What is a non-invasive pre-natal paternity test? 1288

About: Paternity

The Fetal Cell DNA Test

While there are numerous ways to test paternity, many testing laboratories now market a new non-invasive pre-natal paternity test that can be performed as early as 13 weeks into the pregnancy.

This new fetal cell DNA test uses the mother’s blood to isolate the DNA of the fetus and then compares it to the alleged father’s DNA collected from a buccal swab, hair sample or even forensic samples such as a toothbrush, water bottle or chewing gum – no blood sample is required for the would-be Dad . As of the writing of this article, the test runs about $1000 – more if you have multiple paternal samples to be compared – and results can usually be obtained within a couple of weeks.

In theory, this new testing process is a great alternative to the invasive pre-natal tests: CVS and amniocentesis. However, there are some questions regarding the accuracy of this type of test and as a result, some laboratories have declined to offer it until further studies can be done.

Currently, this test is not endorsed by AABB-accredited laboratories and because the father’s sample is not validated, the test would likely not be admissible in a paternity suit.


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