Prenup Forms 5

Do It Yourself (DIY) Premarital Agreement Forms

Prenuptial Agreement Forms (from US Legal Forms)Prenuptial agreements (also called premarital agreements or simply prenups) were previously thought to be a tool employed only by and for the wealthy, but are becoming much more common. If a prenup is something you’re considering, then you have two options: work with a lawyer, or create a basic prenup yourself. For less complex financial situations, an affordable option is available in the form of a prenuptial agreement kit. You can purchase a do-it yourself prenuptial agreement kit tailored specifically for your state.

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from US Legal Forms (from $29.95)

Will a Do it Yourself Prenup Work for You?

Here are some things to consider: Prenuptial agreements are designed to address the various financial concerns that arise during a marriage. Things like spousal support and division of assets are common points that a prenuptial agreement can address. This assumes that all the financial data is openly on the table – that both parties have provided “full disclosure,” and there are no hidden assets.

It is important to know that the court is not bound to honor a prenuptial agreement, especially if it is overtly unfair to one of the parties. When using a package form, you’ll want to make sure that it addresses all of your concerns and allows you the flexibility to customize where needed since you won’t have a family law attorney there to represent your interests. Also see: What a Prenup Can and Can’t Do

In general, do it yourself prenuptial forms can be a great way to protect your assets without facing the potentially expensive process of hiring attorneys to do it for you. If your individual situation is one that is overly complex or if you feel uncomfortable completing the documents on your own, you may want to seek legal counsel before signing anything.


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