then reversed post birth! I’m sure, like yours, mine is a long story! Feel free to shoot me an email at bridget.a.kennedy89@gmail and we can talk further!
The ultrasound and the date of conception all match up to the guy who was excluded. We had been sleeping together for about a year.
I assume the other partner was a pull out then ? Maybe it failed ? If u had been with the one they excluded